we've been making coffee for a long time and there's always been somecommon myths or ideas that people get hung up on yeah there's there's quite a few i thinkmaybe one of the first things that we were talking about earlier was a
best dark roast coffee reviews, these crema myths you really look at a shot and if there'slike beautiful crema with flecking in it then you've pulled the perfect shot but, you know not necessarily. the idea you can diagnose an espresso
just by looking at the crema is a is a little bit short-sightedit misses some things crema is an essential part of good espresso for sure but what colorthat crema is and what its consistency is will depend a lot on the coffee as much asanything i mean you can have a terrible coffeeroasted poorly and get beautiful likeaesthetically pleasing crema out of it, and you can have the themost like lovely you know special complex intricate
coffee around and it'll get just thepalest kinda saddest ghostly espresso crema.absolutely i think one of the best examples of that is italian roasters include robusta into their blends, simply to add thisreally thick, dark crema on top of their shotsso it looks beautiful but if you ever just taste a singleorigin robusta most people would not tell you thattastes like a very good espresso there's also people who will talkabout
there is also the idea that you can choose when to turn off a espressoshot, or when to stop a espresso shot based off of crema and that's another major issue the idea is that once it starts toblonde that's when you need to stop it but that is, its somewhat insane becauseevery single coffee is going to blonde at a different point and thecrema of every single coffee is going to be a little bit different instead by focusing on the recipe, and thebrew ratio paying attention to
your dose and pay attention to youryield, and getting those things like exactly where you want them, that willresult in a much better espresso than just looking at the colorof the crema blonding is a very subjective thing when i think maybe somethings turning blonde maybecharles doesn't think it's turning blonde, and only when we start being able to talk to language thats common like a brew ratio recipe, can we reallystart to share what we think taste good and what we think is right and that allows us to move forwardbecause we can share things
that said, crema color will tell yousome things especially with regards to consistancy if you have pulled the same shot twentytimes and it looks a certain way every singletime and the twenty-first time it's completely different, its probably not any good but it only that knowledge is only important in thecontext of everything else that you know absolutely i mean the major thing that'sgoing to differentiate the color of the crema, is the level ofroast because if you, if you think about ityou're going to get a color of espresso that is based on how dark the beans arein the hopper, so
you know for instance somebody that'sthats roasting really really dark you get these this really dark crema on top but if youare if you're brewing something thats areally light roasted coffee its gonna come out looking "blonde" immediately so, that's the major the major thing also it is should be noted that crema tastes terrible it's one of the least enjoyable parts of drinking coffee and, you know, more crema is notnecessarily going to mean a tastier shot
there's also when people pull a shot of espresso, and they let it sit out, and the crema dissapates theres a common idea that like, once there's a hole in the crema that it doesn't taste any good and that's just simply not true. theresthings happening to that espresso shot as it sits but its not going to be the crema signifying a loss a flavor what will happen is the temperature willchange, and as the temperature changes maybe what flavors we pick up on will change

a lot of the classic ideas behindespresso
like, "super hot cup" you know "everythingjust really hot" has a lot to do with hiding the flavors of bad espresso