hello! we are pleased to announce a newline of business branded as ambetter from mhs healthwisconsin. you have known mhs health as a managed care organization that provides badgercare, medicaid ssi, and medicare advantage special needs plan coverage for wisconsin residents for more than 30 years.

in 2015, we are expanding our productofferings to include commercial insurance plans, called ambetter from mhs healthwisconsin. these new commercial products will beoffered on the health insurance marketplace. ambetter bronze, silver, and gold plans
are designed to fit a wide variety ofhealth needs and budgets. all plans will provide essential healthbenefits and some will include vision and dental coverage. ambetter plans will also featurevaluable member incentive programs, educational tools, and support. we will offer ambetter products on the health insurance marketplace during the open enrollment period fromnovember 15, 2014, through february 15, 2015. ambetter plans will be an option forresidents of the following counties:
fond du lac, milwaukee, outagamie, ozaukee, racine, washington, and winnebago. your relationships with your patients are important. ambetter from mhs health wisconsin isdedicated to helping you establish stronger, longer-lasting connections. we make iteasier for your patients to stay healthier - and for you to provide the best qualityof care. we work and live in your community. we partner with local health careproviders and community organizations to provide care. we offer valued guidance and assistance
to make health insurance accessible. we remove barriers to make it simple toget well, stay well, and be well. we provide well-rounded services and choices to help our members achieve their best health. at ambetter our purpose is to transformthe health of the community one person at a time. whether you've partnered with us before or are just exploring your options,
the affordable care act obamacare,we are committed to working with you to ensure that your patients receive the quality and affordable health care they deserve. for more information about ambetter from mhs health wisconsin,
please visit our website at www.ambetter.mhswi.com.