it's almost touching the ceiling maybe only 2 cm more and... the leaves are slightly droopy the roots are clogging as well have to get it changed next year
best dark roast decaf coffee, and next winter.... now i'm moving it inside the room and around may next year i'll move it back outside
but next winter it surely won't fit inside the room what should i do i don't want to prune it too much maybe i'll take a cutting there's still one year to go i'll think about it as for the yucca just now i've grown it for almost 14 years at first it was this small
now it's grown into something like that i wanted to do a pad thai video today pad thai but i have to go out in two hours and i don't want to film within such limited time so i'll film something simpler: a video about coffee beans the beans i'm roasting today are from manabi
in the andes in ecuador before roasting the beans you need to select... not really select, but need to sort the beans first some are worm-eaten some have moulds and some did not grow into proper shapes as for these
you need to pick them out by hand these here have tiny round holes on them here these are eaten by worms this kind of beans i always remove them don't know if you can see it this one has a green bit
this usually means mould is growing inside the worm-eaten beans therefore those with the tiny 1-mm holes i pick them all out today's beans are of very good quality there aren't so many defect beans this is starting to look like a coffee channel now how should i do it today
let me stop after the first crack not until the second crack make it "full city" this crackling sound is the sound of a "crack" this is the first crack now the first crack has mostly finished should i stop? let me stop
pour the beans out now i'll leave them for a while to cool down when the beans are roasted the skin of the beans called "chaffe" will peel off they will be everywhere the coffee roaster i always use is from "auvelcraft"
according to the user's manual this model can only roast a maximum amount of 200 grams raw beans but i always do 250 grams when the amount is too much there'll easily be unevenness in the roasting for example this one is quite dark but this one is still light though there's unevenness
i just take it as part of the flavour i don't think about it too much when drinking it still tasty as always from my experience the beans don't taste very good on the day of roasting the taste will be much better if you leave it at least for a day on the day of roasting the flavour and the aroma are not very refined

it tastes better from the second day onwards that's what i've always experienced but i'm gonna drink it anyway. today. that's all for coffee