for this video, i’m going to show you howto make homemade microwave popcorn from scratch, that’s delicious, healthy and ready to serve,in a couple of minutes. start with a handful of popcorn kernels, likethe kind you find at the grocery store. you’ll also need salt, olive oil, and a little sugar,if you like it like that. and it’s also a good idea to set a brown paper lunch bagon the counter, because we’re going to need
best popcorn maker for roasting coffee, it in just a second. now for this recipe you’llneed 1/3 cup of popcorn kernels, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. youcould also add 1 tablespoon of sugar and turn it into a sweet and savory kettle corn. nowpour the teaspoon of oil over the popcorn kernels and let it soak down for a coupleof seconds, then plop them all into the brown
paper bag. the salt and sugar go in next,and you can just pour them straight in over top, then fold the bag over twotimes to give it a little crease and hold it all inside. now set the bag on a papertowel in the microwave for about 2:30 that’s the perfect timingin my microwave, but every system is a little different, so play around to see what worksbest for you. when the popping slows to around 2-3 seconds between pops, it’s done. solet it cool for a bit, then give it a quick shake upside down to make sure everything’sevenly seasoned. just like that, you’ve got in instant batch of kettle corn readyto serve. not only is this a fun and easy way to make popcorn, but it’s about as freshas it gets, and doesn’t have any harmful

chemicals to worry about either either. wellnow you know how to make a tasty batch of instant homemade kettle corn, or if you preferyour popcorn salty, just leave out the sugar. that’s it for now. if you like thisvideo, perhaps you’ll like some of my others. check them out at