of course you can boil grounded coffee ina turkish coffee pot. but this requires a stove, which is not always available,is messy, and after that you still have to filter the drink somehow,most probably in a french press. how about making coffee directly in the presspot! first, put in some coffee, a table spoon willbe enough for a small pot.
bru roast and ground coffee, add a teaspoon full or two of sugar, thenpour in boiling hot water. put the press into microwave oven. don't getobsessed with the pot metal parts. now turn on the device, and get you fingerready to press the stop button.

as soon as the foam starts to rise, you haveto turn if off immediately, or
it will cause real mess inside.here it goes, turn off the microwave! remove the pot.now insert the press part, squeeze all the grounds to the bottom.coffee is ready to be served.