♪ (french accordion music) ♪ - (fbe) today you're gonna try this.- okay. i'm kinda nervous. oh. (sniffs) coffee.
caffeine in french roast coffee, - okay. is that coffee? - all right. oi, all right.some coffee beans? - oh yeah, it smell like some coffee. - (fbe) we're gonna have youtry a few different types of coffee
and have you tell uswhat you think of them. - outstanding. all right. i'm game. let's do this, 'cause i did nothave coffee this morning. - this is great. i need to geteducated on my coffee. so this will be a good experience for me. - there are some good-tasting coffee. sometimes at work, we'll have, like-- they'll come out with the fancyturkish coffee or cuban coffees. some taste more floral.some taste more earthy.
and blah, blah, blah. - this seems... too nice, like too good.i'm a little bit wary. i know not to trust you guys. - (fbe) here is your first coffee.- all right, and it's warm. smells good. that's kinda bland. i'm notreally getting anything out of that. - this tastes really good. - that's instant coffee, huh? - i'm tasting more waterthan the actual coffee flavor.
- it's pretty good. i couldprobably drink this whole thing. - it's too light. it's not heavy enough. - if you don't like coffee,this is really good beginner coffee. i'm also gonna be really madif i like coffee after this. this is very lovely. - (fbe) this coffee was from mcdonald's.- oh shit. people like that? - oh. right. of course.i should have known. hence why it's so watery.
- seriously? oh, all right. i don't have a problem where it's sold. as long as it tastes good, i'll drink it. - (fbe) here is your next coffee. - this one look a little darker. - this smells dirtier. (sighs) i'm liking coffee. - it's a lot better than the first one. - ucch. that's a no.
- it's a little more bitterthan the one from mcdonald's. - it tastes like it's been sitting in the coffeemaker for a little bit. - i would guess starbucksjust from the bitterness. - (fbe) so this coffee was from starbucks. - oh my god, i'm very disappointed. - i would drink that cupother than mcdonald's cup. - it's not bad. it's okay. at least there is some flavor to it.
- everybody will like this coffee,the non-offensive coffee. - it's not terrible as, you know,the coffee lovers say. 'cause if you talk to a coffee lover, "oh, starbucks coffee, oh my god." this is all right. - (fbe) here is your third coffee. - (retches) getting that, like, burnt flavor. - mm-mm.
this one is stronger than the starbucks. - this is a step up, for sure.you can smell it. that's good. i like that one.that's actually really smooth. - ooh. that one's pretty strong.ooh. i'm awake now. - i like it. i like it. it's quality. - i didn't like that one. it just tastes really bitter to me.
- (fbe) this coffee was calleddeath wish coffee. - don't know them. - they bill themselvesas the most caffeinated coffee in the world, with six timesas much caffeine as a regular cup. - holy crap! it's a bit bitter. i would probablyadd a crapton of stuff to it. - oh, jesus christ. i'm gonnastart flying out of here. (chuckle) - it should have a little warning label: "don't give this to your children."
- wow. here we go. (sniffs, sips) (swallows) it's a real mild roast, it seems. that would be somethingi would definitely drink. - mm. it doesn't seem as strongas the one i just drank. but it doesn't seemlike it's starbucks level.
- that one smells funny. this one has-- ewm. that's weird. i don't like that one. - it's okay. it wouldn'tbe my first choice. it kinda tastes like folgers. - it tastes pretty smooth and balanced. i can taste a little roast, but it's not as strongas the last one definitely. - (fbe) so this coffee was kopi luwak,
also known as cat poop coffee.- cat poop coffee? (slides cup away) - (chuckling) i don't want to knowwhy they call it that. - it's called that becausethe coffee berries are first digested through a catlike animal called a civet. - that's just so disgusting.who came up with that idea? - very gross. no thank you. - that's hilarious. i'm drinkingout of a cat's asshole.
- did i just drink some cat poop? i don't think i'll be drinkingthis to stay up anymore. (chuckles) - (fbe) okay, last coffee. - gosh. i'm scared now. what's gonna be worsethan the cat shit coffee? nope, i don't like this one. it tastes kind of like old coffee. - (sips)
that one's actually not bad.maybe i will drink this one. - gross. i don't want to say uriney, 'cause i'm afraid after that last one. - this was smooth. but still when it went downmy throat, it felt strong. i like it. it's really good. - (disgusted groan) that onedid not taste good at all. - it's my least favorite.
it just really tastes like shit. - (fbe) this coffeewas black ivory coffee, also called elephant dung coffee.- wow. so it's really a special blend. - (fbe) it's made from arabica beans,which elephants consume. and then the beansare collected from their waste. - gross, but okay. - (sighs) what's up with poop, you guys? - that's cool. um,tastes like shit though.
- before i knew where it came from,it was still not good. - god, why do people need--why? why, people? - honestly, i could've justdowned this whole thing. - (fbe) which coffeeof the five you tried today do you recommend people drink?- the death wish one. - mcdonald's, i thought, was fine. - i'd just say get a starbucks. - don't judge me. the elephant poop. - mcdonald's was my favorite.
it tasted like coffeebut wasn't too crazy. - i would choose the elephant poop. these poops taste kind of wonderful. - i like the death wish. it just seemed likeit's more full of coffee flavor. can't really go wrongwith a good cup of coffee. - i will go with starbucks. you don't have the elephant one. like, i'm positive they won't like it,
'cause it really does taste like shit. - thanks for watching us drinkpoop coffee on the react channel. - please subscribe. we havenew shows every single week. - deuces.

- hey guys, i'm katie,a react channel producer. thank you so much for watching. leave a comment to let us know what else the adultsshould be trying next time.