hey guys, matt here from luckyvitamin andtoday i want to talk to you about my lucky pick, bulletproof coffee. bulletproof's coffee beans are actually harvestedfrom passive organic estates in central america without the use of any chemicals at all, soherbicides, pesticides, etc. i like to try and stick to around one cupof coffee a day and bulletproof allows me
dark roast coffee less caffeine, to do this. i never find myself needing anythingelse after lunch or the second half of my day. the original bulletproof coffee which i havehere, uses a nice medium roast, which in my opinion, perfectly balances the beans naturalflavors with the flavors that come out of
the roasting process. my fiance used to be a barista, so she's reallypicky with her coffee, like really picky and she's really in touch with her taste whenit comes to coffee. i brought home the bulletproof to try withouttelling her, made a pot, and to my relief she really liked the medium roast, so it passedthe fiance barista test. medium and lighter roasts usually maintainmore of the caffeine content so the darker roasts oftentimes have a bolder flavor andless acidity but bulletproof's medium i think is a great balance. it really doesn't have that much acidity.
i only take it with a little cream, but evenblack, that acidity isn't there so it makes

for a nice, smooth cup every time and againwithout sacrificing any of the caffeine content or the flavor. that's why i really like bulletproof coffeeso give it a try yourself. tell your friends, tell your family and rememberto spread the wellness.