hi everyone!a few words about caffeine caffeine is contained in arabica, robusta and other species of coffee caffeine helps the coffee tree defend itself against certain bugs and insects that don’t like caffeine robusta contains the most caffeine of all coffee species –â 2.5-3% arabica has 1.2-1.3%liberica has the same content as arabica
does dark roast coffee have less caffeine, there is another arabica variety called laurina which has a mere 0.5% caffeine content but the species eugeniodes, for example, contains only 0.2% eugeniodes is arabica’s mother and is also a species of the genus coffea another species is robusta which is arabica’s father
so arabica is right in the middle between eugeniodes which has 0.2% caffeine content and robusta with 2.5-3% so arabica has 1.2-1.3% there are around 120 species of coffee known today these include arabica, robusta, eugeniodes and many others around half of these grow in madagascar the interesting thing is that the species of coffee that grow in madagascar have no caffeine in them recently, a unique species of coffee was discovered called coffea charrieriana this species was discovered in west africa and like the species from madagascar it also has no caffeine sometimes caffeine is removed artificially from coffee. this is called decaffeinated coffee or decaf
caffeine content in the beans does not change depending on the roast level there is one trick, however dark roasted beans weigh less

but they still contain as much caffeine as lighter roasted coffee so if you need, say, 20 grams of coffee for your brewing method you will need fewer light roasted beans than dark roasted hence, your cup of dark roasted coffee will contain more caffeine see you in future videos!