howâ´s it going everyone? danny devito here. "iâ´m the trash man. i come out, i throw trash all over- all over the ring and then i start eating garbage."
does dark roast mean stronger coffee, so iâ´m getting a lot of emails, a lot of messages recently asking me "pyro, can i use your content? can i use your video in my video?" and my answer to all of them is pretty much yeah.
go for it. you know if you havenâ´t monetized it, if you want, itâ´s not like iâ´m gonna be stingy about it. i mean to be fair when i made montage parodies, i swear like 80% of the video was just jontron clips. "oh well iâ´m coming, i j- iâ´m don- done here, iâ´ve filled my purpose, i- i ainâ´t need to see no more shit down here." so itâ´d seem really hypocritical of me if i were to say no, you canâ´t use my content, so. but unfortunately when people use my content,
they also use it for a dark side. for pyrocynical hate videos. iâ´ve collected some of them today and weâ´re just gonna give them a watch. "pyrocynical." also, if anyoneâ´s noticed like that constant buzzing noise that isn't like an error in the editing or anything. that's legitimately the noise you hear the entire video. it's like the fucking genocide ending for undertale.
"pyrocynical, more like psychtynical. get rekt faggot." my sources confirm that that was the biggest roast of 2016. every negative thing thrown at me this year has been completely nullified by that absolutely amazing roast. that was just- that was beautiful.
i should just shut down my channel right now cause that roast was way too intense. "fuck you, i hate you! fuck you, i hate you just leave youtube leave youtube fuck you i hope you *not understandable bullshit* fuck you"
i don't know why near the end of the video, but his throat just started melting, like i can't even understand anything he was saying. he was just like, screaming and moaning for me to delete my channel. i mean, if we- if we wanna sit down and have a peace talk about me being kicked off youtube, go for it. but uh, if you're just gonna make a video where you sound like you're cutting your throat open while you're talking i'm probably not gonna understand you and not care. honestly.
but that's the end of that one video and he probably died after that, to be honest. he did sound like he was in a great amount of pain, so uh, rest in pace anonymous child that hated pyrocynical. also on a little side note before we jump into the next video, i got another email today and someone has literally turned me into a boss fight in undertale. thank you?
i'll leave a link to the video in the description if you wanna uh, go and check it out for yourself. now the second video we're gonna be checking out is called "pyrocynical exposed - he is fake and gay and a scammer". so a- already he's roasted me multiple times with the title alone, you know. i don't really know where i'm going with this. thi- this kid's clearly got me nailed on the cross and he's just gotta deliver the final blow. i mean in the thumbnail alone, it looks extremely intimidating. you know,
wearing the whole onesie outfit and stuff- fucking cookie monster onesie... "hey guys, i'm era and i am a fucking t-rex. rawr." i need a moment. fuck. i ne- i need a moment, guys. fuck, this is actually next level cringe. this is actually- this guy's pulled it off, we're going into a new meter.
like, this is some kind of like irony cringe, but it's somehow infected me. oh god. oh wow, there's goosebumps on both my arms. oh, that's really weird. am i- am i gonna die? i mean re- am i safe? am i safe to talk about this? also, there's just a few questions i wanna ask, right. why has he got the far cry 3 rakyat war painting on his face?
why is there a hello kitty printout in the background? why is he wearing a cookie monster onesie? and why does he have star wars cereal in the corner of the screen? there's literally no correlation between any of these. i don't get it at all. "so um, i'm sorry for bein inactive the last few days. like
um, i've been watching american horror story and i'm fucking hooked, like-" even the way he eats is just so weird. who eats like this? it's like he's about to starve to death and this is like the last food on planet earth. who eats like that? "like um, so to make up for you now, to make a video for today,
i've made a very special video for you guys. it's about a youtuber i used to love, but now nah." oh shit, guys. i've annoyed possibly one of the biggest pyrocynical fans in his room, in his cookie monster onesie, eating star wars cereal... "today i want to talk about something that made me fucking angry. super fucking angry." yeah guys, i'm just so angry
and annoyed. this is slowly draining my sanity. i feel like this is just dark souls 2 all over again. this is dark souls 2 in a video form. it's just punishment. y-y- you get no reward from it. it's just punishment. "so to make up for you now, to for you guys. it's about this youtuber-" "now my eyes are open and
i see that he's actually a fuckin faggot." "fucking faggot" can you please mind your language? this is a family friendly show. how- how dare you? how dare you? i invite you onto this show and you use foul language like that. like calling me a 'fucking faggot'. how dare you? disgusting.
"like, he hates gay peole because he keeps using the word fag or gay or faggot as an insult. like, the faggoty fucking idiot." so he just said to me i'm apparently homophobic because i say 'fucking gay' quite a lot. what did he just call me ten seconds ago? yeah, i think that pretty much makes your argument void there, buddy. just saying. "he also scammed me so many fucking times.
like, you know at the end of the video he promises stuff if you like it and like, where the fuck is my weed man? or my drugs and my fucking weighing skill to destroy?" listen here, mate. i am honest with my like goals if you like the video to get a weed, i distributed a weed. i sent you a genuine weed to your house. it's not my fault if the authorities got a hold of the weed and
destroyed it. i've had many satisfied customers contact me and say "thank you, pyrocynical. my single a weed arrived today at my house." your boy, pyro never fails to deliver a weed. "you're even worse. like fucking sofloantonio and leafy, like what the fuck are you thinking?" he literally just compared leafyisqueer and soflobignose. i- i don't see the correlation there at all.
one of them's a prankster and the other's an internet sensation, so hi- his argument is just derailing at this point, let's be fair. wha- what's he even talking about? like, he's gotta stop every five seconds to drink his fucking monster energy drink. you know, it's like eight o'clock at night. everyone's gone out to a party and he's in his room saying how much he hates pyrocynical. "you fucking british twat,
you probably suck leafy's fat cock when he isn't busy fapping to filthy frank or h3h3." to be honest, i'd probably rather taste leafy's penis than watch this entire video. this is a very painful experience. it's like a roller coaster that uh, cuts your arms off midway, so you're just sitting there with stubs for arms, screaming while all the blood's pouring out everywhere. you know it's- it's a really fun experience, guys. bring your kids. what has this video derailed into?
i'm- i'm so confused at this point. he started off by insulting at me and saying that i'm a bad youtuber and i'm terrible. but now he's just doing like a genuine food review with his star wars cereal. he's just pouring monster energy drink in it. like, am i watching joey's food review? "hi everyone, it's joey from joey's super cool food reviews."
"i'm back" "i'm not pyro. fuck you pyro. you're a fucking faggot. i wanna fuck you in the ass. but uh, please subscrooble. rawr" so somehow the video's derailed even further than i thought. he starts off by saying i'm terrible, then he does a mini food review and then he say's he wants my ass.
so uh- that video was definitely all around the place. you know, i don't really think it had any like, direct narrative to it or anything. but i'm- i'm down for the last part, definitely. even though uh

that's pretty fucking gay. be sure to comment down below what you want me to talk about next. one like equals one kiss on the cheek from joey food review.