13 myths you still believe about fast food 13. mcdonald’s burgers don’t decay- for yearsmany people have argued that mcdonald’s hamburger patties don’t rot and it mustnot be real meat. however, it’s true that while they don’tdecompose as you’d expect, it does eventually
does light roast coffee have more caffeine than dark roast, decay with time. since the burger patties don’t retain alot of moisture after being cooked, they naturally dry out when left in open air. for mold to form, the burger must be moistand be in a somewhat hospitable climate.
most likely after the burger dries out itshrinks to a small size and of course that the meat is nearly sterile due to the highcooking temperature, which isn’t all that surprising since that’s how beef jerky ismade. overall a mcdonald’s burger decays at thesame rate as a regular patty would. 12. mountain dew kills sperm cells- many men havestopped drinking mountain dew for this reason alone. however, this claim is just a well fabricatedurban legend. while it’s true, many health experts havefound a link between drinking high doses of
caffeine and sperm count, consumption of mountaindew won’t lower your sperm count. a sperm’s ability to move can be sloweddown after four cups of caffeine a day, but you have had to drink about eleven 12 ouncecans of the soda to have a similar effect. aside from soda, other factors like hormonalimbalances, genetics, and environmental factors should be considered in low sperm count. 11. white castle doesn’t use real onions- manyfast food lovers kept the rumor mill churning after an internet rumor said the onions inwhite castle burgers aren’t onions at all. so what are they?
it was believed that it was actually smallpieces of cabbages saturated in onion juice. this ridiculous myth just doesn’t make sense,but white castle did address all the fuss. white castle admits in their faq that theyuse real onions and in fact, they are dehydrated onions. the company has been doing this since worldwar ii due to the short supply. this process made it easier to ration, andthey rehydrate when placing them in the burgers, so this rumor is laid to rest. 10. fast food equals automatic obesity- this isa common misconception and eating fast food
alone isn’t the only thing that contributesto weight gain. plus, different levels of obesity need tobe correctly attributed to determines the extra pound. factors like genetics, metabolism, exerciseand food choices all account for someone’s body. it’s common knowledge that fast food isn’tthe best food option to resort too, but eating it every day can lead to health problems. while fast food doesn’t automatically makesomeone fat, consumption should be in moderation and opting healthy food choices.
9. arby’s meat comes in liquid form- you probablyheard wild stories that arby’s meat is shipped to restaurants in gel form, then molded intomeat after it arrives. it's obvious this outlandish claim is false,and the meat is created from different pieces of meat. it is placed into bags and boiled and steamed. next time you’re at arby’s look a glanceat the meat, you can see the muscle tissue. now if you order the roast beef, you won’tbe able to see it because it was once slurred down and cooked in a solid mass.
this is a standard process, and meat in thisform can even be purchased in grocery stores. 8. dine-in restaurants are healthier than drivethrus- many people believe that sit-down restaurants are a healthier option than going to a fastfood joint because the food is cooked after you order it and it hasn’t been sittingout for hours. plus there are healthier food options, soit evens out right? well back in 2014, a drexel study revealedthat full combination meals have more calories than the daily recommendation. also, there’s all that complimentary breadand small appetizers that come along with
your meal. to cut to the chase, if you’re trying tocut down on calories and want healthy food choices, you might need to cook your mealat home for yourself. 7. fast food salads are wholesome- newsflash,just because you opt for a salad instead of ordering a number five at burger king doesn’tmean it’s any healthier. yes, you eliminated the salty french friesand the sugary diet coke, but don’t get tricked into the whole salad crusade fastfood places are trying to sell you. aside from the lettuce, you have cheese, selectmeat and a whole lot of dressing; and i'm
mean your salad is coated in dressing. salads also tend to have considerably morefat content, calories, sodium, and sugar. next time you’re thinking of choosing asalad at a fast food joint, looks at the nutrition label and see for yourself. 6. mcdonald’s eggs are fake- mcdonald’s eggmcmuffins are a tasty and quick pick me up for breakfast plus it’s inexpensive. throughout the years' many people are stumpedat the egg shapes and taste. not to worry, mcdonald’s eggs are real,and they come from chicken farms, where the
eggs are fresh. once a hen lays an egg, it is shipped offthe restaurant that same day. the eggs are cleaned, weighed and separatedfor use. the bigger ones are used for the sausage andegg dish while the smaller ones are used in other breakfast plates. the iconic shape is formed by using a ringmold to create a perfect silhouette each time and any defective egg is discarded. 5. diet soda is better than regular soda- accordingto lisa r. young, author of the portion teller
plan sugar-free soda isn’t healthier thanregular pop. she states the false sweetness in the drinkcan be an issue as the brain believes that sweetness means calories are flowing intothe body and can spark a metabolic action in the body. this can lead to increase in weight gain aswell as diabetes, the risk of heart attacks and a stroke. plus soda drinkers overall do not compensatefor the extra calories by eating food with fewer calories. chances are you’re still going to grub downa cheeseburger and fries with your diet soda.
4. taco bell’s beef is only 35 percent meat-i’m sure you’ve heard of rumors saying that taco bell’s beef is only 35 percentmeat, so what’s the other 65 percent? the restaurant’s seasoned beef is 88 percentnatural beef and 12 perfect filler ingredients. while that may still turn a few heads, that’sbetter than most fast food restaurants. the filler ingredients contained in the meatis to make it sweeter and don’t worry; it’s edible and safe. other safe additives include oats and sodiumphosphates to ensure texture. there’s also torula yeast to give the beefa savory taste and lactic acid to regulate
the acidity to achieve flavor. 3. darker coffee means more caffeine- grabbinga cup of coffee on the way to work is a lifesaver if we have a long day ahead, but just becauseyour cup of joe is black doesn’t mean twice the caffeine. in fact, lighter roasted coffee will giveyou a bigger caffeine boost than super black coffee. coffee beans start out being green but willturn darker in the roasting process. the darker a bean becomes, the more caffeineis lost in the procedure.
so lighter roasts mainly retain their caffeinecontent. however, weight and measurement play a rolein your batch. one scoop of dark roast will have a few morebeans meaning more caffeine since light roast coffee is smaller and denser when exposedto heat. overall, nothing beats a good cup of coffee! 2. fast food is cheapest choice- this is definitelyuntrue. although dollar and value menus are an excellentcommodity and may only be less than five dollars, if you add it all up it can be pricey.
an average combo meal at mcdonald's costsaround 6 to 7 bucks. a family of five eating at mcdonald’s willcost at least $30. thirty dollars can get you much more at thegrocery store, plus home cooked meals are half the price. while fast food may be accessible on the goand cheap at the moment, overall, in the end, it just racks up. 1. eating a lot of fast foods leads to addiction-several people speculate that eating fast food can result in dependency due to the addictivechemicals and ingredients fast food places
sprinkle in their food. while most people know this isn’t true,it’s safe to say that fast food companies do not do this. two factors play a fundamental role in makingany food taste pleasurable.

the way and sensation of how food feels andtaste in our mouth plus some fats and carbs in the food light up sensors in the brainmaking up feel happy. plus, the smell of fast food triggers feelingsthat came when you ate it, so while it may not necessarily lead to addiction; it doeslead to mouth-watering cravings.