20 myths you still believe but shouldn't!## growing up my parents always told me if i didn't finish my rice it would be coming back on it will become a freckel on my face my channel and if you're new around here
does medium roast coffee have more caffeine, this will be either a pleasant or not pleasant surprise i'm not sure huh not just kidding hug.. so today i'm taking 20 really common myth
and debunking them and let you know what's up i got you and i found this out some of them i was just like no magic card pot of me still refuses to believe somebody and i love her yes do me a huge favor and let me know how many things you believe down bueller like what was your score i've ever tell you guys which 1i believe during the video up on the
fan yet he already i encourage you guys enjoy it closely bullet just click the subscribe button right now doing it thank you giveaway for my family and that is for your macbook air to enter it is so simple you just gonna do two things i wanted to be part of the family which makes it and seriously put on the blood which is subscribe to my channel
and its link down below for you guys and i have a bonus giveaway entries and that is linked in the description welcome back guys can't wait to send it to you know my gosh guys and get this video to a hundred fifty thousand like that would be amazing i know you guys know because you're awesome shape every single like that you got to me thank you guys so
much so without further dirt let's get straight to the video let's get so when i was growing up i was told that shaving made my hair grew back pickup is research get to shave my hair because i was worried i was gonna turn to chewbacca the neck but thankfully this is not true
some people still believe this myth was shaving actually does is cut out the thinnest part of the hair in the tapered point and it just goes back more on even with a choppy edge and that's why it seems thicker when you touch it the actual hair itself isn't thicker at all so if you wanted to shave your upper lip
legs your arm hair or any other hair your body you're right ahead it ain't gonna go max i may believe that you can never wake up a sleepwalker because they can harm them this is completely not true let's meet early orientating for them to be working up out of this sleepwalked but it's actually more dangerous for the person
that wake them up because they're more likely to get a slap in the face from the aura of them opening the eyes sometimes they can actually be dangerous to know a couple sleepwalker especially if you notice that they're going to be doing something harmful it is that we use only ten percent about
brains and people that believe this myth think that if we can figure out a way to use more about brains we can be like super intelligent or develop superpowers i really wish this myth was true because i really wanted super powers especially the power of telekinesis science is showing that we pretty much use all of our brains sometimes might be
less active than others but there is no pop that's doing absolutely nothing at any one time did you ever told you how bad curtis for you and you think example a few even tube in a classical quick overnight the to cool completely disintegrates heads up if you have again this is not true if you have to overnight you'll still be there in the
one that money from the tooth fairy i mean there are plenty of other good reasons to stay away from soft drinks but this isn't one of them i'm sure a lot of you guys including me have been told not to get too close to the tv or monitor or also damage your eyes and only to show side of this myopia at glasses eyeglasses anyways and today i
found out that it is a myth opthamologist has a great this practice does called temporary strain to be either a usually doesn't cause any long-term problems if you're short-sighted chances are you're always gonna be short sided you watch tv too closely or not i've heard the myth that cats have
always land on their feet i think for the most part it's true because this at all that could take their body midair and land on their feet i have two super cute kitties and i know for a fact that they're clumsier than what the story's make you believe i've literally seen them slip and fall onto this size when they're not paying
attention but they always look what you like what i meant to do that pretty much every single cartoon growing up bulls get angry at red that's why they shot at the matadors who wave around the red capes right wrong in fact the bold can't even see the color red actually colorblind to read the truth is i'll try to anything that's
moving around in front of them regardless of the color if you have a truck we've been angry bull by making small movements and not running around like a crazy person because i think that's number one way to get them to chase i vetoed that i have a memory of a goldfish which is literally like what
three seconds so i've been told i memory of a goldfish which is literally like what three seconds this is amit and is actually untrue that is actually a goldfish to remember things for up to five months which i think is a better memory than i have no fee i've always features get to crack my joint in fact i'd avoid it because i
think it causes off brightest but apparently there isn't a single shred of truth to it it's mainly just to scare you from doing it the crack away no kidding oh wow that's just crap but i'm not going to get a ride i'm sure you have the old heard that sugar makes you hyper active but guess what
this is not true sometimes it really does seem true because i swear that i get really really energetic after i have some sugar has actually being sure to have nothing to do with hyperactivity effect we see is actually puts a very close by adults and other kids around out that doesn't mean you should go around eating lots of sugar before
better anything because sugar has a number of negative health effects that are definitely not me i've always believed that i'm fine with super smart but apparently something's going around saying that he was actually a really bad student i knew you didn't brush his teeth but the truth is he was always brilliant at school he would
always score one out of six one being the top grade one time he scored six which is usually a fail but it was actually because the school randomly reverse the grading system so six was actually the top grade so he has always being a class a student according to emit a penny drops from the empire state building it can kill a
person below all crackly concrete in reality a penny is not heavy enough together and not speeding while dropping off the imposter building because it anyways two and a half gram it will actually spin as it fold and the wind resistance will actually slow down too much for it to kill anyone or cracked the concrete at most if it hits you
it'll just kind of put a bit but that doesn't apply to heavier objects like screws or bolts either way it's still got a good idea to restoring things off tall buildings because you're still litari thomas edison was often said to have invented the lightbulb but actually use the first person to paint it and make it a commercially viable product
but actually the first person to make a working wife was a guy named humphry davy in 1806 which is 73 years of before thomas edison did it testing the broke people believe that doctors copy has more caffeine than a medium or light works papi i can understand how this one came about because doctors has stronger flavors and
bitterness that could lead to people believing that it has more caffeine but the jets flavor is actually due to the longer roasting time not the amount of caffeine that's in the coffee in fact they actually have a very similar level of caffeine so you should just speak one that seems to take and i always think that sit-down
restaurant a much healthier than fast food restaurant doesn't make many restaurants would love for you guys to believe studies have shown that people that sit down at restaurants tend to consume more calories sodium and just as much fat as people that take food out on the girl the truth is you should live in eating
out in general but if we do choose to do it you should do your homework about where you're eating a lot of fast food chains now have a lot of nutritional information out in the open and have lots of healthier and vegetarian options as well so it may not actually be a bad idea if you choose likely have you guys ever been told that you should wait half
an hour after eating before your finger swimming it was quite a common belief in the past and some people still believe it today people were worried that eating diverted blood from your muscles to your stomach so that your arms and legs would cramp up and that would lead to drowning but that's a total myth and there's never been a single documented case of
this ever happening also you may feel a little bit sleepy after you eat which happens to me all the time i hold this free kuma but i shouldn't stop you from us swimming so go ahead and swim away if you'd like you need and don't be in my head more from work equals better grades but this is actually not true it
is definitely more about quality than the quantity of horror studies have found that homework does benefit you to some degree after a sudden tipping point it actually does the opposite because at that point the heart actually makes you feel more stressed and it gives you a negative association with learning and studying which in the long time does
actually works for you haven't you found that when you're forced to do something you simply just don't like it you try and procrastinate but when you do something for yourself you feel super motivated this is kinda like the same idea most important thing to remember that is less about the homework and more about your love of learning and growing
why don't you give people believe that you need less sleep as you grow older i don't know why you think this but a lot of people say this as a matter of fact however research has shown that no matter how old you are you still need the same amount of sleep and the reason why you my sweetness as you get older is because you tend to that
more during the day and sleep less at night now all of us lazy clones have an excuse to sleep more but of course don't oversleep because that is super bad for you as well so you get the right amount of sleep for your body which is usually around seven to eight hours a night that's different for everybody ever swallow cum i freaked out and some
people say that you will stay inside of you for seven years and that doesn't sound cool to me so i definitely to recommend you guys to go and swallow your gum but if you accidentally do don't worry it's not going to stay inside you for seven years that is not true what is true is that you cannot fully digest the gum but
don't worry within a couple of days you should be able to keep it out along with the rest of the things you ate i'm sorry to ruin your appetite just letting you guys how many of you guys have we told that if you go outside without a jacket and it's super chilly that you're gonna catch a cold
i've been told is like pretty much all the time like my parents every single time i go out this is just kind of this old wives tales being possum generation to generation but not really kind of sit down and think about why that is and medically speaking you actually can't catch a cold from being cold or wet cold come from viruses that are airborne and
i passed through a sneezing or touching or being contact with someone that already has a cold virus it just happens to be a coincidence that these occur more often in the colder seasons however i still recommend you guys we're a little bit more when it's cold out and not go ahead likes inglis and shorts because for me it's just really
uncomfortable oh my gosh guys how crazy with a damn it's like i still believe some of them i thought that it wasn't true you have a

show with me during the week don't forget to hang out with me on my social thanks for watching guys. if you liked my video dont forget to like and subscribe for more content, see you next time