*woopsh* top o' da mornin' to ya laddies! my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to a game called sara is missing... or sarah, s-a-r-a i don't know how to pronounce it, i'm just gonna
eight o clock french roast whole bean coffee, say sera, so the premise of the game is that i have found a girls' phone. uhm... well, presumably sara's phone. i have
found it and sara is missing and i have to try and piece together information on where she is, based off what's in the phone. i don't know if that's creeper level territory or if i'm a police officer or... what. but we're just gonna roll with it and assume good things about it. so... slide to unlock! remember when they had 'slide to unlock'
on the phone? yeeeaahh, new updates they get rid of it for some reason system failure. your device ran into a problem and needs to reset do you want to restore your device into an earlier time? if you'd like to know more you can search online for this uhhh yes i do.
restoring home screen okay... interesting restoring iris oh it's siri backwards *jack laugh* that's clever oh it's the camera! oh nevermind then, i'm *giggle*
i thought there'd be more-- fuckin jesus what was that?! holy fuck okay.. probably should've mentioned from the outset that this is somewhat of a horror game okay um
ok what the fuck is going on may 1st, 2016 let's get into iris welcome back, sara this phone appears to be damaged and.... you don't appear to be sara. have we met?
ohh okay i'm not sara so i have to pick i thought i had to type it out i knew it couldn't be that clever would you kindly return this property back to sara young? you know where she is? so this is what the game is
i have to go through the messages and piece together where sara is based on your response i assume she is not with you i don't even know her it seems that the last video she took implies that she is in danger would you like to watch it and help me verify? first off you're not very secure secondly i wish phones had that level of a.i.
yes of course please don't spook me oh god this is cool! i hear footsteps *sara scared whimpering* *more whimpers* oookay?
is there other ones? oh that's cool i can actually scrub through the video neato!! oo o0o this is the only file left at this moment the rest of the content seems to be deleted or intentionally damaged intentionally damaged?
how much can you fix? okay! you and me iris we're gonna get this phone back in working order we're gonna get we're gonna find out where sara is she might be dead it appears that only 14.3% of this device is operational i think sara is in trouble
sara looks like she needs our help show keyboard? oh i can actually write out shit oh cool! so iris isn't a camera then this looks like an aperture like a shutter okay uh ssss
uh looks like she needs our help let's go with that one it's kinda laggy yes it would appear to be so i am this mobile's intelligent recognitive iconolatry uhh system
whatever "iris" for short it is in my best interest and in your good conscience to locate her immediately why do you want me to help find sara? why do you care? why do you want me to help you find sara? you're a piece of software she is my owner i want to make sure she is safe it is my prime directive
directive? eeevaaa *jack chuckle* you want? oh yeah "i want to make sure she is safe" you sound human yeah! is this actually iris or is this some sort of person
on the other side talking to me? yes~ i want we are wasting precious time here hold on a second will you help me find sara? this said "offline" for a second or am i just seeing things? it says processing and then offline
but now it says online 'cause i'm talking to it i guess see "offline" processing...offline is that just the w-- is that just the games way of saying online means now i can actually put in an input wait now it says offline
i'm confused still at 23% battery though my phone is going crazy in real life i need to restore as much of the contents in this phone as i am able to press press the back button then tap and hold anywhere on the homescreen to proceed ok wait
i wanna look at my memos find clues in sara's phone which might reveal where she is damn i believe i can recover some of this phone's data do it! go for it iris! we're in this together would you like me to restore them now?
well deeehhh i'm starting the restore process now still don't trust this iris but i'm curious as to what the hell is going on remember you can tap and hold at any part of the phone to ask me for help with anything ok got it but if it is something out of my capabilities i will let you know with a beep
ooh messages restored mail restored ooh gallery my phone glitched failed to launch unfortunately this app has stopped working please contact the developer for more information notes restored okay what else are ya gonna restore?
let's see notes oh gawd eden. static. and i giggled. we-- okay there's no place i call home but it's warm in between your toned thighs like winter tigers listening to god, whispering goodnight from nowhere that's kinda fucked up and gross ahmm
static you loved me yesterday but not today no today you love yourself and i loved yesterday we live from notification to notification ohh kay... that was quite a
and i giggled i didn't know that when i giggle my ass giggles too and i think about being spanked by his firm hand and i giggle no more okay! uh oh my god i can actually type
'ere we go *jack giggling* this was weird signing off um ooh iris is back but i wanna what kinda music you got? the end is nigh, carbon copy iiiiicee!
i'ma stop that incase it's a real song and i get copyrights striked phone uh let's callll six six six satan?! no no one's there okay let's go back uh right
lemme get into iris for a second as i calculated only a minor portion of the phone's contents are available what if i need help what do i do if i find something interesting where should i start perhaps try going through her text history ok, what if i need help? you may tap and hold anywhere interesting suspicious yea okay you told me that
iwilllendmyassistanttolookintoit iris im having some difficulty i can't find anything ok let's go back and let's go through her messages oh wait let's check her mail first oh gaaawd this is cool though! "uhs" there's like an "air bnb" as well
this is very realistic nice, well apart from the phone software because we don't have that in real life still at 23% this battery's insane ohhh god there's a lot of messages okay! let's take it from the top! chat unavailable that's good, that's one down coffee?
01800 oka-- oh you mean six o'clock yeah sure but let's make it 6:30pm 1830 it is bring the stuff i gave you yesterday next time bring your own research ok don't be like that i gotta go laters jam very nice
jill ugh he's so annoying i'm so over him forget him sara you're on your own now we have our ups and downs it's normal why do you do something fun, something crazy i mean you're doing it now--your endless research on the paranormal ghosts demons
that's what iris is! calling it now you wouldn't say that otherwise i dunno, i guess you're right you are the genius in our batch ugh i'm so stupid so how was your trip? it was
terrible oh why was it terrible? derek broke up with me fuckin' derek we're better we're better! we don't need derek sorry to hear that btw free this week? no i'm pretty busy, got my final thesis to deliver
what is it about? oh wait! i can fuckin' scroll ohhhh kay god i fuckin i'm so stupid yeh you are sometimes but go easy on yourself
you're just getting used to it it's one thing to break up and another to move on can u do me a favor hhwhat meet someone new meet a crazy friend, try a dating app, you never know i don't know to make friends i already have one crazy friend don't think i can handle another
if i meet someone interesting i usually just buy them a drink and take them home, not too sure about dating apps ok sometimes i can't tell if you are joking haha they sound like me every time i write stuff online you'll always notice that i always write "haha" after it cause i laugh a lot in real life when i say stuff like "oh that's awesome haha"
like that's that's the type of "haha" that i mean but i always write that or i do like, :p or :d or just a smiley face cause i never want people to think that what i say is something serious like sometimes i do write serious stuff but i never want people to think that i'm being, like, angry or overbearing or anything like that i always want people to know i'm still chipper when i talk to them
but put yourself out there, go have a conversation with someone at a cafe or something a party might not be a bad idea have fun please please? i don't know just try ok fine fine i will you'll be fine thanks jillybeans
we have jam and jillybeans no problem i'm here for you if you need me saving you has become my specialty ha-ha very funny you'll be alright, i know i know wait when was dis? 4th of march, now we're onto the 23rd hey have a safe flight good luck and hope you save lots of lives there
thanks i'll be back sooner than you think will miss you don't run into zombies and stuff zombies! zombies have taken over the phone even if you do, somehow i think you'll find a cure for it hahaha i just might take care take care you oookay
there's nothing more in this one no eeeerrmm right there's derek that's who we were going out with last message says "bye sara" right ok we have to read buddy so how was your trip it was terrible oh derek broke up with me pretty busy, got my final thesis to deliver, what is it about, do you really want to know buddy?
yeh sure i'm doing a research on i'm doing a research on the relativity of ghosts to culture and how it transcends from verbal tales handed down through jed the generations through the digital and cyberspace hauntings by the way are you into butt stuff? whoa!
buddy okay i'm not your buddy, guy i'm not your guy, friend can't just go around asking someone, "oh how was your trip?" "it was crap; derek broke up with me" "ya free this week?" "no i have a thesis" "you into butt stuff?" c'mon it's not how you talk to someone i gotta go buddy and no even if i am you're not into it
no problem poke you later *offended jack* oh is that a euphemism? that is not how you react to that shit either i mean i don't know your relationship also every time i stop my mouse the background screen in the game stops if i do this, you see the static fizzle around but when i stop... it stops
it's really bizarre hopefully it's not fucking up the recording nice weather today this was the 30th when was this one 30 of februrary nice weather today, could be better, wind doesn't feel as nice as it was yesterday could i send you some pics? i don't think so buddy i bet you'll like them no i don't think so
it's of my penis (same, jack, same) fuckin' smooth buddy is this the guy that she was saying was the crazy friend because i'm beginning to think, yeah you were probably right with that ugh god yes i figured it's big
i don't really care would you like to see it would you like to sit on it nope can i see your-- just stop messaging him! he's a fucking dirtbag not at the moment can i see yours i don't have a penis buddy ( í¡à² ê–ì¯ í¡à² )
i meant ur toodledoos i bet you have nice tits i do actually this is not written by people *chuckle* people don't react like this: "can i see them" "nope" bend over for me no thx sorry i'm just bored
i know buddy go watch porn internet here is slow not my problem well have fun there thanks buddy don't know i'm friends with you really lucky me huh ew, ew, ew! hey do you like tapes and cds?
yeah been a while why are you still messaging this guy? been a while since i had them though good cause i'm gonna tape my penis on your head and you can cds nuts *tries not to laugh* don't laugh at it
shh ok buddy that was actually funny, i wasn't really joking aaaannnnddddd, i'm out *uncontrollable jack laughter* ok we'll give it to him *more giggles* that was good i'm gonna tape my penis on your head bravo buddy
that was pretty good right, so, we're not gonna talk to buddy anymore because, uh, fuck that creep aya hey bootilicious oh my god... is this how we all talk to each other? u ok? feeling like the dumps? come join me and some aaaabs at the club uh "a.b.s." or abs like come join me and some fuckin abs!!!
sorry babe, got assignment, can't do it skip it babes, they have abs like like, like aaaaaabs like tarzan oh so she means abs sorry you know i won't want to miss hanging out with you guys but some other time? it's ladies night and besides we've got ice cream! you need a break
come on mama you know how dem ice cream melts down abs ohhh.. who wrote this tempting but i'm gonna pass besides i haven't gone clubbing in years, i don't really like ice cream whet?! whet that's the scariest thing that this game has done so far "i don't really like ice cream?" who doesn't like ice cream?!
what kinda--she's the demon! i don't really like ice cream but hmm chocolate lava brownies does sound sooo good celebrating freedom? you need a night out with me to forget all your troubles i won't force you though, i'll have one on your behalf peer pressure man it's hell thanks, i'll catch up with you some other time and don't overdo it, watch your calories hahaha betch, betch
you know they love my love handles, them puppies wild mama ice cream, winky face, tongue thirst ghost sweating--idfk hay where've you been? why didn't you reply t- rr--bly me i texted you last night
i heard you went out with faith last night faith is who we have to look for cause there's a message from faith at the end beeetccchhh why didn't you call me?! sad face face face i'm always the last oh no what the fuck let's get coffee i've got news i met someone last night at the club maaaaannn those dimples~ sara you there?
i tried to call you but i can't get through call me k? hey sara i'm worried, you've been mia you're not normally like this this is the 1st of may when was the stuff with 30th of april 27th of april. so 1st of may, chat unavailable
that's when shit went down, 1st of may i got some information! dirrick hey you there? this is the 14th of february valentine's day what do you want? nothing i just i'm about to board why should i care? well thats one of the problems ain't it? you barely care did you text me to tell me that? you're such an asshole
look i didn't mean i definitely didn't mean to hurt you i mean i wish thing i wish things were different i don't want us to end i guess that's what i'm trying to say i dunno arghh i'm trying to tell you that this was not how i planned things to be things ended when you left, you left you and your planning, enough plans, you plan and plan and plan but you never do anything
all you do is run and work and use your work as an excuse to avoid confronting the issue i think you just described yourself why do you always do this? you keep blaming my work for our problems stop blaming shit on me and these girls, naked or not they are not our problems it's me and you and you're the one that keeps avoiding this shit shifting problems here and there wait, what? why are these girls "naked or not"?
apart of this? how about i don't feel like listening to your shit right now? haven't you done enough? no you need to listen, i'm trying to tell you no i don't want to listen, i'm tired of your lies and shit baby please listen please if you have nothing else to say then stop texting me i'm done with you, done i can't believe you decided to do this. not that i fucking celebrate it but it's valen-fucking-tines day. who the fuck leaves their girlfriend to fly back to another country to photograph nude women? ohhhhh okay
on valen-fucking-tines, jesus.. and not have the balls to tell me about it you lying piece of shit not telling you something is not the same as lying. i told you it's a last minute gig it's a fashion shoot babe, let's get that straight okay i'm kinda with her on this one i'm all for you going back and doing your job whatever your job entails, that's not the point but if you're like, if you're passionate about your job, i get it, i'm passionate about my own job, doing youtube but valentine's day is a bit of a different case especially leaving her and not telling her anything that's a bit of a dick move in bird culture, that's considered a dick move
you wanna play technicality with me now? are you fucking serious? go away derek just go away, you're good at that at least that's one damn thing you're good at, just go no thanks to you, i don't even fucking know how to get back to our chalet. our. sorry. my mistake. it's my chalet now. i have to figure this out now. bye derek, have a nice fucking flight sara baby sorry i'll make it up to you, you there? hey i'm boarding now, take care, sorry, bye kay so that was-- jesus christ phone relax
good lord it's going fucking nuts am i being demonized? am i being paranormal'd? am i being derek'd right now? hope not hey, how are you? been a while. hey baby talk to me please im so sorry i miss you march, april what are you up to sara talk to me please baby
30th of april, the day before she went missing i'm not your baby, stop texting me, i need to move on ok got it, bye sara aw mom?! alrighty this is interesting, it's nice piecing together the information and seeing like, the events that happen hi mom, just wanted to check in, derek and i decided to end things. things were not working out so, but i'm ok i'm sorry to hear that sara but i've always known that derek could never keep with you
best you ended things before it got too serious what time is your flight back? i can give my driver i can have my driver pick you up from the airport right well mom actually don't panic i've decided to stay stay sara i don't understand you've just come out of a relationship and you're in a foreign land
why would you want to stay? i need some time for myself mom. being at home now just, i can't what do you mean you can't? you get on the plane and you come home mom no, i can't. i've cancelled the flight tickets already anyway why in the world would you do something so stupid as that sara? mom listen sara you come home this instant. i will get my assistant to buy you a new ticket right now mom's fancy! mom
no! i'm not coming home, that's final-- at least not yet i don't expect you to understand but see you when i get back okay? mom didn't reply okay 20th of february hi mom just letting you down i've touched down, walking to immigration now i thought you were supposed to arrive an hour ago? ok so she did go home eventually erm
14th-- she stayed six days got delayed sorry couldn't send you a text i've got to go into a meeting now, the driver is waiting for you ok see you soon, will be back late, will talk to you when i get home, ok sara i've scheduled for you to meet with the executive director at lloyd irving the advertising agency at noon tomorrow, don't embarrass me mom i have a seminar to go to we've talked about this already. i'm not changing my major and i'm certainly not going to be a copywriter mom really tomorrow's seminar is pretty important for my grades. i can't skip it even if i wanted to. you're really going to pick all your--
you're really gonna pick your silly research on ghosts of all things over possible working in a top agency? mooommm i simply don't understand your fixation on ghosts sara. i've let it go on for too long i only want to help you build a promising career, not throw it all away just to be a ghost hunter i'm kinda with mom on this. ghost stuff is a bit weird but if that's what sara wants to do, let her do it mom first of all stop calling it "ghost research" or ghost anything--it's para psychology yehh it's a fancy term for ghosts and secondly i don't want to be a copywriter like you. it's just not what i want and i hope you can understand that, dad would understand
ooooo playing the dad card you know the only reason why you can go on and do all your nonsense is because i allow it i'm trying to make sure you have a future at the very least a good paying hob, or a job that pays anything. how are you going to pay the bills with this kind of career path? the only reason you can do this is because you're living under my roof and i'm paying for all your expenses you've lived a pretty comfortable life and a spoiled one at that. i've given you nothing but the best and all i've asked from you is that you go for this one meeting and you shoot it down without even thinking about it. how ungrateful of you and your father, he was a good man, rest his soul but useless at living. he was a bum. i won't stand for it if you become like him ok mom
going in for a meeting. i'll be home early today you will have dinner at home. we will talk further on this we will take further on this ok aw man that sucks. ok faith is the only one i have left what are you up to this evening? this is the 28th of april so this is before she went missing swamped with my work actually, why? need a favor. you always need a favor. what's new? hey don't be mean
i really wanna go to this gathering you mean a party hahaha yeah i'm not really up for it but its sort of your thing too what d- what do you mean? it's whal-bergish-nacht fhalberkishnacht isn't that the witches' feast?
how is that my thing? you're the pagan hey i follow you to church, alright? what's the big deal? anyway you're like, into all these supernatural stuff too. yeh but i don't party with ghosts i'm not going to fall for one of your coven initiations again faith aw that was a joke, come on plus these aren't real witches i bet i'm the only real one around here, just some guys playing coven. we all do it, you know we all do it you know halloween, hello
idk faith maybe not ask me again tomorrow or something so did she go? great to see your london 2017 wishlist thank you for extending your stay with everybnb extension: four days room: lara's single apartment. we hope to continously serve you better, we hope you never check out that's kinda creepy! heh shopping mail, that's yer birthday, celebrate with us--wait when's her birthday everything's unknown foreign united--oh wait
unknown and unknown, why are they unknown? they shouldn't be unknown try our new carpet flavored coffee beans wut ooh this one was already opened submission deadline for final assignment u.h.s. we are--oh i thought that was like a parody of u.p.s we are contacting you as a reminder to submit your final thesis. the final date of submission is the 30th of april so it's a bit on the nose like she's--she's studying ghosts and paranormal and all of that kind of stuff and then she goes missing professor hasan
on the virus note i was referring to the computer virus hidden in the eleventh essay. you brought up a good point. how would a person know what how would a person who was cybernised at an early age like the major develop early ok i'll come back to that if this doesn't have any information jesus phone it's freaking me out let's talk to iris again no?
i can't find anything, wait i did find stuff there's something curious about faith and aya's texts texts yeah i already read them yeah so she went missing on the 1st of may she was in contact with them up until the 27th of april and at least until the 30th of april maybe buddy attacked her so it's this party--the feast oh wait i can do this in here
here we go a walpurgisnacht? curious. is that german? what is walpurgisnacht? or walpurgis night in english is one of the dutch and german names oh fuck, come on so called because it is the eve if the feast say of saint walpurga, an 80th-century abbess in francia i'm pronouncing all of that wrong by the way, i know that. the night of a witches' meeting
do people still practice this? why would sara be involved in this? what should we do next? i fear that sara is involved in something deeper. things are kicking off now! wait can i... there we go. sara's actions, it's unusual. how do you know what is unusual' or just say 'why is that' 'through various calculations of sara's regular activities and choices that she makes in her daily life'
okay, creepy 'i can simulate and deduce that her actions or inactions in this situation does not match her past behavior.' imagine if your phone did that you didn't text someone and it was like: 'you're acting... ... a bit different that you normally acting are you sure you're okay?' 'what is sara like usually?' 'is she always like that?' what's she like usually. her recent behaviour shows that she is suffering from abrubt and apparently unaccountable change of moods. possibly due to her relationship issue.
but i'm no doctor you're freaky iris is... is that it? i think there might be more clues to her whereabouts if we can look through her pictures i believe there's an error with the gallery. would you kindly tap and hold the gallery item? okay. do your work iris, let's hack this shit. also, completely unrealistic because the fucking percentage hasn't gone down. is time moving though? is that real time?
no, it's 8:47 p.m. here now so that's not real time. please wait while i find what's wrong. okay, do your work iris, i'm just gonna sit back here. talk to the lovely people and get freaked out because we're all gonna get attacked in the phone it seems sara has kept it locked, you will need the passcode to proceed further. the hint is sara's birthday can't you just tell me? i'm afraid i can't reveal personal information. you will need to find that out for yourself okay i got it it's in the e-mail! yes, it's in the email i know where to get it
eh where is it? it's your birthday month, celebrate with us oh wait this is all blocked off shit! 9th of march, 2016 so... okay, these are all unknown 'three people are itching to be messaged by you, you should...' okay did she share that with anybody? no
'forwarding this to you, it's from a friend, you should..' okaay wait i wonder if i go into this can i use thingy? come on, iris! piece of shit happy birthday sara, 14th of february it's her birthday on valentine's day and the dude left on that day? what a cock foggler i didn't even know what that is!
14th of february. so, 1-4... 0-7? i don't know... 14-2... why did i say 7? 1402, 14 the february 43rd birthday whoa *lol* 1402, i said 1407, 'cause my brithday's on the 7th of february
um, 1-4-0-2. there we go eveybody at home's probably like 'why did you put down 7?' what's in here? there's this strange photo, yes, yes i'm just gonna go through them all 'cause i wanna see 'cause i lot of dedication went into this, like correlating stuff and actually taking pictures
are these developers or just pictures from somebodythey know? or something? 'cause these are all real pictures aw, they're cute is that derek? i think that's derek, 'cause he's taking pictures aww whoooa
an original ps2 well it's white one ah that's sexy console. ps2 - sexiest console ever made. um the new xbox one s is pretty damn good looking as well ps4 - i'm not a fan of it's nice-looking console, but comparing to these - ps2 was the fucking... the best-looking console ever
and the ps2 slim it was so tiny it was so sexy it was so discreet oh you guys are cute, i ship it aw littly purry cat that;s cute, that's from her lockscreen, her homescreen ok there's nothing like crazy here, yet of course, you can't have a camera roll without pictures of food i must be like the only person on the planet
that has like no pictures in his camera roll i have some stuff like screenshots for like like i have screeenshots for stuff that i need like flight information or something not right now, but every now and then i will and other than that i normally have no pictures ok is shit gonna get like gonna go down real fast right, 50 of 64
trying to deduce who these people are, is that aya? and faith? can't remember what they look like oh, i wasn't clicking it, i was just clicking the some picture is this the night out, the one where she went missing? oh god, what the fuck is that? well that's creepy is that what i'm supposed to be looking at? what is that?
it seems this photo correlates with a video and a chat thread that sara has recently deleted. would you like me to retreieve the data? yes please please wait a moment while i restore the data for you. *in computer-like voice* "please wait a moment while i restore the data for you" *same voice* "i have successfully restored the chat thread with sara's cont-" okay. thanks *normal voice* um, let's go to her videos that's the scary onegod
that's a cute kitty. who's recording them? okay, very... very innocuous the question remains: are ghosts still relevant in today's society? well i think we all know that ghost stories sorta started out with cavemen sitting around a fire, a campfire telling each other stories, to scare each other, right? and then it evolved into superstition,
there was religion, the 19th century came around, and then of course the advent of vampires but vampires reside in the night, so how is it that till today we still have ghosts and now ghosts have actuallly moved over into cyberspace oh god shit's moving in the back yesss, there's still oh you bitch
thought there was some sort of fuckin' paranormal activity shit going on great ohh mother of christ oh god way more messages yo what's what you up to? busy busy? anyway, i remembered you told me you wanted to start a blog right? about our ghost and curse research? i got something for you if you're interested hey jam, yeah i am. better be good
kinda. there's this thing called the red room. oh no. is this the deep web thing? there have been reports of people trying... dying through weird circumstances like, after checking out the weird website and you answer some stuff and then bam this is 'welcome to the game' all over again. okay. keep going. so yeah. they say that if you visit the site, your computer or phone or whatever will start freaking out. pop ups will start to appear and the visitior will go insane hang on, let me find the link to the vid.
should i play this? this isn't gonna affect like my actual computer, is it? ohh bess, i hope you're okay it's enough for me. oh god the phone's freaking out haha what is this the 90s? sounds pretty lame. oh god what's going on? my controls are malfunctioning. i can't seem to... a red room... a comp..site urban legend.
it's allegedly a hiiii-den website or service on the deep web where you can see and or participate in interactive torture or murder yeah, the red room is one was in welcome to the game you had to like get through the deep web to get to the red room to watch people being tortured which apparently is a real thing. very fucked up i found another message that was recently deleted this might hold some clues i was able to restore for you. would you kindly look at, under irizu... lame, but get this, rumor has it... have you heard of the sasebo slashing?
it's linked to this site! so when the police went thru the killer's computer, the last site they found on the killer's phone was this! but still. you know how rumors can get around on the web. mayyybe nothing but still i'll understand if you're scared, but hey it's trending now, so ok fine i'll check it out, i've quite high standarts *fast reading* night scary sara. scarasara. okay, i'm gonna read these as well
hey come on sara it'll be awesome why were these deleted? -no it won't -yes it will. don't make me put a spell on your skinny ass -what are you afraid of?-i'm not afraid of anything, especially your fake witchery. lies. you're the most chicken shit out of all of us. and there's nothing fake about my magic. like, the game? -that's not true!-yes it is, you're scared of practically everything. -well i'm not scared of a fucking party maybe, maybe not, but you're scared of boys. *imitating her* no i'm not, i'm not scared of boys
not sure how derek can stand you for so long. -hey, you didn't have to say that...-sorry, sorry. is it still too soon? it's about time you moved on... how long has it been? three months? 2 months and 16 days, 14 seconds and 17 buckets of ice cream thank you very much, oh wait no she doesn't like ice cream. jesus. snap out of it sara. come on, lets go, we'll have some fun tonight, promise. no... i don't know let's just go check it out. half an hour. if it sucks, we'll bail ok babe? i don't trust your half hours.
put an alarm okay? haha you'll just rot and become your mom if you stay at home. *sighes* that settles it. i'm picking you up, be ready at 8 no-no it's ok, i'll get there myself i'll see you there around at 9, need to have dinner first. oh? the witch is cooking? yeah well, on the bright side, if she finally poisons you,
you don't have to come. or if you don't come i'll assume you're dead from poison and i'll call the cops. alright alright i'll come -what are you wearing?-ha i can tell you what i'm not wearing -slut-bimbo slut-fat cow skinny pimpled booger laced vagina annnnd i'm out. see you later! don't forget to bring those penis socks you got from thailand. i never understand your conversations. hey where are you? why aren't you picking up?
i've been calling for 15 minutes. faaaaith if you don't pick up i'm leaving you and your late ass... wheres the party? there's no one here 'faith this is not funny i'm in the middle of the jungle and i'm alone. where the fuck are you' oh god *heavy breathing* i don't like it. i don't like it. this shit legit freaks me out. that's the kind of stuff i was trying to do with the whole antiseptic eye thing like my instagram story that there was like just heavy breathing and there was a blank
screen with like heavy breathing and and like gurgling sounds and hard of breath coz he's like cut my neck and then i laugh at it coz that's the shit that freaks me out this is freaking me out. i don't like it. *noises of freaked outedness* hello there is this sara? i am irizu, i recieved your contact from faith she told me you are coming to our little party, a special gathering
hey irizu i'm supposed to meet her here -what's going on? -i apologize but reception here is understandably terrible and besides we have a rule: no mobile phones allowed i'm here to escort you safely to the venue escort? yes my dear it is hard to navigate in the dark, alone it is apart of our ~experience~ not sure about this, can i talk to faith?
no you may not, i apologize but as i've said, phones are not allowed she is safe there, probably drunk already drunk? faith doesn't get drunk how do i know you're really her friend? i have known her since high school really? i don't think she's ever mentioned you i keep a low profile i'm not sure about this, i think i'll leave leave? surely you jest
why? i'm almost there. faith will be disappointed that you did not show up she has made reservations for you almost hhwhere? to where you are of course how do you know where i am? faith told me she was meeting you there i'd prefer you didn't come here please.-i'm almost there.-please stop wherever you are don't worry you are safe, i'm going to ring you
pls pick up wot i got an e-mail right as i was here, that's--what a new e-mail right now but it's 10:10 and this says 3:33am hey scary sara i thought this might interest you bunch of material for your research by the way check our their calender maybe you should stay in tonight? anyway let me know what you think
ohh this is weird. i don't like this man! what is dis hey! that's a bloodbourne rune that's awesome aahmm spring equinox-- april 21st what's the 1st of may? walpurgis day, may day, druid fire festival, coven initiations. fuck
i got taken by the cult you cannot touch her curse/binding this curse is particularly for people who've done harm in the past and as such already known to be a potential threat the idea is to keep the person from speaking to or approaching the one you're trying to protect and to make them feel watched and judged for their past actions we need the following: a big jar... okay, fucking hell stash the jar in a dark place, like a closet or a cabinet i don't recommend bury burying burying jars
let the candle burn until it extinguishes itself fuckin hell this is weird um okay lets-- let's do this ahh! *pants* i don't like this "sara?" "where are you?" "c-can you hear me?" "sara? i'm at the cult site! sara!"
"i'll-i'll text you" *boop* idunlikdis i don't like this. james is typing hey sara, why aren't you speaking? i need to talk to you why can't i talk back? "sara!" "are you there?" "fuck"
"sara.. hello?" "shit" "hold on" *crying or screaming in the distance* "did you hear that?" ohh god i don't like that this is freaking me the fuck out! it's urgent where are you you've been missing for almost a day, did you go to that party? please tell me you didn't it's real bad news
oh gaawd sara's dead what? who are you? just someone trying to help you find sara who i am is not important. we must find sara how can i trust you? oh shit i see them why the fuck are you texting?! oh my god oh my fucking god you won't believe this god
wh--why what's happening what, what do you see? oh fuck i think they saw me stop texting! but keep texting... i need to know oh gaaaaawd james is offline no they didn't jesus that was fucking close i'm hiding behind this--i don't know what this is
is it like a pier? fuck i hear a sound james? james you okay? you're not james ohhh no sara heard footsteps as well who is this irizu?
i apologize for the sudden urgency i'm about to bestow unto you say hello hello to james oh god it's the dude in the mask "what's this interesting" not fucking interesting. creepy as all hell share this think with another anyone everyone or say goodbye to a brief acquaintance you have two minutes what the fuck are you doing? "don't share the link" "chat unavailable haha"
wh-why are these oh god more photos what are you telling me? please whoever you are do not do this what else can i do? ugh god fuck no i need to check what picture oh god james d-do i do i-- do i do it?
how do i share it? oh wait i can type i can't do i have to share it with everybody? oh god it's that weird thing! fuck could i actually have done something different? i don't like this... well buddy i don't feel too bad about *chuckles* are they all gonna die? i don't want them to die they're nice people
oh wait whats happening what the fuck is that is he dead? oh it's his mouth ohh james why did you do that? hello? did you just kill someone? what the fuck just happened do you know what you shared? it's a death curse, aww fuck
cause he saw it and then he shared it to sara so he got killed she got killed, now all the people i sent it to are getting killed whether you believe me or not it is of no consequence you shared it, it is done, thank you who are you people? i didn't share it to mom at least i never think that people die, they just go to the department store
ohh it's irizu, i apologize for not introducing myself how rude of me what do you want oh god this game is fucked up your appearance was not expected but here you are nonetheless my name is irizu i am one of the how do you say leaders for tonight's ceremony we have met on a very fortunate night, cherish this moment my stranger friend are you fucking crazy you just killed someone, you're asking me to celebrate a killing? please do not misunderstand my intentions
as i've said before i do not 'kill' and that man was anything but poor he was a deciever the fuck is happening?! you will you will never be privy to that information my young friend nor will you need it to further your quest what is iris saying to me? all these choices... what do these options mean to you? is this your-- is this you? demonstration of free will? can't you see i'm being forced? it said i feel like a god now what
the fuck is happening what quest? what is this? where are my manners i have told you my name but not what i do i fear that my age has somewhat dulled me to these simple talk, small talk as you call it it does not matter much what i do but what's important for you to know my young friend is that you, like everything else in this world you have a choice, i'm here to offer you that choice what choice?
the choice is simple, yet not i'm listening a leap of faith, we are almost out of time so here it is: would you like to join us? i believe you have the potential it is rare for me to offer this to someone who is... uninitiated who or what am i joining? i don't want to join it you will find out soon enough if you have your wits about you quickly now
yes or no i can't do this--no pity what if life itself was in the balance? say, these two ravishing women gaaaawd i found her! oh god i'm all fuckin' freaked out you choose between them, who gets to see the sunrise tomorrow
didn't you just say you were not a killer? you manic you said you do not kill but i do not. i "sacrifice" it is not my choice. sacrifice is not the act of pure destruction it is merely a transformation. life is perpetual i leave it up to you. god himself makes these decisions all the time, does he not? why not ease some of the work for him, or her, or it however it is that you see your god sara or faith, their names mean nothing to you but to us they are what binds them to this flesh and mud say one of their names and know it will be their last breath
there is no sweeter invite than a last breath to welcome you one passes and another comes what say you? i don't wanna get someone killed! "i love this, this is freaking stupid, why me" so you can choose to go along with it if you want why? why not it is fun since you are here anyway
why not choose? everything in life is a choice whether you join us or not it makes no difference sara or faith you have ten seconds. ten seconds? um the one i say dies, right? um faith, faith, sorry but sara's the one i'm looking for it says sara is missing i'm just gonna choose sara don't send me a picture
ohh god ohhh nooo the deed is done, welcome my child you are indeed a rare being answer me this: why did you choose faith? cause another reason is cause it felt like 'faith' 'fate' i wanted to see what you would do to her; i wanted to see her die; it is all meaningless in the end uh none of the above it may seem meaningless for now but life has as much meaning as we put into it
come now to these coordinates i can't leave? do i actually have to search these coordinates? i'mma search them on my phone but i'm not oka--i'm not cool about this i put them in my phone and it led me to some place in malaysia hutan lipur konifer (translation: tropical coniferous forest) whet is- is that it?
oh! iris help me it's a tough choice but had to be done sara means too much to me it hurts to see faith go, sara knew faith for the longest time hope faith doesn't mind.. c'mon dude i don't want to do this, i don't want anyone to die life hurts a lot more than death
at least sara is okay, we need to find her quick ok! i can do more is that it? *the end is nigh, carbon copy playing* you made it this far too bad you won't make it much further but know you have become a part of something much larger all will be revealed in due time but not this instant any last words? as you humans are so fond of leaving words behind please don't leave me please don't leave me
it's not that i don't love our little chats it's just... i don't love them what!? what it went to the website... okay that was fucked up oh god that was weird i didn't like that *little cough* fucking hell ok well that was 'sara is missing' i guess holy shit what a riot so it turns out the "ghost"
the demon, whatever it was the para psychological cyber demon was fucking iris all that time, they were in iris! well maybe in all that time maybe it was um normal at first but it seems like i was being strung along all that time to do this shit so you can go along with and become a part of it if you want or ye can like resist as much as you want kinda like how i was trying to do that was cool! i really liked that! that was really intriguing, the whole premise of it
and the way it like, played out itself and you had to backtrack and you had to see all the stuff and then seeing, getting the messages and the pictures and everything super unique! i really liked that super glad i decided to play that. i'm glad it didn't do anything weird like get into my game directories or anything like that like 'i'm scared' did that game--that game fucked me up i hate that game, well i love it but i hate it at the same time awesome! okay well i'll leave a link in the description for you guys to be able to go play this for yourselves see if anything different happens, i don't know if anything different happens
if you'll get different coordinates if you'll get a different ending if something's different'll happen you can also get it on your phone i believe it says here you can get it on google play for android phones at least you can play this game as well which i imagine on phone it would be really cool like the whole u.i. is built around phones and everything and then going through and seeing things freak out make you feel like your phone is getting hacked, ahh cool! anyway thank you guys so much for watching this! if you liked it, punch that like button in the face like a boss

and high fives all around *whoopsh*
thank you guys and i will see all you dudes in the next video!