and in this episode i teach you how to make a great cup of coffee by roasting your own coffee beans welcome to moore approved i'm james and today i'm going to be showing you how to roast your own
french roast whole bean coffee, coffee beans it's pretty simple and easy it's very straightforward all you're going to need for this is your unroasted green coffee beans you can pick these up
pretty much anywhere you're going to need a sheet pan to cook these on and you will also need an oven or a grill today i'm going to be doing it on the grill so you get a little bit of a better view as to what's going on during this process but you can also do it in the oven and i'll make sure i put some tips in there for that as well my grill
is all heated up for your ovens you want to put your oven at about 475 degrees after a beeps put your coffee beans in and you will be checking them in about 10 minutes you want to go ahead and put them down make sure is there any nice and level evenly spread out sorry for the noise but just do so so they're not clumped and sitting on top of each other
and we're going to go ahead and keep an eye on these now that i have them spread out all nice and even i'm going to go ahead and close the top and we're going to check on these in about 10 minutes keep an ear though because after the first crack it's only a matter of minutes until you hear the second crack we're going to pull these out after the
second crack in your oven it's going to be about the same pre-heat your oven to 475 put the time around for 10 minutes to start with just keep an ear on it so if you hear a whole bunch of going on you know it's pretty much about at the point where it's going to do the second crack you want to pull them out real quick if you look closely right now
we've got a little tiny bit of coloration starting on this side not so much over here on this side so i'm actually going to take this pan give my coffee beans a little bit of a shake as you're going to switch them around difference five so it's cooking evenly you're also going to want to check and do the same thing if you're making this
in your oven at home because you want them to roast evenly so this is a good time take to use them around you could see some of that color starting to go in some of the outside coffee beans are going to be done quicker than the inside around the first crack is where you're going to start smelling some of that from the roasted coffee beans and i have
a nice continuous crack going on right now so we're going to open this up they're slightly darken up they're starting to get a little bit larger and expand and there's some good color to it heard a nice amount of cracking so the first crack has occurred and after the second crack has finished we're going to go ahead and take them off the heat and
then separate the chaff from the beans so you have a less bitter cup of coffee mmm that is really excellent if you have not tried roasting your own coffee beans

i highly suggest you look into it it's not very expensive to do and the outcome is amazing so until next time i'm james take care