on behalf of expertvillage.com, my name isdean forrest with sedona coffee roasters. i am here to tell you about roasting coffee.okay beans, every coffee shop has its own mix of beans, its own collection if you will,its own menu if you will. we here at the sedona coffee roasters in sedona, i carry at about14 to 15 different kinds of beans. they come from different areas of the world. obviously,mexican will come from mexican, costa rica
green coffee bean for roasting, will come from costa rican, sumatra will comefrom sumatra, that kind of thing. i use these different beans to blend, mix and match inways that are appropriate to our recipes for the different coffees that we sell here. anexample is i have here a mexican altura considered one of the best coffees out of mexico. herei have a columbian supreme considered one
of the best coffees to come out of columbia.as we move down, i've got brazil, sumatra, guatemalan, java; i've got several. again,they come from different areas of the world. they each have different tastes, differentcharacteristics. different coffees from different regions will have different characteristicsso we keep a good solid mix so that we blend them and mix them as we need to get the blendsthat we sell here at the coffee roasters. i take these various beans when we do blendshere and everybody has their own way, their own recipes. it is like a baker or chef withtheir own recipes. but here at the coffee roasters when i am looking to make, say anespresso, i have a formula. it is a certain

percentage of one kind of bean, a certainpercentage of another kind of bean. there
are several beans involved. i blend them togetherto make one batch or one roast. i would take that over to the roaster, let the roastermix it up as it is roasting and then that comes out with that particular blend.