hello the in the and they always i
holy roast coffee santa rosa, act made product are ass and hiring
harm again with one thousand fivehundred practice a lot about couple of that i have a state a state of late but that won't come down and pam on thetop the wagon i victory grill or even forplaying again okay dot the profit on the pumpkin at south korea at the pentagon family however there are people on theforum everybody related with that
no i don't believe so frederico here there that we have a couple people levelare very good job service they'll carry mister bill rogerthey've never met each other and who does not support differently to meet fantasy to identify two hundred dollarsit's a common write something into the everyday dale fain there are a
ego tripping alphabetically and i_b_m_will fail panamanian sale and that the nickname dot com not like that they haven't done betterhome alone at a later time sunnyvale at ragtime knowing that and taking care of that yet protege yet little and i think reallytalking to albania leg and then finally battle net that witnesses love the nameof most unique hulaville is a bit and twenty-onetwenty-one
uh... unique i think that we don't knowif you have been doing road years earlier on a hundred by the time igot okay we are there other after anyone ever thank you for fulfillment only includingpuerto vallarta on the uh... amount of the poem info filled with no idon't have his money paradigm you know i have started uh... you outline of lakeville
part had uh... many thousand groucho ways of approaching the world-renownedi've uh... under the circles you had a job now they'll i have a part time job now within our power pointdirectories classified or just any other paul well for you know the car
broker to find this is it better thanthe classified uh... i'm natalie allen hotmail yahaan pat character cut my character however exactly half an hour all youknow just eleven a classified dot com are now on our from send it to you're seeing right here the lebaneseworks
well uh... eddie eddie experiencesaffect if i have arrived ah... uh... have them little bit of uh... something i thought it was both a talkshow on map can have the proper cannot find an artform anti-war matching and they have a nightclub and allamerica hieventplanners apprehend the data aspect nabeel any hobbies forexample a like a good weekend
and weekend i think that got killed you've got a new standard can identifyit that is definitely did and invariably connected to your in thatthat that in fact-finding pathetic that more than thirty feet either i talked a lot more death holdingyour breath from here out along with the fit fear them in office take many movie apart upside down can you drive withisrael with the accha lag after two hundred andninety
i admire you very much like a lot oftime to go to a movie public radio in the barber proclaim thatmissing for example what demand and having a great day for the american yet the dead calculate the lemonthroughout that period well congratulations the there kobe advance we're going to meet the goes dont lowerthan any other wanna know what de last
october we had a lot on a hill who'sbeen a higher than any other woman with a cannibal amendment record there and protectedfrom she climbed a mountain in china now we're going to get a woman who'snever done anything we can close with a season right now dot rather than adevastating experience talking to you through knology how much money you canwhen you wanna play back to life now we've got to offer thehundred-dollar you try to increase your bankrolled byentering for crack
you understand that okay now you can select the capital ofthe farm country probably right about one hundred now ahundred dollars when you are a you are the ones are i wanted the capital of ethiopia and forgot about that it's about itright out of hahahaha and side january we are a courageous point heretoo now you have how much two hundred twohundred out about a year ago
online out of the capital of the venezuela characterized as a writer and underninety dollars in complete time sarajevo the capitalromania regret brokerage has arrived at the hamburg seventy dollars now returning to their car if you like every other cup independentseventy dollars a lot of the capital of
panama hedimo all brothers dollars shot panamahaiti robert power hank or there are three audience selected when anderson partners mr patrick coming in so political inflate the meat educated white and about a hundreddollars at the common right obviously every day
granison well you know if i like that our audiogrand twenty nine twenty nine one oh you're a pretty good for twenty nine daratea thought that you have a husband all networks or what was your husband oftwenty correct i think nation he where the job dfm crane operator cocktail you're alive
on crane operator cleaning human beaming with pride in the room no are on a an electric overhead restraint you operate on the claim while we picked up the matter na like that seems doubtful
we think that different graduation course registration ut dollyand arriving on another while higher recruited kidnapping children no i think who want to do that with the clinicraymond danger shopping channel runs on the ground infant that off theground in the pain and that the air pick stuff up on top of that antonio developing hasn't got a commentto somebody's beloved
ball at never dot anything with the mainthing either tap tap tap with the bell every and then she picked up up more than you walk drive down thatrequest our trade with iran and iraq iraq toafghanistan then thought about them here pat cunningham goodbye manner in waiting for you let me know if women i thought i was talking in washington
hanging in the record programimplementation young man and if you don't like a ride on a train and showingbrain-dead quality of background for the people i worked on what you do with it logo showroom cooperative sporting goods store a mobile phone miracle fiber
in the story of a boiler pyramidal thistrue that uh... phone bill candidate for the uh... that's a fairly normal job for ayoung man specially if he had no desire to be twenty-nine a prodigy had become aball of fire that you could try standing in line at the british ap bac dark i went down to two oh nine a_m_ eastern people down the aficionados and uh... on that the mother is on the
prime minister and from then society like that walnut what happened in russia that davidbroder of our without parathyroid the role for the world them wondered about huh alive in the book flights in mexico cityand never understood why they cut out
the vote that could do it for dinner so it's no more than please do reasonable plausible voters done well this is after the code address of costa uh... yeah reality depends a lot on thekill enormity killed when the first brothers uh... has a pretty good for you know
let's listen listen listen came for a couple of days well do not will probably be in the air progress is that if he does it certainlywill only get into your computers sensationally interest material in thatmaasai very dependent on the whole pleaded with viewers with film about characterize for a couple isn't armor make it evaluate johnnie cochran an expert
experience after the economic play abetter life in the race for the one thousand fivehundred dollars the first couple want four hundred forty dollars of the secretword history you collected thoughts and if you are tobe good for you sporting goods store not a lot ofquestions why the harder it is nawa one individual anyone in i'm gonna stop relatively
in calcutta by a fetish at all in one ofthe park what do you call excellent thirty had hired by he attracts one hundred fifty dollars hydrophone accessory caught a time for a secondtrack if and if a minute fifty-eight seconds one of the event myob ravana
i have two hundred ten dollars out there he went in and out and let me know would open the door right now let me anywhere seventeen what damage right track islocated in the miami area cinemas something that uh... from the online
now i guess lost out here to tell you now have onehundred five dollars came out of it occurred eighteen thirties eighty dollars much thought at olympic champion patmccormick famous well looked so terrible for otherpurposes i think swimming and diving interesting higher
went very unusual for you know usually as you remember we have just two peopleon the team uh... for these people sort of go together all four of them solovely to be a shameless put them up solo permanent armament leela removal oflarge please permit me groucho marx side driveway antibiotic ass card something something you're you'rerepeating every every the dedicated preparatory phase somebody mind tell me what's going onhere speak up somebody
we compared it to me three and ninety three if you're identify your program amelia married him you mentioned on the end user and timeand i don't think i made to leave retriever finally won a game and i will lengthen my mom and i don'tthink i had no idea well a lot patch on leaving cut
an honorarium from and harmony afferenttwenty small package missouri parties with them and i were raisedthere lower living in between unreliable angry at him no one really knows how well wishers sister mailer eight fifty nine
anion hello neil diamond and kicked in and i'm hemorrhaging alone maybe our men are rather here andall the eleven fifty nine how long have you been marriedbillionaire we've been married thirty five years weekend double prevent rejection a double cartwrightand hannah
well you know when you have to lookexactly like india doing a great marker vaccination the distinguishing yes i have of operation speaking she doesn and the web we didn't get the okay and that you have a party no and armoryhere now panettiere on denied for your program arm
amount but i a north palm won't mattermarionette remain your whole life down the fire an area of my classes may become theworked out anchorman hack and i have not had an anxious for our government and the reelected you about whether the framehave if we'd be in the death of californiainvolved greenhouse no
everything that i can examine and the something about the way you let them women reno i mean you know i'm envious roll-on roll-off fragile and i don'tknow i mean the p_l_o_ colin powell one twenty f_ lee bailey had informedbank account or i_r_a_ separately had been one family car writing about number that you know thatthe other pretty common
head however give it a habit that wouldbe confusing wouldn't nobody who was running the dope now they are say that brian spice oflife in addition to being at the end of theweekly now laminer rahman don't you i think it's a correctme if a man after all the hearing her parents albion but having their own bath and follow-up
cartridges they collected your brother on mall by one of our lives shady only to maryjust in a private it for a particular rather pathetic for a family to the contrary but i would have a player director liveyour armor-plated came gambling at the friend repetitive whilefor the arctic recipe ineptitude rancher electoral be represent all of you
yet the truth can remain at theambassador problem of adventures one girl one boy you know wynonna favourably pato or the brainsout of the road well developed a proactive i don't i think you're at home anymoreyou know that they're relying on they don't overreact to think of theargument of the in the next twenty years here how much money okay the right one thousand five hundreddollars
the first couple of still leading withfour hundred forty dollars he was elected and i don't think that ihave an article i think for the holidays and your partner filament uh... between all right what do you want to stopstandpoint that he ought to have to run it but they have the money the heart of thequestion school whom the god of all of us rather than a month ago abner seabrightunified the chinese to catch fish but there are about
cardinal part of the name of the glove messy playunified the chinese to catch fish dogmatic on again is that comrade c l_ i_ n_ o_ r_ a n_ a man block after hundred you still have to bedocked off the coast guard salary on a local other than a million chronic pain atnorthern parts of the united states that is that we had lacking cry non-believers
comden bruni bruni all right i have a loan arafat referred to you now have twentyfive dollars i'll keep plugging away at outfit alright late on a double original sentences uh... maribeth another name for thisproduct code stuff
dalmatian dalmatian is right five dollars uh... you know banking what is the name of the top americananimals' protection of the bony plate obama some of them have migrated as far northas the magistrate armadillo arm at a lower price
haha thank you cried grachev careful about five hundred dollars effecting second todecide on a single answer but when you think half in favor of the audience company out of the famous criminalinvestigation agency agreement for a thousand five hundred dollarswhether the frame of criminal investigative part of the famous criminalinvestigation agency a prayer
hahahahahaha par para p have on hand unit of the battleground uh... fairly quickly soccer is right we got the idea of our but character handed out
uh... amount to declare throughoutflorida pornographers academic cover-up aren't going back andi'm forty dollars hard dark-haired shot at the heart roguedavila dala fleck your are you going to spread over twothousand dollars reply yeah i would like to go to paris and the ferry medvid at allan duke power and indirect and the mediterranean you know i think that that that i thinkthat hot everywhere thousand dollars your mamainc a down and i'm very happy and dot
what about your develop all impact ourcontract propagated profit backpack and try to get a good and privateprivatized free from man of with private record what however program there r and the ladies and gentlemen the secret wordtonight is no emo ireto cave really bureau but yourwhole life it's not all going to be a little whileago
resigned roger martin is in new yorkmanulife become a grocery rivers and rent driver molly wool and he really waswho won the alway anybody and i'm for a cup of coffee orlet me talk to mom magill well here i am again with fifteenhundred dollars for one of our problems and i do i found a man whose face thedrive for a couple of ought to be married groucho they were selected byour studio audience just before we went on the here we are miss marie fordham and hasbeen a ratio is a groucho marx welcome for the desotoplanted there was youngsters
and one of you says the secret way whentwo hundred dollars in cash instantly the common was something you will findaround the house for teams that harrier sure things are good way a primary uh... sailors are anybody's on ecstasy why did you leave your home town well was it a good move when you left
wasn't so i'm not really bored fromanother went to my question and was it a good mood do i made a mistake and i left my home town that made a mistake i would have had awave because d so you're doing and what they have them do now that's very nice what kind of what you do it all machines from
reagan american or saudi arabia you're going over there over the theyreferred worth over them how did you meet through the mail well i'm in the face greatly right begin never had another with movement yet just took him as a last resort partone like u if you have any other girls in the interim between the plays greatin arabia
that d with them was lying around the that he accept you immediately if youlook up enough courage to propose yeah yet as we head out of a service remembers that was sent to the big love scenery he kicked me dancing to various racism
well he didn't ask me to mary and heasked me if i want to go to the radius denied do politely around about proposaland i ever heard remember strengthens memorandum ofunderstanding or a beer did what is there about a roman cause you tofall in love with it his timing personality people if you give me half of your president houston grand
edward all the things i have a nice fellow man nobody like about marie why your sister says to you yet defense team don't let them argue with them you know he's leading edge of your you know there's nothing about the causeof this tickling that everybody larry
which reverberated influenza cordoned with a gun at a longway to arabian you know if you want well your aunt my curiosity andamericans like you to let you know did you where could you tell us a small joke we're on the list welcome with some of the while we were both spoke with a group ofralston
one for you and i like that that is sort of thing you ever marinethat they had halcam phil gramm feels bad bounty rises more okay im gonna follow plan a girl'sbasketball team lines on tuesday with any preliminary beyond are you going to be the genocidalideally your money the steps out with anothergal again
new india or just sittin' home all alone waking later the office you know watching the television matches police he had a unified wrote thewrestling matches with a beautiful day the comparables in was impossible k we don't have to know what is in the
and beginning to sound like vines amountbriefing at the television set suppose harry's waking lady or the palladium isharry dancing with a pretty brown what would you do right market to him and to explain dream g bernie one thing that puzzles me whatare you doing at the palladium like d what about very nice kids and inasmuchas houston we met in just one minute you don't have a chance to make fifteenhundred dollars yes tomorrow is a great day at all thesubtle limit bidders
a brilliant new desoto is now on displayand bug right limit goes on display for the first time tomorrow but great you'll plymouth is asensational new hybrid value and the low-priced field what you'll be the judge then climb into wouldn't get the feel ofthis car put up hills improved racket unit that topless test you know and is for value you'll find there's agood looking royal writing car is packed
with bad and ready to prove it ignition key starting improved airpillow ride in the courtroom stops of safeguard hydraulic brakes the lively power of a high compressionengine and many other features explosive with a great newell plan naal more than ever when it does the car that likes to becompared for beautiful new styling for raleighcomfort for easy riding and wonderful handling for dollar for dollar value
so meet your new opal ima the americanbeauty tommorrow idea based on all plymouth dealers pro but they have a couple young says aboutthe demanded on it yet that is not a plymouth fifteen hundred dollar questionfamine explain the road each of our three couples as twentydollars it as much about twenty or they want meto poor question a couple learned the most money get thechance of the fifteen hundred dollar to
start off with a question of the end ofthe show our other two couples are in the waitingroom on stage so they don't know what's happening out here illegality aheightened at a twenty dollar you selected initials of organizations asyour category is that right fusion place putting up twenty dollarhum a g_ one arrest five thousand on educationalorganization to the initials p_t_a_ stand youthful that's right and it isassociated with honorary doctor twenty five dollarsideas when you are you have twenty five
dollars into the twenty five units right what government body disney three-week energy commission where youwere just wonderful climbing on documentary five dollars didyou think what you got thirty five hundred on a try fifteen dollars per one informativeorganization to the initials on the enhanced and poor instead land mines
international news day an r twenty dollars while i do not havetwenty dollars asia lessons to be the other couples how much of a twenty-oneof tryna what labor organization to the initialc_i_o_ stand congressional industrial organization that's cause enoughcongress of industrial organization this club wide
banks and a lot from the start of mymaterial as i don't think authority at you still might get the chance of thebig question broad shoulders garage the secret wordis still milk protonics couple will say it just before we went on the air ourstudio audience like the house mover mister arab wilson and his partner ofthe house life this is pat johnson and here we are fox made groucho marxbugging me about your life and i wanted to say the state of ladywhen two hundred dollars in cash instantly
it's a common why something you'll findaround the house cosmo going around the house friday this is the johnson a and that you had a housewives events daddelaware you promises jensen i couldn't go into colorado you must be that was mormon mahalo road on the big board fittings and and wilson is in resentment was thathe wouldn't have been a bit
you're not a bad name is that it had arelative a neighbor admiral either relegated to a do youknow utica forty the left materia have the better offp_r_ you know one of one of the house moody a move housing you more houses pulled out of it player from ad volcanic utexas forces that united oceans nor what isthe biggest there has been in your
profession as it has made me well going over for down the hill you know it breaking loose you know and get away and what are you doing the break which it's been a worthy of fingers inareas in your eyes wide what happens to the occupants that remove a house to the district attemptby the side of the road in the normal wardrobe though they can deliver on inthe house
for the more we now have my husband istillman uh... taken right along you don't feelthe water do you might have right out of time in thelobby the biltmore hotel a while you've been moving house forty years can you can you move any building yes did you move the empire state where a mchicago recorded one put away and you could move the empire state buildingchica one for the winter when these you know it's a new yorker windy
well i suppose many unusual things happen you know thatlawyer if you look at your member of theoutstanding can relate and no more than i got moved our own house on the petted by the movie ripping house on thewrong lock not exactly the wrong wanted you've gotthe wrong help american removed a lot of iran and he that it didoffer for the man thought the without
already but you know the empire state buildingin chicago people under the way in the even though it's in cleveland well i think the landline or mobilehomes will be no i didn't want to get a chance to play a better life for fifteenhundred dollars you're on your twenty dollars more thanthe other companies you get a chance to debate is not open the question later bannerman's onstage remind our listenershow much the price couple one the couple about to be married one forty dollars
here we go with the online that youtwenty dollars use like the freemen's dogs your categories that right lazy place questia twenty dollars howmuch do you wanna bet in talk right up candlelight okay what's the name of the famouscolleague other stars in motion pictures and i'm sorry the answers lassie ten dollars how much of it and i wasreally tried what's the name abandoned edwardsville but i'm sorry if they wanted me to them
only vacation in a life they're not part of a grudge over youonly have five dollars in his youth that question how much of a five minute drive what's the name of mickey mouse is done don't they have any dogs in denver thirddog's name is put out they don't have to holler grown well noi don't know how to two dollars on mechanical ology dot dr wondering one down within a aim of the late president roosevelt's
of the unlike president roosevelt intothe sky that's been the papers i'm sorry it's now i'm going to give you one more chance tomake some money is not going to be there mister wiesenthal think on on on howplace who is buried in grant's tomb grade terrible and banks and a lot from the start of limitthere was not will be on the following a was going on in the chance
at the one thousand five hundred on thisorder from a question george was waiting at this point theiryoung couple who had won forty dollars embassy code word is still milk just before we went on the air weweren't looking to our studio audience for the parents of the most children and here come the mother of a father whowere chosen mr mrs meri indy star a meat groucho marx welcome youngsters for that is not openthe daily a
and if you think it's a good way to onehundred boston cancer instantly it's a common way something a fine around thehouse mr mrs marrying the story marry in whichone it is now i thought you were demanding d how does eleven o'clock a d has the story l your place name is isyou know that i that's right well away from seller uh... they could still california abouthundred miles north of here marrying my daughter eleven
i'm a standard how'd you meet in the inside other went alanna memorable lenny will hide this night no said would you share your relativelyinnocent schiller and for what last week on the evidence and the along any of his remarry
twenty eight years refined looking couple the story for independent and you too fans of the largest with them residues you mean you only get you have a lot ofstandard they haven't you comment on why start labeling didn't there's no question about the familywhich is the question why you are out
there than from missus dari army times and even among twenty times luck is this really through twenty yearsyounger than me drill is too friday nothing's happened the last fewseconds and down home and this is story might have if itwas on would now be off to you
remarkable woman clearly popsicle and when you see a lot of kids are on yourhouse so how do you know out there on your life i remember breakthroughs hehe inadequate everything if you give us a names could derail amonth for emea start with the twins
jim usually in gary and she really really alarming thatstatus four sets of twins refused to accept those bill clinton isthe fact that next please the only other solvable if which includeyou salon thoughtful thank god for the children up to twenty-seven too three years old have you ever thought of adopting a newjob d
johnnie pop with a fluke if you goaround passing out cigars well used to stuff but about his while you bet i cansound do without me bob that's the understatement of your paulbunyan there if you can't remember all the names howdo you know who to call when you want something level boiler do
and you frightening travel in the rightin the one what kind of living quarters you havethe hotel bakersfield not only have to eight years in the field usual reason and you have a cop in the hallwaydirecting traffic but was always income tax deductions andhow do you make out around march fifteenth bob and that they didn't come through forthe use what here ewan monroe mi about eight years
united defeat when he came do you do it in ships well it's easier the budget known by everything wholesale would thing eyes that breakfast at five o'clock willneed your work was off to work in the into your personal id and i had some homes when we get to vote seven o'clock atnight many what your grocery bill amount to everyweek
place in the course well it was two hundred dollars a week for the families having lunch on sundaywhether jordan earley final with futile didn't want to in thanksgiving day you will we had uh... two thirty p_m_ turkeys we had twenty four was a roast chicken we had a gallon image dictators anduh... fourteen point implies them
it useful six many replies realize celebs and ahmadi use that to pick the redwood liat meaning for me is the father of twentykids that you had any any unusual unforgettable experience level at the unusual experiences we were living in sacramento
continuing into the hospital in the boardneighbor's car because i was broken down himself who negativism of that for the firstapproach uh... mamatha pay-t_v_ up what filled the cars opinion
one baby was born and says well they have no get to thehospital for at so that there are millions whisperer who will get the otherintegrated mamatha thingy the pilot that's why the crime since nineteen bone interpretive thereafter what about youmister story have you had an unusual experience
will when jerry was born what number was it when he was number twelve i remember that very clear probably now the hospital and i wenthome early was uh... lived there with the total cost measles uh... photo you never realize that night when you'reon the day was raining and you have the umbrella that they all this was going tohave well well well well do
well i don't think you missus dari nevercarry an umbrella when it's raining here ally it's it's really been inspiringhaving you to hit an item is the story throughout every right to be thebrothers mother in the country night on a play that is not open againyou bet your life if you beat her mother took up would you get a crack at thefifteen hundred dollar question i can tell you how much they want togeorge's onstage remind our listeners the young engaged couple is still aheadwith forty dollars every dollar celebrating that you twentydollars you selected nicely around your categories that right
and that's a subject you are not makinga lot of black twenty dollars and how much you want to try full conference that was three below cuba logging contracts packed onto a particular party that theydon't have any going for fifteen hundred dollars tonight how much of a thirty minute drive iftwenty five who was asleep under the haystack whenhe should've been tending sheep commando
uh... insisting that it was a little boybelow very easy get confused you know i have five dollars lawyer allthe way down to five dollars it very clear to me if i don't know butyou know that five hours who picked up at of pick up after your primary antibodies right delaware governor of ten dollars alrightnow you got ten dollars each elections to be the other couples come into theturning on a bit
alright who fell down the hill and brokehis crown jack is right and they've lined up with twenty dollars and that means the younger gobbled upthe death of the beast on top of fifteen hundred dollar question throw you got to see if you believe it you got to drive it to appreciate yes that's the new old plymouth
but great meal plan if it's packed withvalue unready to prove it brought this to yourself two morrow hadto be subtle plymouth theater let your dealer arrange a demonstrationdr them compare comparable value in this great new carwith that and other leading low priced car who got a little beauty and style theeasy riding and wonderful handling the right engineering that makes it the lowpriced car most likely price car checked the prompt convenience ofplymouth ignition key starting the flashing getaway power of a highcompression engine
the soft velvets stops of safeguardhydraulic brakes the protection of safe here and wheelsand many other explosive plymouth feature jack can compare full duty for power for room for writingcomfort not all more than ever but part of thelikes to be compare see this break we'll plymouth theamerican beauty i could be subtle plymouth dealers two morrow and while you're there
not missing millbrook endure this autowas well a car that's truly newell with new features from bumper-to-bumper applying his father's ever borman namedthis total learn why your de soto plymouth beer isso proud of the two super because he has on display bug right newell plymouth ammo brilliant you know desoto and here we are in trouble already forthe subtle plymouth fifteen hundred dollar question groucho
all right here we go for one thousandfive hundred dollars rally vba fifteen seconds to decide on onesingle answer between you something kathleen please no assistance in theaudience frederick addresses by probably was afamous fresco he's best known work and well-knownalong with what about though these great way board about the home
delivery delivery is right had tried u_n_ one thousand five hundreddollars are the right answer what he wanted to let all that money mcdougalrecruitment a why i never the may but congratulations from the more than threethousand disorder pyramid a lesson coast-to-coast girlfriend who lives with her johngodown reduction transcribing hollywood
directed by bob lawmen granny smith there was a party review bahir ought to do it again nextwednesday night it is time for the groucho marx show what y'all wreck your life resemble more than three thousand subtlebut dealers of america and remember altogether seldes although ourselves elwin
dole rake off book products of the chryslercorporation i don't forget next week's big questionwill be worth one thousand dollars well it's almost time for the bingcrosby shown tonight i understand it guess dot will be an incomparablecomedian of you bet your life asked me about your mom theo again a few minutes folks andremember as they still observe a goddess although klamath realize
there's a couple of things they'vebecome ongoing upon c l_ y_ dr not alive dot this is market signing off more thanthree thousand is sort of interference from coast to coast leading gentleman the secret wordtonight is will as the doubles and three and a here hope that your are you babies i don't limit their lawyers ofamerica resent groucho marx in euro but
your line but not a grocery store thosein transcribe from hollywood and area of the line v only dr oversight mining gentleman can back in a while here i am again in onethousand dollars for one of our couples and i judge found a man who gets whatlag at just before lonely our studio audience like the bonds are preventable and an account and here they are mr alan lemon andbouncer bill graham sleep roger mudd talking generally about your life andone of you said that this out of them
it's a good way when two hundred dollarsinstantly it's a common way something a fine around the house mister though that we're still gravesend europe answeredand pencil yes right away from bill and uh... within his social thechurchill downs in lexington kentucky you immediately threw stones around the bookkeeper alan and lemon zest and i'mjust going to book kiya gritty unity in our ability and analytical yourbookkeepers data right no that's not
right either i'm an accountant the united nations i'll call you cos i donot client i was in third family accountthere what do you do as an accountant or make income tax returns are forpeople giving general advice on their financialstatements and all that their books people logically ability and put deteriorated on come running them andthey that way you from both the
i was born with a stone's throw out thefulton fish market in new york you up on the other her fish montana thrive handed down on that you found aroundthen we put errol smith was born around them with mecolored red what's the most common bookkeeping erroryou find any elected missile and i would say transposition value at the same on that let me ask all of those towns where youlive on one
i mean transposition of figures that isuh... writing sixteen thousand four hundred eighty nine dollars and twelvecents a sixteen thousand four hundred ninety eight dollars and twenty onecents transporting the figures in sequence while i was still a long time ago and uh... jadi bounced on the uh... it leti where do you like i liked that one group eight thirtythree thousand feet and uh... waters rose land route
it is a funny sexy dance hall in theunited states note i keep getting into patent related faqs event of a wilson so mad at you often you have a momentspent a lot of every night happened under well i'd be very happy to they strap in the air on the ice but by what you do it the rose land rovermiss today's and the manager of the elevator operator the policemen
under union and it would be a dozen onein eight hours at night should you figure that you know valuableat this time attorney thank each actor how many gals uh... like a kid and somekorean between seventy five hundred was a pretty loose figures evidence but you know you handle figures do it onjune and yes sir the figures you handled on liat ticketinfo on i wouldn't say that you don't have that is that you know i run across cases of simplefraud uh...
you had a good way to skin away a lot ofher might they well you at the figures are expenseaccount is getting out and one later after last weekend at the widows figures one or how do you catch a crap like that glorious users logic for example if a guy's submitted anexpense accounts of showing that he was in the sahara desert sand
uh... that he entertained some peoplenightclub there for about one eighty seven fifty or they're not allowed inthe senate as you know that i dont you mean is without knowing that she didin the senate and unit with a lot of spanish gannett family does anything exciting and ihappen to an accountant well uh... something exciting aveda meonce i got into a airplane conducting five wouldn't packing cases it looked as ifthey might have been paying tens of billions and actually had one milliondollars in cold hard american cash
that you did you have a gunman yes i did i was in there every otherdispersing ulcer and a forty-five streptomycin and you have anything else that disaster budget buster fowler's wife things in that at least atwhere you know absentee ballots are ya job is anythingunusual event happened all of the big deal i miss you charge for an insecure insubstance imminent why your dance is
only a minute alone but we can get the people who want toget more dancing the family should be answered dot com if after ten overs attitudinal estimatesand i would like a propeller diablo none of these people pop ingested andfor one minute though some committee members at all night after night dollyto advance the freedoms one night in a free man although they talk about the ones thatdon't answer only learned about uh...
general subjects a not uh... what do you think how do you know what i'm saying how many parts do you have to stop in anitem that uh... since i've been merlot land for the lasttwenty years is that i had a fight in the place worried about the allen slamming the relatively long time we had to close onsundays above the blood out of the seller but
you know if you don't have to rememberwhat they they were the old blood there by eight to make an extremelyinteresting couple and there were happy to have you with us tonight about sixbut something is not just one minute you're going to try for the desotoclimate of thousand dollar question just a week ago all that assault on thepillars of america embargoes go brilliant you know there's so little of finest gardens on obama may inducesocial it's a completely new models frombumper-to-bumper well it's beautiful new front grill iswider array here is the cause of this
trial for comfort as well as building every details and the saw those rearwindow which was made bigger on lower to provide greater visibility food smartlystyled newell steering wheel from its bigger softer federal actionbreaks through its beautiful new offenders thepermit easier changing of tires here truly is a new car in every sense of theword a car bringing you which is of line butyour family will blow stuff though many months to come economy of operation that yourpocketbook will appreciate
drive this great notice although justonce annual will do it as thousands alreadyhave george's subtle plymouth deal arrangedto have you drive it at your convenience allah save a buck even a bomb so what isthe chance of a thousand dollars sentiment on the road to be a betterlife each about three couples has twentydollars because much of that what is a warningto four questions a couple that i was the most money gets a chance of thedesoto plymouth thousand dollar question at the end of the show
our other two couples are in the waitingroom off stage so that i was happening out here illegality a heightened at atwenty dollars you selected famous based in united states history you knowcategory she is your first question yet twenty dollars how much we have been three dollars delgado is that it isn't all that thereare a structured he said make it intends that okay withyou in a moment what happened on october twelfthfourteen ninety-two columbus discovered america deal saidright on the ballot
great scott bakula thirty dollars nambiar going for a thousand dollarsnight how much of the if they don't believe that not only that little aniket fifteen uh... mega twenty dollars alone rightnow what happened on december there sevenfor nineteen forty one list of the lobby outside
cut fifty dollars lime you got thatthese magazines that that question how much of the fifty eight on a coupleuh... levitate there this time we'll plunge inlittle uh... thirty five dollars dole in about thirty five dollars okayhappened what happened september second nineteen forty-five what you think it is leverage a daily weather yes i do know that right
happy five dollars much of the u_s_ has to bethe other copper how much of the eighty five with yours decisively seventy five dollars far reaching event happen on octobertwenty fourth nineteen twenty nine the french plot hundred and sixty dollars thanks and good luck from the the son ofman that there was not on runaway you
still might be high tonight and get acrack at the big question raj all the secret word is still spooland know that you are fragile x_ couples say still just before we went on the air ourstudio audience selected a cairo office doctor theodore dale and his partner ofthe house like this is a little process and here they are parts meet raj all mine i've woken k they're welcome to youabout your life and one of his devastated when he wasnot a valid instantly it's a common
write something a fine around the house uh... profit as in the house friday that uh... daily is affirming that'scorrect but i mean this is a swiss verein well it's leftover piccadilly i had some leftover piccadilly doughnut and is in my name on the main leftoverpiccadilly in english way back to families names piccadilly uses leftthough way away from that
freedom of the californian and this is still a thousand v play from soon constant your manny against what is your husbandofer levy delinking rejecting out outage image of a my mother wendy perrin you mother with a bio a hammer twenty-five proofreading piggy
suddenly didn't understand who had a son mohammed now patiently waiting and that's how you name 'em now you know and i think an end i want to get inside and made out when the entire and istarted a half a million respond to him i didn home but my son keith geiger at that meetingat a very nice car and thought well i
could ask you to keep the dog becausethey believe they have a new car equipment taking silicon because a woman puppy is correct well we got home leading at thedepartment insist that you can't adagio histogram only dot the cardinality into a home defensebeginning economy in the dog they welcomed i think i think about itbecause of the family two months or influence at a place to put the darkness
dot plot fml imagine one question what happenedto this place on the image you're going after i know how that they would let anylivestock in atlanta cracked filled out the comment on it you've got a hammer madonna had okay nightmare captured kids to houston you know anyone can and cannot valuedmedicare
you know that the lid on it again john dot how did you meet your life did youever having an effect on well but i have a uh... was she going around the samefoot pedal your appetite what happens well she admits that the students thatare typically delhi piccadilly at piccadilly one nine now anyway agnes duties at the foot clinics of newyork in my wife was a patient
and uh... accused him to determine thenet vindicate appreciate all you qualifythat out and i a m i suggest is that uh... being as youhave so much trouble if you read only footnotes and no one and i know that uh... had option at thistime adjusting her feet is that right maybe that's the way it should be mostflowers they bloom within the desperation initially
examiner feet because they're most places that they had not made upyou know what you're getting into ipsilateral most romantic story now pussycat animal karanam productive but on the hot but how did you uh... how did you have now become a car outthis way with a forty a class in school doubt uh... sagar but the side to this professionmileage were cooling out
i'm not going to go to become adentist's office become successful home state wider so many people have put on them e modest respect each other and very few parents will take a trouble ticketchildren to fantasy examined financing to be sent children have for travel whatkind of figure treated any kind
any kind of three we should come out of my house my pianogetting pigeon toed plus the chief reason if people come toyour office the speaker yes the silly question yes sir electrical properties sooner or later iput my foot in the morning any people have trouble with their dogsis that at this rate and you take care that uh... chooses
than actually you're a veterinarian without a doubt in your life that youhave molecular well client that claims connie cronin a value are now you're next right oncondit one of the most common to for them well most families say would be hereuntil end malayalam rainstorm in alabama
player allow my mom and titles of palestine that no one doeskissing on a he had to fight disease either way dot my life but uh... hadquite a bit this morning could you suggest anything that might help political workers well hikes in the state of my friendsare quiet high-tech here in atlanta
but he made a very interesting andinstructed team and we enjoyed having you in are you going to have a chance tomake money and other foot dot you're gonna play about your life well you gotta do it on your twentydollars in the more than the other couples you get a chance of a disorderplymouth i was not a question later on diamonds offstage remind our listenershow much the first couple of the accountant and the ballroom bouncerone hundred sixty dollars hitting on excel item that you tell meabout you selected ballgames ballgames bill w he got twenty dollars on june thetrack
talk right up in the panel cause over three hundred peoplelistening and well i don't want citizenship a ballgame play though surely know islands is right thirty dollars rajani alley here is mydad but he doesn't have any going for a thousand dollars nine on how much of thepetty virus whereas the arms ball game miami florida miami as well hotmail closely but i doubt that the ageof that question how much of a fifteen
minute ride faded out what city official and east-westgameplay surfaces and princess card declining dollar aapki dollars all righthere standing right ahead now is your last chance to be the other coupleshomogeneity of onerous talk up talk right up into the microphone he wants to basic heonce about sixty how much do you wanna bet mind and i think that uh... holy
okay if you want to go on going for eighty dollars one island city is the pineapple bo qua and uh... colorado dry thanks and good luck from the the son ofone of the others in our face only a year and i was going on the chance of athousand dollar question george with itself off well not only the heads up alot of money for himself off the first couples have one hundred sixtydollar-billion anek anek then econnect well that's what they don't tell me thatand i can get on
and i thought we got to the subtleplymouth secret where it is still spoon stayed until we have a surprise for youron final couple is an are at war brought her husband andhere we are mr and mrs white sox game beat raja locks welcome for the supplementdaily youngsters if you say the city where he went on our dollars in cash andcertainly it's a common way something a missus uh... was asking uh... u_n_ irishpride has asked the u_n_ of another day myvision
and they got and that it has yet killerhas a fine thing that we have to have you here with us here than anything as my bro mhm you don't don't get me when i come from and also don't talk that way where icome from i must admit my brother little rusty that's not an irish doing sunday dot thehot tamale and joel at july saskia
what sort of like you didn't you and mechanical sparked aircraft nakia but part of our new york times and qwanting if you want me alone only that's correct and what part of our new from thephyllis aspect of it along since you've been in belfast yankees you have no discernible
rohypnol we don't have the same way mistaken in the south than i along a given an irish blood red color we were married ethically after seekingpeace day in nineteen forty five you have any lavish mails at home line judge o'neill and uh... along a givenany argument but uh... what we're doing and i'd be a
allows an aircraft mechanics unlocking united when you according to the southernisland ah... where did where did you take a job well we went for an occasional wall show once well now that you know married coupleswill you take enough to accept i think that's a look at one time covered area bankers general employment
play it again i did you manage ozonesneak out as i want an answer who is still go for the occasional oftenshown through blackboard failure nara dungeons cabi party in that did you know thereare many nice irish box where you engaged to finish stealing an island that has done gettingdangerous goes into their own twenty three twenty four instantly haha along to the gauge wasusually less
thank you for you takes four years for avoiding any of theclinton obviously on a drive invaders over there all they have found that information isthat the driving so the kids and get married have you ever kiss the blarney stonephillips militants in the senate the surgeon at a kiss the blarney stonewould you tell me how old you are are you sure you have a guest of honor
only let you know some thirty-five that was already think i am in the knowflattered standby forty are you sure nobody's done on time and if you were a pinball machine right nowyou'd like that incentive tell you that you look uh... the morepractical how are you thinking once they are going on i'm going on penicillin
from my own till i scrape it offal-mahdi jokes play with my pretty close yes fourteenfifty x ninety f about her this is an inspiring having you heretonight a ringo bras we sell so they say site on a plate of the sort of limitedand you bet your life if you'd be out of the two couples to get a crack at thehouse not a question i can tell you how much they want thejudges are states remind our listeners the first two couples are tied with ahundred sixty dollars each illegality eisenberg you twenty dollarsyou selected capitalism stated your category that correct
all right you got twenty dollars onwhich you're going to try ten spotted the capital city of colorado gender denver is correct don't know why with thirty dollarsgarage on money line for about another some night how much of that that even a drugthought right up to you know pointed out what is the capital city of nebraska lincolnescott act
finding out fifteen dollars all rightyou got fifty dollars is it that question how much of the fifty donnarisk forty dollars a lot of the capital cityof virginia richmond rich man is right all right now i have my eighty dollarsflag is only on you got ninety dollars how would you want to try trading you try it out what is the capital city of new york
albany why dot dot hundred and seventy dollars and that means that the irish couple depattempted to distort all protocol the it's near old its beautifully neil it's packed with value line writing abook yes that's the p_o_w_ aplomb now i'll more than ever the car thatlikes to be compare giveth the toughest test you can thinkof opulent proofread
let your desoto plymouth either arrangea demonstration ride tomorrow then compare comparable value in this beautifullyneil plymouth without an other leading low priced car check the convenience of plymouthignition key stalking the lively power by compression engine velvet stops of safeguard hydraulicbrakes the protection of safety real wheels andmany other explosive plymouth features yes jack and compare
mobility for room for writing comfort the milk limit is the car but likes to be compared but products packwood value and ready toapprove this beautiful new plymouth the americanbeauty is on display at all authorized this out all put out feelers and here's the irish rob reiner husbandall the details of the sum up with a thousand dollar question grachev alrighthere we got two thousand dollars ready i'll give you fifteen seconds to decideon one single answer between yourself
and kathleen please no help me on the star spangled banner was written ineighteen fourteen became unofficial national anthem in nineteen thirty one before the star spangled banner waswritten what song was considered the national anthem of the united states backward hahaha okay what's the n_c_r_ to decidedupon procurements
i know i'm sorry i'm sorry the correctanswers hale columbia so that means the big question next weekwill be like one thousand five hundred dollars when you watch the big money butyou one hundred seventy dollars in the quiz congratulations and thanks to both ofyou the old record sandra dowd like pendrivein hollywood directed by bob marlon brando as men visit by a great deal be sure to tune in again next wednesdaynight it is time for the grotto march
all of your work your life presentable more than three thousandresult one of the owners of america i remember all the others who sells asubtle also so plentiful throwaway cardboard products of the chryslerdeliberating and upper deck next week's request will be worthfifteen hundred dollars well it's time for being caught dot be sure to see on this althoughwomen canton there's a couple of a national safetycouncil it's good to be on time but it's
better to be saved george from insideall the more than three thousand is out of the bill is from coast to coast ladies and gentlemen the secret wordtonight is sky-high and skate why to read a the old back to you all are you davidson-oboe dailies of america resentgroucho marx and you're all that your life the comedy groceries widows andtranscribe from hollywood adhering is the laundry elaine
i know that i have no that a redhead agoor that may not come out i go out there i am again but onethousand five hundred dollars a lot of our couples and i judge feminist lysadrive for just before we went on the air we asked if they were young peoplepresident lied to get married someday our studio audience elected ms frankiecost the lead-off and policemen bob selma manila are boggs meet groucho marxwelcome kits whether to set up in the daylights and i want to be says it's a good waydemands on our dollars in cash it's a common way something you see everydayand they said as stiletto and sad
frank crigler differently yes right away from frankie advice ilearned that the nephew in los angles anemia low bond somewhere along with anwelimdone metal and i know that i remember unicef healthy you wrote for the dodgers a wholly different twenty-five young thekind of thing and for the policemen misters salman bob sanders uh... of you
on twenty seven goutam reopen idea was one of my experience to through some of the one i like to be audio whitefish came a new upon it makes it well i was more like streamline folksfrom fishing trip and uh... jerome and on fishing line and uh... what what do you do for aliving there
librarians what kind of a library nine publiclibrarian what's the difference between public librarian the private life uh... rugby me books in it supplied bruising another private library i think theyought to be suppressed
libraries are usually corporationbreaking up a respected clientele but noticing everybody publiclibrary hosting of the private life where you know i was thinking that anelderly man in the smoking jacket sitting there with a knife in his bed here on that night generate as far as there always havenever knives in event yeah yeah yeah not married and no i'mnot married that bob why why aren't you mary themselves into
would you like it many times sunday and planned to be the same this is an important meaning honest and that's really a life that you have you ever thought ofincluding uh... frankie hearing your point just gotta go team the cop engines
pleasure drexel on internship and this cast of that i would tell you ithink it is showplace were not given this and whatkind of a cop out come up with a sampson here on probation wiser well you and your probation until untilyou prove yourself two years three the superior officers endure and that constantly has room inthe concentration
do you mean you correctly coupons offers a protector watches outevery minute lessons every minute why u admiring of seven the clothing store across the street approach arriving abanker miscast the lead out what do you thinkof a man who's had cracked under observation does rampaging people i think he's finished i maybe wrong but it seems to me thatyou more than casually interested in frankie here
castro phone numbers a little bit better uh... already have the groomsmen dave thank you know i'm not gonna lie soi think i always done truly does he really have your phone andjust going to put logic at all finkelstein's product training these young policemendid not manages a librarian and now sir did you write a book
i cannot place tonight for the he knowsthat it may lead and chile become all interested friendsi'm eventually we'll spend a lot of timetogether now just one minute the two of you aplay about july for the desoto plymouth fifteen hundred dollar question dr ugly subtle before you decide all across the country prospective carowners are doing just that they're throwing to the beauty inperformance of his new movie soto or here is a car with not just a fewlittle features but one that is really a
new model from bumper-to-bumper start at the front of his car and feastyour eyes on the subtle as brown you'll fall with front grill all beautiful grill the gives the carwith the power tie compression engine so justly deserved look at those newly style rear fendersand see how they had sweet and grace for the entire appearance of the car look through that rear window which is larger
and also have been lowered to make thevisibility far better and then take this newly sonal out onthe road remember it's because what you drivewithout shifting not it's bigger breaks that stop youwith far less effort feel how easy it is to drive and a spear yes privately so little before youdecide tomorrow steven you'll be all meals desoto after authorized the soho plymouth dealers now that's a of a placement in thelibrary and look at the chance of the
fifteen hundred dollars an array of upto date on the road each of our three couples as twentydollars as much of that what is they want me to four questions the couple is the most money get achance of the desoto plymouth fifteen hundred dollar question of the end ofthe show happening out here you nothing i'm a fanand i don't know what's going on out illegality i've invented twenty dollarsyou selected styles and current movies easier category that right fisher-priceplacing a twenty dollars how much you got it right
uh... who plays opposite around aplanning in the grade level bob hope bob hope is correct popular start with thirty dollarslighting up a dollar times you don't attract dot money many going for fifteen hundred dollarsan hour there was this time twelve o'clock hai gregory veterinary care right although i know i have fifty dollars
effect when she got fifty aren't yougoing to try to fifty thirty dollars who plays up as a judge brand and robertyoung and bright for sale aside colder powered family right now i have eighty dollarsgrachev amity a demilitarized who co-stars with wanda hendrix inaustin wells in prince of fox's jump out there on time thanks and good luck from the setup whenthe daily stick around i knew it still
might get a chance of the big question right on the secret what it is still skyright our next couple will save well is next uh... television expert in the housewife selected by our studio audience just before in my rear and here theycome this is all they have roos suck add mister clifford walking beat projeto axe welcome folks with assad open avail is and what he says it's a good lady was ahundred dollars in cash it's a common wife something you seeeveryday this is all other grew
suppossed right message rustic play from uh... achanak tau milind meaning you and mister wong million television there's nothing we have people to showthat the city such as iran and it's the one not on anyissue hope allegheny but u_s_ television job well i a mricardo
also said today forget mistake you fix television sets well what makes television work well cm both the uh... lawsuit filed this in the fighting poswas transmitted by the president station distrust and the cause i'll polarize plane makes me feel anything
and it's detected at the well i thinkthat's a good television is basically a this is our cigarettes i get the wholething but what is your husband illnesses rustic easiness musicians and x musician whose we've got fifteenon that ended in england kidneys annex musician to make a leadingnot playing an instrument but as you do now he's working for the school right now
does he play a jungle national let me let me play before thefull grain jump dealing with a vengeance now mail and then and then is nineeighteen my family lived on a family has visiting camp and i want a magnetic are betting on ateacher so he was taking an advantage and that it you know he's in his unitcan happen with eating and since the
eighty peabody kerrigan high-fat insisting he said he may stilltaken and killed so he kind of funny stay and sign is added in the car andmake it is and then when he had a maddie carry anything and sometime in the endof the east a can advance team and he landed here thecar in front of the windshield anytime anywhere he had his banjo in a message now let's look at one artist placed atikea tommy as a television repairman justwhat do you do three for television
system what do you like for mr wong months television well if you had to do it over againwould you go in the television business in this uh... yes i think i love that only on the other side of the scissorslosers money involved one of the way i am with the money is isthat u_s_ right go ahead this is our program
comedian and the contest in go aheadinto the army sits at his side track if you try it what's your name wouldn't a match made and i'll tell you hiking or an estimate through believing i'm in television ithink's television set essentially go ahead tell a joke i tell you something funny happened to me on
way to the studio tonight has got to be a lot of any other needfixing it i'll go ahead you're crystalline well my weight is still not man stoppedme phase that could you let me have spaceinside of the my fam feeling sorry for them and i handed inthirty census is a leverage your family the csc gave me in the movies complete column and was a tiananmen
live down probably the movie the amendment are you going to tell us a job go aheadwith the job itself okay how did you know a what do you go for a living television set plastics or that's what a big money elected talking to you too i'm convincedtelevision is still around the corner
nicd going on you twenty dollars in themore than the other two couples and get a crack at that a setup lim fifteenhundred dollar question later i can tell you how much they won thejudgment of the state's remind our listeners the policemen in the libraryin one hundred sixty dollars every dollar sale hiding that you twentydollars what question category you select music by jimmy mchugh is that right and how much you want to risk talk right over the microphone ifanybody is listening in
no one adult volume is anything else in about ten dollars visit nice question jerry failing plays you give me the nameof the song by gary on a sunny skies okay night update on the ten and a dyingfor fifteen hundred dollars tonight how much of a maitre charmouse twenty dollars files on a missile what is the issue to decided upon
vegas and i riding on a sex any major documents c_s_x_ line is this a good way tonightso u_n_ honor dollars in cash compliments of the desoto clinic a listof america file in the name of that song is how ifeel a song coming on uh... they have that practically nothing outside on theten dollars much of your now you know you've sent down to ten dollars in hisyouth that question how much of the ten even a bit i will backfire
five dollars gimme that side of thismake you some okay jerry idea riding out all across thef_-fifteens my decision last chance to be the other couples how much we haveethnic here we go what's the name of this song from minnesota plan if it was all rightlet's set up a couple judge and i won't be long before we noticed a big questionwho's ahead so far tenement the library on the policeman with ahundred sixty dollars and the secret word is still sky
we invited some auctioneers msm squidand scholars to the show tonight and here comes the couple so i could just beblowing on the air option air camcorder and sweat and scarirene hanford meet groucho marx welcome to you that your life folks and i want to be says that thesetup women say they were the ones that i was in cash and simply it's a commonway something you see every day we have an auction in a square dancecalling he says i i i mean hanford yes weddings cause i'd write yesterday
is not a candidate the cure-alloccupation for a woman swelled money that i think women can do anything in chains ssirecruiting seller i'd like to see you again to thesteamroller the outside buddy from irene nothing and now you made known
guys your msn illnesses that is a mile i know we say no i am always said hindsight i never say that had said that in years you know you know the auctioneer misterporter where where you from ah... from champaign illinois along the eventin california mr potter i settled in the nineteen forty-five like you settle for ninety cents as an option and ninety cents an hour
idea married i have a jenniferdissembling going on and yes i made you want you on that hygienic you like to do they're up anoption when i get my discharge other chemicalsorganic and then you didn't know where themselves argument will be the one ofthem as in the bill efficient campus today when will you do is rehabilitationcannibalism wrinkling his getting ready for the public figures company says the most importantqualification for an auctioneer
ninety five percent of it is psychologysoften up to people those i'd like to use an iphone uh... i mean you gotta of chilled yours and stuff and recover let's go okay let's say one of the jokes as a small allows a lot to dollarpledges and that i mean you get a softer craddocknow with the joke with uh... sort of thing as saying i get there now biddingon tonight still typing
that they had had any admitted takingyou up and out partisan option waken mr pawan well uh... you bring up an articulate explain it presence here selling counties furniture damning rain or anything like that youexplain it explains how to the audience explain it i'd like to hear how many kids are needed to sell an item
to bid simple and it doesn't make amassive uh... you know when the staff debating winning dating deceptive tonight on the phonedrive there way what you're doing your uh... hawking her auctioneer action deduction city and there is really a citicorp since thenthis is a big issue in the world are you not very curious to hear you getif it suppose i got a thousand-dollar
diamond ring and i want to sell it forme no you go ahead and stuff uh... and uh... is a very gorgeousdiamond ring that is in general i think i get a lot and i have a united now theydidn't have a get out of it now that i doubt i demanded now body double alleges that's a about that i notice you raise your hand when you doimagining what he did you want to ask a question captive pickup bids that made you think you want to go tobed room and
live and that's about ten second i've never done square dancing groupcould you describe the tippy go dancin grammy-winning easy manner complicatedlife not say that media mail fellows iranian well how much orientations that rightnow the uh... bridge today couples we doubttonight circle for illegal it's around the network inc itsgovernment it like you can tell
but i think that's right alas not an amended andia details their partners are left onthe side of the other two chance below poverty line to see a student id in thehome don't like it at home and but on the allocating lesson because when and said well my t_v_ justone definitely one might start now wish tohappen on the left hand and i know that you know so you might start out wellsitting in anyhow
and loudly keep dancing in a calico notdown and that the deal neck and i can go right net panhandling and all aroundmaintaining and other heat related and i think we need it has pretty good acting like them passable as you want to set up an optionacross the street miss square dance do you wanna take that crowd away froman hour about uses style your auction in newdelhi is quite interesting kothari hate
finally tonight at five o'clock this isa dinosaur well i think a lot about america tonightand then it won't be long before when i say yes identified a startup time again youbetcha lively debate the other copper should get a crack at the fifteenhundred dollar question the policemen in the library in are still ahead with a hundred sixtydollars they would all u_n_ twenty dollars that's a live interview twentydollars you selected famous animals as your category
okay on into the twenty one a try andtalk right of a microphone and lower tandems flammable you associate with lady godiva parts austin's kayak from l_a_ with thirty dollars gotta sayshe related items okay night at thirty dollars and i'll begoing for fifty nine tonight how much of a thirty which i solution what kind of animals the associate withthe pied piper
lines five-hour other both roden so i guesswhat comes you know that yet fifty fivedollars forty five dollars one animal youassociate with jonah however if i have one hundred dollars that is available and then send our youhad a hundred dollars and here's your last chance to be theother couple how much at all and it would have bet on euthanasia pilates
lanham of who you associate with romulusin remiss worlds aloha patterns fire epa chapter that this i'llput up by paying two hundred dollar questions if you're thinking of buying a new carremember this naal mother never called beautifulyou'll plymouth as the car that likes to be compare because the new plymouth is the lowprice car most likely price cars it's
packed with value and ready to approveit nao had to be so plymouth dealers check the value in this great you callyourself feature by feature against out of any other leading low priced car compare the convenience of the new yorklimits ignition key starting the soaring powerless high compressionengine the velvety comfort of it's improvedtheir pillow ride a quick sure stops of its safeguard hydraulic brakes and manyother features explosive with a great meal plan you'll discover that this beautifuleurope limit offers you what truly
sensational newell hypo value in the lowpriced field tomorrow c_v_r_ american beauty bugright your plymouth actively sought opened at theaters and while you'rethere don't miss the brilliant new leasealthough as well our car that's truly new applying his car that is out of awoman named assault land while you decide ultimately thereis so proud of these two who's superb cars a great deal plymouth and thebrilliant you know this auto and here is the auctioneer was wet andscholar bowling couple already by the decide our planet one thousand fivehundred dollar question brush off
uh... about a kid you know the specificsof the above professional television and this is the time to talk a ivy league offifteen hundred dollars twenty eight fifteen seconds this itemone single answer between you something kathleen please uh... pmi org abraham lincoln was out on as presidentspending sixty four in a stocking feet for one thousand five hundred dollarstell me who was i shot as president as the issue to decided upon missusgrant and i'm sorry what james madison who wasfive-feet far
so that means that the question actuallybut we went to a thousand dollars when he lost the big money but you want toadd that i was in the quiz your bet your life he's a darn good lproduction transcriber hollywood directed by bob blonde and granny smith music by jerry feeling featured in again next wednesday nightat this time for the grotto marcio audio that your life reasonable eleven threethousand is on top of the owners of america i remember all dealers who sell hisuncle's also self limit joel gray car
more products of the chryslercorporation and offered at next week the big question will be worth who thousand dollars while it's almosttime for bing crosby cell denied box in a manner justice dot there was seen on this arenot leonard products as a reminder uh... diam seems like a lot of money toa small child
especially when that time is part of themoney you give the march of dimes and that child is a victim of infantileparalysis

send all the times and dollars you canstay at the local market bonds headquarters there's a george venneman signing on forthe more than three thousand e subtle caterpillar's from coast to coast