hey guys! welcome to inspire to cook! today, i am going to show you the right way to cook bacon! if you've ever cooked bacon, the chances are, you probably overcooked it at least once or made it really stiff well today i am going to show you a super cool and easy trick
how do i cook bacon on the stove, how to avoid that and make the bacon perfect every time so you lay out the bacon on the frying pan as usual and turn up the heat to high and the next simple trick we are going to do is going to insure that the bacon is cooked perfectly every time
we simply going to cover it with water just regular water the water is going to start boiling pretty quickly and we are going to switch it up to medium and let it boil out when the water is almost completely boiled out this is what it's going to look like and we are going to switch the heat to medium low and we are going to continue cooking it until it's completely done look at that beautiful bacon
if you could only smell it look how tender, crispy yet juicy it is umumm perfect, not overdried, not stiff just perfectly cooked bacon well i hope you guys enjoyed this video let me know in comments below what you think and i'll see you next time umm
speaks russian: you want some, huh? hehe you want some? i think the previous shot was bad, i am going to have to try it again
haha aha - smile on camera watch next by inspire to cook: homemade ice cream, naked tomato, best dessert recipe - caramelized bananas, marshmallow s'mores