how long are roasted coffee beans good for

this is ken lathrop from coffee crafters and what i'm gonna do today is i'm a show you how to get started roasting your first batch on yourartisan 6 roaster there's a little check list you should go throughin your mind and the so we're gonna go through those like oneat a time we'll get started really slowly

how long are roasted coffee beans good for, will go through one thing you want to do in the verybeginning as you want to make sure that you have your chaff bag seated in place if you don't it'sgonna blow your chaff outside

so when you put that in there a the way to install this chaff bag is youcan just put your hand on the bottom push it down seed it tight. you'll seethat if sits really tight on the rim. when you actuallystart the machine up it'll suck it down even tighter so when that's in place for a one-pound batch when i get startedwe're gonna bring it up to temperature fairly slowly so on the temperature controller herewe're gonna set this at 5000 watts

that's plenty of heat for for one batch andthat's going to be a fairly slow roast cycle it might take you about 10 minutes to doyour first batch, which is fine because we want to bring it up to temperature fairlyslowly we use stainless steel bowl to pour the beans in the hopper itworks really well we have a have pound of beans here so we're gonnago ahead and pour those in and one thing i'd like people to do iswhen you first get started roasting before you turn the heat on practicelofting those beans a few times really good to do it with one pound in therecould you get a

you get the feel of it building thepressure up under the bean bed and breaking through i so we'll go ahead and do that a fewtimes you can do that with the roast a chimney out we have it set asideright now so you can see in their you turn that up really slowly you can hear your blower start tocome on but just a little bit at a time till yousee the the beans lofting and try that a fewtimes when you're comfortable with that

then you can go ahead and turn on theexhaust blower you never wanna roast without the exhaust blower on so were we will turn that on and then wewill get our roast started okay we turned our exhaust blower on we have our temperature set at 5000 watts were gonna do now is we're going to loft the beans and turn on both elements because you turn on both elements that actually controls the the the wattage output that you see onthe temperature controller

that with two elements running so youcan turn on all the time on low it only 1150 watts when it on high itsall the way up over 10,000 watts so after you get it started gonna put our are wire chimney in place and a good thing to do in small batchesbecause we're not using very much air when we're lofting it to give it a shot of air go ahead andturn it up a few times dont turn it up high enough to blow the beans up into the exhaust system

what that does is the it will dislodge any beans that might be caught down in the air diffuser fins, so its a good idea on thesmall batch to do that. anything over three-pound really not necessary becauseyou have enough air running through there that is going to dislodge those beans anyway when they happen to get caught in there thats probably the only thing we've heard back from our customers on small loads is that occasionally a bean would get caught under one of the fins and burn

but when we recommend doing that withpeople that usually fixes the problem your artisan 6 roaster comes with atemperature controller preset at 540 degrees so you can just leave it setthere if the air temperature happen to get upthat high i the controller will turn off one theelements and bring that temperature back down you read the roast air temperature on the machine

that temperature readout thats on the deckof the machine thats the air temperature of the air going through the roaster and today what i'm gonna do and we'regonna take it up to about 500 to 510 i like to roast about there if you see the temperature passing 510 all you have to do you can reach upthere and just turn it down just a little bit you can make the temperaturehover within a few degrees of wherever you want it

for the bean temperature so you might want to know how do i know when to take the beans off the bean temperature probe that mounts here that got a probe down inside so for alight roast we take it to about four hundred and twenty degrees for a mediumroast about 440 a medium dark roast about 450 degreesand if you want to do a really dark italian roast we would take it to465 to 470 i would recommend when you do your first roast to try to do a medium

get it about 430 440 degrees that wayyou won't have a you get a chance to see what look likewhen you take it off one thing you want to make sure ofis to keep an eye inside the hopper this is a manual roaster. what i mean is thatyou're not going to set this thing and walk away when you're roasting coffee you'reroasting coffee so one of the things that can happen is people might set the loft reallyreally low, where it barely keeps the loft going. you want to set your loft at about 4 to 5 inches and keep it there if ithappens to stop lofting

it will burn the beans on the bottom and then you'llruin your batch. that one other thing when you get started to be awareof turn the dial up and down veryslowly so your making very small adjustments and then watch the loft so it doesn't stop lofting after a few batches you get the feel of it and you won't have any problem with that butthat one other thing to watch for we've been roasting for a few minutes noware our bean temperature is about 300 degrees on our roast temperature isgetting up close to 400 when the bean temperature reaches about

395 to 405 right in there somewhere you're going to hear the first crackand its just like cracking popcorn and that's when that bean expands its got a little seam in it, it will breakopen and start letting off some of the gas from a thats whatwe call first crack in coffee roasting if you let it go all the way the secondcrack you start getting into a darker roasts so usually sometime after firstcrack you know we're gonna pull that off for our medium roast

you might notice the chaff going up the chimney here if you ever start roasting and you notice that the chaff is not getting sucked up very well one thing to check is to make sure that the gate is closed on the beancooler because if you happen to open thisblast gate over here it takes half of the air away from the suction on the roaster, so we always want to make sure we'reroasting with that blast gate

completely closed our bean temperatures getting up toabout 325 degrees now we can see that chaff now starting to goup already turning golden brown so look like this probably gonna takeabout eight or nine minutes for this roast thing that confuses people about roasting coffee is you go online you look at all the information that's out there and you would think that it's reallyreally complicated you know i mean you

you read all these theories aboutroasting and all these things going on and you would think that you need a phdto roast coffee. most of our customers have little to no experience roastingcoffee there's absolutely no reason why you can't get up and running yourself with just a few batches. roastingthe best coffee that anybody's ever drank is really a matter of getting good beans another misnomer is that you haveto be this expert .in grading beans, you don't, yougo to your supplier your supplier will help you pick out the beans and you letthem do what they do best which is be

the expert we're gonna have some more videos lateron how to buy beans and what you do what to ask for and how to let them help you and giveyou the service that i will take advantage of their expertiseso there's really nothing about starting a coffee roasting business you need to beafraid of people will sometimes call us an expert andwe always correct them we're not experts at roasting coffee were were fairly new to it i but peopletell us all the time that our coffee is the

best they've ever had and it's because we let other peoplehelp us pick the beans and get the good quality there the ones to do the cuppingand the grading. its garbage in garbage out so if you have a poor quality bean you're going to get poor quality coffee okay are bean temperature is getting close to first crack now we're about 389 390 degrees, so we're going hear first

crack here in just a second our airtemperatures running about 473 i so we're were set at five thousandwatts, its letting it go up really slowly there is absolutely nothing you can do to mess this up as long as you keep the beans rotating here's our first crack that was 395 degrees a lot of people will ask us how you get aconsistent roast from one batch to the next and thats how you would do it itdoesn't matter whether we're roasting

one-pound if we take up to four hundredforty degrees and we do it six-pound batch and take it to fourhundred forty degrees, your going to get the same roast profile the one thing that you can do with afluid bed roaster, is you can roast too quickly so you wanna set your roasttime and turn your temperature down so that you arenot roasting anything under seven seven-and-a-half minutes. eight-minutes isthe perfect time when we've done cuppings and comparingour coffee with that of a drum roaster what we've noticed is that our coffeeroasted eight minutes or longer

the quality is really veryconsistent but we have noticed if you were to put a pound in the machineturned up to 10,000 watt you could actually roast that pound a coffee inabout two and a half minutes but you wouldn't want to drink it you can tell then that you're roastingcoffee too fast because you'll see the chaff burst into flames before itgoes up the chute ok, we're about 410 degrees if you wanted a real light blonde roastwere already there we could pour it off and cool it.

this will cool a pound a coffee in thecooler in less than 60 seconds the cooler works really well if you'redoing a six-pound batch of coffee it'll cool a six pound batch in about 90 seconds so it's really really fast and that one of the things thats important in coffee roasting when you take it off you wanna kill theroast quickly cool it down and so you know you open the blast gate rightbefore you jump the coffee over there and we're gonna go through a little procedurefor dumping the coffee when we get ready here here

we have a good medium roast now am gonnago through the procedure to pull the roast. first thing we want to do isshut the heat off. shut both heat elements off and we're going to before we dump thebeans we open the blast gate up on the side when you dump the beans you want to bereally careful because that hopper is hot its just like any pot on your stove if youtouch it you will get burned so when you dump the beans you want toturn the hopper completely upside down and shake it so no beans get caught in thefin for you next load

and then return it to the the roaster before you go over and tend to your beans you can feel this cooling down really quickly it's already just about cool enough then we can shut off our air on the roaster, shut off the blowerand we're done. so we just roasted a pound of coffee you go to the procedure. so rememberagain, when you start the roast to make sure your blowers on

make sure you turn both elements on set it at our recommended wattage, it'sgoing to be a little bit different on the actual wattage that you use because of your elevation your humidityyour room temperature that you're roasting in but use those as guidelines and thenadjust accordingly we recommend not roasting over 550-560degrees

how long are roasted coffee beans good for

i like to roast a little bit cooler but you can decide how you want your roast profile to go

so thats it. this is ken lathrop from coffee crafters. and you just roasted your first pound of coffee.

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