steamed veggies can be pretty boring on theirown. i decided to boost the flavor of these veggies with a delicious herbed butter sauce.i love this recipe so much that i'm already planning to add it to my thanksgiving need 1 bunch of broccoli, which is about 3 crowns. cut off the florets. and if youhave some large ones, you may want to cut them in half. i like everything to be bitesized in this dish.
how to cook baby kale greens, you also need a half bag of julienned carrots.they're called matchstix. thinly slice a red bell pepper and set thevegetables aside. in a small dish or on a plate, add â½ teaspoonof salt, â¼ teaspoon each of oregano, thyme, rosemary, black pepper and â…› teaspoon ofcrushed red pepper flakes.
then, in a small pot, melt â¼ cup of veganmargarine. once it's melted, add your herbs. stir them and cook them for about 30 don't want to burn them. you just want the flavor to infuse the butter.then pour in 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, stir it again and remove it from the heat.pour 1 cup of water in a large saucepan and turn the heat to medium high. once it startsboiling, add the vegetables and cook them for 5-7 minutes.i like to stir them about halfway through or so, but other than that, i just let themsteam. drain the vegetables, put them in a largebowl and pour the butter sauce over them. you wanna toss them until they are evenlycoated, because you want to taste all of that
goodness in each and every you can imagine there are many variations you can use to make this recipe. you can usedifferent vegetables, you can use olive oil instead of margarine, you can use differentherbs, you can use lime juice instead of lemon juice. the possibilities are endless.if you try this recipe, let me know what you

think in the comments.thanks for watching vegan cooking with love! if you liked this video, please give it athumbs up and share it with a friend. and don't forget to subscribe so you get mynew videos and check out some of my other ones while you're here.see you next time!