how to cook frozen corn dogs

고맙욵니다~(thank you very much) alright guys, so i've got my"gamja hot dog" potato hot dog and you can see, it's got thecrinkle fries. and the crinkle fries are inthe corn dog breading.

how to cook frozen corn dogs, and inside is a hot dog. it's only 2,000 won, it's likeusd $1.80 or something. but uh, probably not good for my health but it is tasty.

and qiranger, actually steve millerhe made a good point on this... you never know howold these things are. this could be from 2 days ago it could be from this morning. it could be from 1 hour ago.i have no idea. it's really hard to tell. but that guy's stand seemed very popular. so i'm going to go ahead and assumethat this was made, at some point within the last 6 hours.

and then he just deep fried it as you couldsee in the footage earlier. so i'm going to go ahead and try this he doused it heavily in can also ask for mustard. yeah but he just went aheadand doused it in ketchup without me even getting ask forjust a little ketchup. so i'm just going to go ahead and eatit as he presented it to me. this is going to be very messy. all that breading... just a little dinky hot dog in the middle.

yeah, this thing is definitelyloaded with carbs. so if you're shopping, and you'relow on energy... this will probably be the thingto tide you over until until you have a real meal,some dinner or something. ok, it's kind of hard to record videoi've got ketchup all over my face. and i only have 1 hand with anapkin in it. to wipe my mouth.

how to cook frozen corn dogs

alright guys, street food in korea this is "gamja hot dog", potato hot dog.

check it out. see you guys later, bye!

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