welcome to how to cook that i'm ann reardonand today we are making a block of fresh strawberry chocolate. i showed you a while ago how to make thesechocolate strawberry roses and i just love chocolate and strawberries together. for this recipe you will need chocolate andstrawberries. try and choose strawberries
how to make a cooking book, that are around the same height as each otherso they look good as a block. take each strawberry and cut off the hull,the green bit there. so that it will stand upright. then we need to temper our chocolate. nowif you don't temper chocolate it won't set
firmly at room temperature. and i have a wholevideo on chocolate secrets that explains what tempering is and how to do it in all differentways. dip the top of each strawberry into the chocolateand then place on some foil to set. now when you are dipping push it in nearlyup to the base and then let the excess chocolate run off, and you can give a little shake tospeed it up. then leave those at room temperature to set. i let you know a couple of weeks ago thatmy husband dave is working hard writing a novel and i asked you what country one ofthe main characters should be from? and after tallying up thousands of votes from you guysthe third character is from ... america. it
was very close and there were so many othersuggestions so he's going to weave some of those other nationalities in other charactersin the book. this week's question is: in the third chapterthat he's working on now there's a knife-wielding bad guy and every bad guy needs a good name... so i want you to put in the comments below what you think his name should be and theperson whose name is picked will get a mention in the back of the book. now we want to line a container with foil.fold over two of the edges and then place it in the container so you can see where tofold the opposite edge. then fold the last edge down. open that up a bit and flattenthe extra bit in each corner so that we've
got a container all neatly lined. pour in your chocolate. and this can be asthick or as thin as you.this is the base of your block of chocolate, it just depends howgenerous you want to be on the chocolate there. tap the container to get it flat and thenwe are going to leave that to set. once they're both set, re-temper your left-overchocolate. dry the base of the strawberry and dip itinto the chocolate. shake off the excess and then place that onto the base. so once you've finished doing all your chocolatestrawberries, just make sure they're straight, just line them up before that chocolate setsand then put the rest of the chocolate into
a piping bag and pipe some into the gap inbetween the strawberries. then tap it on the bench again to level itout. if you want to you can give the strawberriesa second coat of chocolate so it just makes it a little bit thicker. just pipe it on incircles around and around the strawberry. and then tap it to smooth it out. once it is set pull the whole thing out ofthe container and peel off the foil. and there you have a block of strawberry chocolate. just cut or break pieces off and eat them.this would be really nice on a cheese platter
![how to make a cooking book](http://i.imgur.com/enIz2im.jpg)
to keep people like me happy who like sweetthings.
subscribe to how to cook that for more cakes,chocolate and desserts, click here for my youtube channel, here for the website andhere for the chocolate roses video. make it a great week and i'll see you allon friday.