on behalf of expertvillage.com, my name isdean forrest with sedona coffee roasters. i am here to tell you about roasting coffee.okay once we've dropped the beans from the hopper into the drum, i then need to keepan eye on the beans and actually keep an ear on the beans. the way that i do that is withthe side glass. this doesn't tell me as much as i would like it to but this is my trier.my trier will actually take samples of beans
how to roast coffee in a popcorn maker, out of the drum as it is roasting so thati can look and see exactly what stage of the roasting we are doing and where we are. whati am actually looking for is the color, the amount of caramelization that is going, iam listening to the beans, the roasting process has at least 2 distinct cracks or pops andi listen for that but this tool helps me a
lot. i look at it and i can actually see it,smell it, hear it. over here this is the actual axle and i need to keep it lubricated obviously.it is a continuously rotating drum so sometimes when maintenance calls for, we pull the capoff and lubricate it and put cap back on. once i have been looking at the beans andi decide it is getting close to time to actually drop the roast, i will be looking at thisconstantly in, out and out. i really want
to make sure i am dropping at the right time.once i decide they are done and i need to drop them, i open the door and out they come.inside here you can see our cast iron drum with the baffles. the baffles allow the drumto keep the beans loose and mixed and free spinning and not roasting on each other whichwill cause them to start to bake.