hey guys welcome to another "what i eat in a day"a lot of you guys have been requesting one for months so i figured it wastime and i have been eating more plant-based at home these days so this willbe another vegan "what i eat in a day" i also will be going out today to run some errands andi thought i have lunch out and a lot of you request seeing a "what i eat in a day" like onthe go for when i get home so i thought
how to roast coffee with a popcorn popper, today would be the perfect time to showthat as well. i hope you enjoy. so the first meal of the day of courseis breakfast. we've been filming but before we were filming i ate a cantaloupe.i've been eating a cantaloupe every single day at the beginning of the day.the whole thing. i love it.
a quick tip: the best way to know if acantaloupe is ripe at the grocery store is to smell it. sometimes i look like acrazy person because i'm picking up all the cantaloupes and smelling them tomake sure i get the sweetest smelling ones. but i promise it makes a difference.so i just diced the cantaloupe ate that and then we did a little bit of filming. i don'tlike to eat too much before we film. i don't like to feel too heavy. butnow we're done filming and i just made this delicious oatmeal cookie smoothie. iliterally woke up one day a few weeks ago craving an oatmeal cookie, i don't knowwhy, but i was like i need to just recreate these flavors in a smoothie sothat i can drink it and not feel bad and
i just kind of on a whim made this smoothie.i shared it to instagram and snapchat i think. you literally mix oats, i use a frozen bananafor sweetness and texture, i use you can use almond milk or cashew milk. i'm usingthis protein almond milk that i just got at whole foods. it is a little bitexpensive but the macros are pretty cool you get 10 grams of protein in a cupand it's all plant based so that's pretty neat. i also use a little bit of peanut butter,some coconut sugar, some cinnamon, some pumpkin pie spice, a little bit ofvanilla extract just so that it's really like a cookie and a few ice cubes and ijust blended up and it's ready to go. it's really thick. really tasty. itliterally tastes just like an oatmeal
cookie in smoothie form. and i know that this is going to be great fuel for my workout. i'm getting ready to go to the gym. it is back and hamstring day. hi guys, so we just got done at the gym. today i did it's kinda like a back hamstring glute combo.i took a little bit of terrible phone footage to show you guys. i didn't want toturn this into like a workout video but you guys request to see my workouts alot so i thought this would give you a little snippet. i do not do pull ups on back dayactually now because i want to go in and be my strongest i like to do deadliftsfirst so i actually do pull-ups on shoulder day and bicep day instead. weird but whatever. so farpost workout i have this coconut water and this is literally the best coconut water i've everhad. i'm obsessed with coconut water but
every single brand tastes different. iused to be a vita coco person, vita coco is great, don't get me wrong. i had this in utah wheni went to park city this was like the coconut water in their grocery store andnow i order it on amazon because it's so good and it actually ends being cheaper.it's like $15 for 12 cans or something. this is not sponsored by the way. it isseriously so good and i'm also eating a banana. so this is my post-workout snack.oh my gosh, it's so sweet. it tastes like juice like seriously when i have kids if i havekids i'm giving them this instead of juice. no added sugar literally just coconut water. anyways,let's talk about this banana for a second. it looks terrible but it's actuallyperfectly ripe. so once my bananas are yellow and start
to get brown spots on them and they're likethat perfect sweetness if i can't eat them fast enough i put them in the fridge and theinside kind of is prolonged the ripening process but the outside justgets brown. but i want show you it's still like decently firm and perfectly you knowcolored. it's not like browned and gross so it's still perfect. it's literally perfect.post workout we're off to run errands before lunch. hi guys. so we came to this park to eatlunch. we packed a lunch and today i brought quinoa cups and they're mexicanflavored and i pretty much put you know quinoa that i had meal prepped i didn't know what i was going to do with it but i used that with corn and black beans and a bunch of bell pepperswhatever you're favorite mexican ingredients are
with some spices like chili and cumin andthrow it all together, bind it. now if you use real eggs they will hold togethera little bit better. i tried to use egg replacer. i bought this overpriced chia,garbanzo, egg replacer from whole foods. i wouldn't recommend it. i would just do your own flax-egg like i showed in the whoopee pies video. but anyways, they're really, really easy tomake and it's just like a little quinoa burrito cup, like, mm. also i wanted to note that ipackaged these quinoa cups in my fab lunch containers. so you guys probably saw these ifyou saw my recent collab with olga, she's amazing. her channel is fab lunch and these containersare really cool because for every item purchased they give 10 lunches to kidsin need. so if you're interested i will
put the link in my description you canalso find it on her channel and her website fablunch.com and if you use the codemindovermunch you can get 10% off. pretty cool. i also have some snap peas and hummus. i shared these in myrecent vegan meal prep video. it's just a little bit of hummus in the bottom, todayit is not homemade hummus, but just hummus with snap peas. they're already pre-dipped ready to.and these are like my favorite crispy treat and then i also have raspberries. the raspberries have been really sweet lately. i try to getsome sort of fruit in at like every meal throughout the day and if i'm hungry itry to turn to fruit before something
else but you know. so we're just gonna enjoy our lunchand then finish up our errands and i'll probably have a snack. it's snack time. so we got home and justgetting some work done. picked up starbucks on the way home becausesometimes we just can't resist and my go to drink these days is a soy flat white.it's literally just soy milk and a little bit of coffee or is it espresso?it's espresso. anyways i don't really like coffee but this is mostly milk andbecause the soy milk has a little bit of sweetener or sugar in it already i don'tactually have to add any sweetener at all which i love. so this is just like mygo-to not feel bad
drink. i also have some blueberries justto get a little bit more fruit in. i have these edamame these toasted edamame. i haven'thad this brand much before i usually get this other brand that i can't remember thename of. i saw these and its onion and chive flavor and i love onions so i thoughti'd try them. edamame is awesome because it's literally just edamamethat's like roasted and salted and i guess this one is also has like onionpowder and stuff but there's 12 grams of protein in a quarter cup serving. soit's like an awesome way to get protein in especially if you're doingplant-based. i know a lot of plant-based people aren't worried about protein butcoming from like a weight lifting
background you're like we're told youneed more protein so i'm just used to being concerned with it. anyways these arereally really good. they're really crunchy. so like if you love chips and stuff it'slike a salty chip and i'm also having a few of these little tiny rice cakes withpeanut butter and jelly. i shared the i don't know if it was these exact ones but i shared some sort of rice cake in a what i eat in a day a while ago. i made the comment that they weren'tparticularly healthy which they're not but i got a lot of comments from peopleasking because they're like well i thought rice cakes were good for you. so here'sthe thing about rice cakes. they're heavily processed. even if the onlyingredient is brown rice. that rice has
been like heated to extreme temperaturesand there's so much pressure put on it it's pretty much just exploding therice. it's pretty much so processed that whatever nutrition was there isn'treally there anymore. so a rice cake isn't really bad for you but it's not really good foryou either. it's just kind of like empty calories. i occasionally eat them because i thinkwell if i'm gonna eat a chip but i could eat a rice cake instead i guess that'sbetter. so that's kind of my justification. it's definitely not like thecleanest thing you could eat but you know there are much worse things. ithought about using it in my unhealthy junk foods video that we did last week but it just didn't make the cut cuz it wasn't bad enough so
so i'm just gonna finish up my afternoonsnack and coffee and i'm going to start making dinner soon cuz it's pretty late. so for dinneri have made a roasted vegetable bowl of sorts. it's very similar to my no recipecasserole that i shared in a weeknight dinners episode. but this has been ago-to for me like for weeks. it's great because pretty much you just use whatevervegetables you have lying around. this week i did not meal prep my vegetables, i was bad. ibought the convenience foods ones. but i had some leftover so i just kind ofhodge podge threw them together whatever i had lying around and pretty much the way doit is i make a sauce and i've been trying to do more cooking that uses lessoil. so there's no oil needed. i actually
use either tomato sauce or soup as a base soi have this trader joe's corn soup i've been going through its really good and ipretty much just mix together those things with these amazing purees that i get attarget. they have like carrot, butternut squash, and spinach flavor i think but iused a carrot tonight. i use some of that tomato sauce and i used that soup and then ijust flavor it with spices and tonight i used curry powder, cumin, and a little bitof garlic powder and just kind of season it until it's to my taste preferences andthen i just put all the vegetables on a tray that sprayed down i like to use thenonstick foil for this because it will stick to the pan. i pour the saucemixture on top and i just kind of toss it
to make sure it's well coated and then bakeit for like 30 minutes at 425 fahrenheit and that's pretty much it. i just likescrape it all off and put it in a bowl and it's so easy and it's versatile. i can usedifferent stuff every night. i can make the sauce different every night. i canuse different soups, different seasonings, whatever and i love this because youjust don't need a recipe to do it and i think that's one of the worst thingsabout being healthy is you feel this pressure to make a recipe and you don'tneed a recipe can just have fun with it and just kind of figure it out as you go. i usually use the tray as kindof my portion when determining how many
vegetables to cut. i just literally use afull tray for me and a full tray for christian so it's a pretty bigbowl. it's a generous portion. but this is with no sides. so this is literally theentire dinner is this huge bowl and that is my dinner. i'm so excited to eat it. i alwayslook forward to this. oh the only bummer is i usually put these whole cloves of garlic. i love garlic.i even took the garlic out and got a pan of it to show you that i buy this prepeeled garlic so it makes life so much easier and i just throw the full clovesinto the vegetables and toss them with everything but i forgot. i think once itook out the garlic i just forgot about it but that's usually my favoritepart of the meal is the whole garlic
cloves. so if you're a garlic fan i definitelyencourage you to try the full garlic cloves in this bake. aright time to eat. so it's snack time. at night i always have a snack at night. popcorn is usually my go-to. people underestimate popcorn. they don'trealize it's a whole grain. it's actually quite healthy. the problem is when you smother it inyou know butter and cheese and stuff or if you get the bagged kind sometimes thosebags are like lined with chemicals and stuff so i bought an air popper recently andit is amazing. you don't need to use any oil or anything you literally just addthe kernels in there and pop it and the only thing is the type of kernel youuse kind of they all pop a little bit differently.
so you have to test it out. i found thatthis brand has been working the best for me. it's like the crunchiest pop and onceit's air-popped i just sprayed it with a little bit of coconut oil and sprinkleit with some cinnamon and sugar and oh my gosh it is so good. it's the perfectsnack and i like to make a lot of it because i like to mindlessly snack, atnight especially. but i don't have to feel bad about this so i love popcorn. so this islikely the last thing i will eat for the night. i try to not eat anything after mynightly popcorn. i hope that you guys enjoyed this what i even had a video. ifyou do enjoy these videos don't forget to give them a thumbs up. if you didn't know
youtube the app actually i'm notquite sure how you do it on the computer but on the app when you go to someone's pagethere's a little bell and if you want to get notified when that creator makes newvideos or like launches new videos or whatever you have to make sure that thatbell is selected. so some of you have been commenting and saying for some reasoni'm not getting notified about your videos. i don't know why that is. i don't know if there's like some on youtube or what, but go on the app and make surethat that bell is selected for mind over munch so that you don't miss any of theepisodes. alright so that's really it. thank you guys for tuning in. i hopethat you found this a little bit

insightful or motivation or something.remember i'm never trying to tell you what to eat or how to eat or how much to eat.i'm just simply sharing this for your own interests. so take from it what youwill and leave whatever you don't want. so thanks so much for watching andi'll see you next time.