hi thanks for watching this video today i'm going to make a review of different type both capsulesavailable now for the nespresso machine that are reusable or not reusable. anyway
illy espresso ground coffee medium roast, the end user can fill them. and the reason i'm doing this video is because i'm a distributor of someof these products and i have several client asking thesame question always which one is the better, what is the comparison, what is your review, or
which one do you suggest so, i thought maybe i'll just show you and then you can decide for yourself ok, so we are going to do a two part video the first one i'm going to show you how the plastic capsules performance. for example here we have capsul'in sorry, grabbed two is one is a french brand and they sell very good in europe as i recall.
and this one is ne-cap, is a spanishbrand, actually the original one in this type of product both of these our disposalble. that means you only use one time and then you get rid of it. and the third one is emohome, this one is reusable as you can see, it has the cover with a stainless steel mesh, and you can reuse this the manufacturer says that you can use this up to 30~50 times but i've been using this like60 times or more,
or 80 times and a just works well keeps working. it is a good product, but not very convenient and i'll show you how (while cleaning) and this one is what our company developed the brand is bigsis, and the model is pp-1, because it's made of pp (polypropylene) material the second one is not for end user, but is more for a coffee roasters (oem brand) this one is called pp-2
and the third one, this is available in my country and they sell it as a reusable model i don't remember the brand-name me, but i think it's amber or amby, and the cover is also made of plastic and in the back, it has to be paper filter this one is a little bit dirty because ialready use it so and then we have mycoffeestar, very high and the product
it's swiss made (i'm sorry) it's made of stainless steel is mycoffeestar, very nice product (actually) this is the first one in the stainless steel version and then we have an asian clone one of mycoffestar is are almost the same with different thingys one client sent me this one
today, because she says that she is havingproblem and i thought maybe i'll just try it in my video today, becausei was just going to do it (anyway) so, we are going to test this one next time(i meant in the part 2 of this video) but i see that the holes here are smaller than the holes in mycoffeestar as you can see, maybe? maybe now? can see this one has smaller holes and even weight a little be lighter lighter than mycoffeestar, mycoffeestar
is a little bit heavier and this one is another product that my company developed, and this is to be use like all bigsis with with sticker lids. now we are going to start but first of all, we are going to grind some coffee so you can see, we will use the same grind, the same coffee, in all these capsules the coffee where are you seeing today is full city roast
mocha. so now we are going to a star with capsul'in but before we start with capsul'in ah.. in my previous video someone says thati was being unfair testing capsuling at the end (when the water temperature is already too hot) so this time i am going to test it at the beginning ...later okay, we will test it first for you to see why why i dunno (like it) you will see better
ok now, we are going to take the capsule out and as you can see there's nothing herenothing so the capsule is stuck inside and this is what is left of the capsule so i don't know if it melt or if it's
it just deformed for maybe water temperature pressure pressure i don't know. getting back on filling the capsules first one capsul'in. (i'm sorry) what i'm going to do here is to weight the capsules first for you to see how much coffee can go inside each product
so for the first one, on now the weight is zero as you can see, we fill this one for this product i think its not very good to press very firmly, because they are vacuum thermoformed, so it might deformed (becoz of the thin wall thickness) and then we are going to use it's sticker lids. oh no, before using the sticker lids, were going to see howmuch
it weights 4.81gr. this might vary depending on how much coffee you press inside. so here's thefirst one capsul'in finished and the second one we are going to fillits ne-cap so we also are going to reset to zero and fill it with coffee
press gently and take this off and use the cover and because my machine is a new model, so we have tho use the eva ring, and it attach like this so this is ne-cap and now we are going to test emohome
put it here, reset to zero i think we forgot to measure this one. sorry i'm so sorry. we are going to put a blank capsule first to reset to zero, take the eva out, the weight is 4.43gr so for ne-cap the weight is like that and we're going to test we are going to put emohome, and set to zero
fill the capsule. for this model will have to look press firmly, because in the cover it already has holes because of the stainless steel mesh so we have to press more firmly, and close it otherwise.. i'm going to tell you why.. because if you don't put some pressure when the water goes in, it just comes outdirectly (oops.. can't see the capsule)
when the water goes in, it just comes out directly. it meets no barriersso know the coffee will be lighter well this is for emohome we weight, 5.63gr (error...) is this correct?? we can check again this is an empty one.. and then we put on the one we've covered (with coffee) the correct weight is 4.61grm 4.61gr
next, we are going to use the big-sis this is to be use with sticker lids, so the same, we reset to 0 fill the capsule and we use our own sticker lids and we weight 4.58gr then for the bigsis model 2, pp-2 reset to zero
we weight 4.88grm, and now we're going to fill this one amber, reset to zero use its own reusable lid you can see the reusable lid, and it has paper filter. i don't know why these item is being sold as a reusable model
because honestly you can never reuse paper filter after getting wet, drying it may not be very clean so you seal it like this ay.. i forgot to weight first (again!!) okay 4.99 gr. this is by far the winner now which the most coffe can be filled and so now, we are going to test these capsules
and again we are going to start with capsulin the same one we filled. this is the same one i'm going to move up the machine so you can see is the same one we filled, is not another one......... a little bit of water at first and ahhh.. it was supposed to extract 40ml of water, of coffee i'm sorry
but what it draw, what is? 30ml so here is the first one then we're going to try and ne-cap be careful (for the eva rignt not to fell off) (machine working) ne-cap and then emohome
this is emohome and then bigsis pp1 i think the emohome got stuck yeap, the emohome got stuck as you can see this not problem of thepp1 of the bigsis, this is problem of the emohome, because it got stuck, ok....
we are now going to test bigsis again this is the fullest cup by far for the medium extraction ok, next bigsis pp2 model this capsule has no-holes but it's compatible with the nespresso u and finally where going to test this
amber water water water and then coffee this capsule is not not not very good , this is not a very good product wo, what i'm going to do now is to take these off so youcan see the comparisonfrom a horizontal view and i'm going to taste the coffee
capsul'in it draws about 30ml of water then we have ne-cap which draws 40ml out of water (sorry.. coffee) emohome, also 40ml, but the crema is not is very thin compare to ne-cap reminder : these two are are dispossible. now, we have the bigsis comparing to emohome and it has a thicker crema and then we have pp-2
also very thick crema, and then we have: i don't know what amber.........., so again we can see capsulin, ne-cap emohome, bigsis-pp1 bigsis-pp2 with no holes and amber. so what we are going to try now is drink them nop, this one i'm not going to drink because i'm a little bit afraid
of the melting plastic. so sorry(sorry capsul'in, don't sue me ..) and ne-cap with very good consistency (me drinking coffee) strong coffee well maybe because it's dark roast emohome, sorry have to show you the crema first no, no much crema these is a very watery, weak coffee
big sis pp1 sorry.. blablabla the crema first very thick crema, impressive i like crema in my coffee very nice full body very tasty bigsis pp-2, the model with all homes the crema is also very good
but it does not draw 40ml of water maybe 38 ml of water (new product still making some adjustments..) as you can see (i'm sorry, trying to get my camera to focus) hmm nice also, is very similar to pp-1

but the body is now very very heavy (will fix that soon) a little bit lighter but in performance
i like bigsis, pp1 and pp2 and ne-cap