- ahh, coffee, sweet nectar of the gods. always so delicious, so empowering, and once illegal? welcome to facts in five,the series that covers the coolest and most interesting facts
is dark roast coffee healthier, on a topic in five minutes or less. for today's caffeine-charged episode, i'll be telling you some incredible things you never knew aboutthat morning cup of joe.
like for example, how in 1675it became outlawed in england when king charles thesecond became worried that coffee shops were where people were conspiring against him. in addition to royal paranoia,the brew that we all love has a huge number of amazing facts that you need to hear to believe. add cream and sugar ifneeded because today's facts in five is all about coffee.
so, what is coffee? now this might seem likean obvious question, but the real answer isgoing to surprise you. of course it's a hot beverage made from brewing roasted and ground beans, but did you know that those beans aren't actually beans atall; they're fruit pits. coffee beans are seeds from the bright red berries of the coffee plant.
in fact, the beans thatcome out of the berry aren't even the brown colorthat we're all familiar with. they're actually green. they only become brown through the process of drying them out and roasting them which caused them topop and double in size, and if you were to walk into a cafe, you could order any number ofdifferent coffee beverages, however they aren'tmade with special beans.
drinks like espresso use the same beans as a regular cup of coffeeonly ground much finer. but perhaps one of the mostfascinating things about it is that that simple beverage that you drink every day is much more. it's actually the secondmost valuable commodity traded by developing countries,second only to petroleum. so, who discovered coffee? well, it's believed thatcoffee originated in ethiopia
as far back as the tenth century, but the first evidence of drinking it was in the sufi monasteriesof yemen in the 15th century. the effects of coffee were discovered when farmers found their goats eating the berries of the coffee plant and then found them acting crazed as they started runningaround and dancing. does anyone else want tosee a bunch of baby goats
jumping and dancingaround or is that just me? now, instant coffee was inventedin 1906 by a belgian man named george washington,not the president, who was living in guatemala, but that's not the only greatinvention involving coffee. in 1991 at cambridge university,a small group of scientists fed up with always findingthe coffee pot empty, set up a camera pointed straight at the break-room coffee machine.
they streamed the footage live on the web so that they could see before standing up if there was any brew left. that's right. the first webcam ever made was for coffee. where does coffee come from? needing specific conditions to survive, all coffee is grown alongthe strip of the earth called the coffee belt.
this tropic area deliverslots of sunshine and heat to the coffee plants. exported from these areas, coffee is sent all over the world and often in ridiculously large quantities. for instance, did you knowthat new yorkers drink nearly seven times more coffee than any other city in the usa, or how about the netherlands,where people consume
an average of 2.4 cupsof coffee every day. the entire population must be constantly trembling on a caffeine high. when does coffee affect us the most? well, research shows thatcoffee is most effective if it's consumed in late morning, specifically between 9:30 and 11:30 am. it only takes about 10minutes to start feeling the effects of coffee on your body,
and it's been proven thatdrinking coffee before a workout leads to a better physical performance. not only does caffeineincrease adrenaline, but it releases fattyacids from fat tissues and increases your metabolism by as much as three to 11 percent. it's also important to note that if you're one of those people whohave lived on energy drinks and have since replaced them with coffee,
it might interest you to know that there is more caffeine in asingle grande cup of coffee than your average energy drink. so, why should we drink coffee? well, believe it or not,drinking that cup of joe can actually extend your life. coffee is the dominantsource of antioxidants in the average diet inwestern civilization. those antioxidants helpthe body fight off diseases
such as parkinson'sdisease, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. in addition, consuming a cup of coffee significantly improves blood flow. studies have shown that people who drink upwards of four cups of coffee a day are 80% less likely to developa condition called cirrhosis. if that wasn't enoughfor you, another study revealed that regular coffeedrinkers are 65% less likely
to develop alzheimers,so, as it turns out, that cup of joe isn'tbad for you after all. bottoms up. i want to give a big thanks to coffee mate for sponsoring this video. bonus fact, one in five cupsof coffee in the united states are whitened with coffee mate. that's a lot of coffee. they've teamed up with star wars
to create limited editioncollectible bottles, and of course they sent me them from the beautifulunited states of america because they know how muchi love star wars and coffee. not only do they lookcool, but the flavors make perfect sense for the characters. like darth vador reppingthat espresso chocolate. it's like liquid dark side. like i said, they're limited edition,
so be sure to collect allfive before they're gone. although if any of you are fansof the franchise like i am, i'm sure you're already on it. thanks again for watching, guys, and be sure to leave a comment below letting me know what you want the topic of the next facts in five to be. remember to click thatred subscribe button to be notified of futurevideos on my channel.
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i love you guys, andi'll see you next time. peace.