well, i believe that coffee is on your side from the moment you wake up, an intimate friend that’s going to help you and make you successful. espresso is an italian tradition. what i expect from a great shot of espresso, i want to see a nice crema with a nice texture that’s golden brown. so, when i make an espresso based drink, i want to make sure that i have fresh coffee beans.
is dark roast coffee the strongest, i’m going to grind fresh beans into the portafilter, level and tamp it properly, and activate the machine. i’ll see if the way it’s brewing is producing the right mouse tail. this is what we call the espresso coffee coming out of the spouts. when you activate the machine, the pressure should go up to 9-10 atm
and the extraction time should be between 28 and 32 seconds from the moment you start. when everything is ready, i’m going to start steaming the milk. i’m going to make sure that i incorporate enough air to produce a nice microfoam. i’ll groom it to make it look shiny and put the ingredients together. we don’t really drink a lot of drinks like in america. we do have espresso, macchiato, cappuccino, caff㨠latte (or latte). macchiato is one shot of espresso. there are two different schools: one says to use a dollop of foam. my favorite school is you steam the milk,
and then you free pour it to get a little bit of liquid milk and some nice microfoam; that’s my favorite. the cappuccino is probably the most common drink in italy, especially for breakfast. it’s a single shot of espresso, equal parts coffee, milk, and foam; the important thing is that it’s balanced.

last, but not least, you need to serve the coffee immediately so that the drinker will experience all the aromatics, the nice mouth-feel, and the fantastic aftertaste. as a producer of specialty drinks, that’s going to make my day. and hopefully, my customer, my friend, or my colleague will enjoy a cup of coffee unlike any they’ve ever had.