hey guys, this is ryan here from desktodirtbag.com and today we're going to talk about how you can make the world's best cup of coffee while you are camping and that goes for camping, traveling, or yes, even at home in your very own apartment,it makes coffee
roast grind brew coffee machine, equally well. i'm talking about the aeropress coffee maker, it's a uniqueplunger type device that kinda reminisces a french press but it's superior in
many different ways. primarily it allows you to control the 3 key factors that go into making a cup of coffee to your preference and that is the water temperature the coffee to grounds ratio, and the steeping time, you can adjust all three of those factors withthe aeropress and that's something that you can'tdo with many other i'm at the company making plus it is super super easy to
cleanup while you're out camping so i really like their press seven yearsin their press consistently now or more than two years have used it many many times camping have used it andthe foothills of the andes and south america i've used in my apartment i've used itpretty much everywhere and i highly highly recommend it theycan be had for less than less than thirty dollars on amazon dotcom and it's definitely worth every penny soright now i wanna show you how you make
a couple bear press copy why you're camping let's get to it first thing's for sure gonna the leftyour water by next we're gonna get the waterboiling xd factor is having fresh i'll whole bean coffee you cangrind it fresh right before using it that's the bestway to do it don't like roundup amateur threesome with roasted i'm gonnamake a starbucks here i and you can use a little
handheld grinder i is whether i'm in myapartments i am por la campana the battery power and it doesn't take that long this thehario slim milf grinder worked really well again i've been usingthis one for two years now no problems with it get sick nice i fine existing trying tohand-held for grinder which is preferable to players takes a minute or two to friend gamesyou want to build up to the one cup level here
filled up here to the one cup mark and work it to go high-water oiling turn that off water that'sactually around 175 degrees gives a much better brew it's not quite so better i am it is an extract all the acidityfrom the copy so if you just let the let the recently boil water sitfor a couple minutes i you get a much better grip so this isthe aeropress it's basically a plunger that fits into other so under you know place at andjust the beginning
this on their take the top off here i use the inverted bring method whichbasically places the air press in reverse you're gonnaput the coffee up here the funders down there so up the groundcoffee and a fill up the cylinder about halfwaywith their oil-water use that stir stick to stir for at least 10seconds make sure plotters hitting all the coffee ground 0me and top it off
accepted the little paper paper filtersthis cell bowl paper and metal filters and oil filtersreusable have both but i'm kinda working my way through these paper filter still at the moment sothey're just wanna wet the the what the paper filter on the cap so holes in place this iswhat you need to do when you're using the inverted bring that little after leading the copy steep for acouple minutes you k and cup but the cap
on with the paper filter and grab yourcup and flip the aeropress right over on top see it doesn't make too much and thenyou're just gonna give it a nice slow and steady push can see there's a nice gap here between the water and thefilter top the city it's a name their press kitsget that chamber i've air that's actually pressing down the coffee trapping the grounds between the paperfilter no coffee grounds get through
whatsoever so you're not gonna get anythat great taste like you might find withfrench press copy world people at the end you'll get the airwhen passing through that's it cool got a nice ok up to their presscopyright here typically i will make my air press americana style by topping it off with hot water the you can use
boiling water obviously if you wannapiping hot cuppa coffee rhyme here and there he did the californiaserious i'm just using a lukewarm tap water if you were rightnow cleaning their press like i mentioned tostop the cap of the paper filters here with the coffee grounds happen over yourgarbage bag just push down the plunder leaves alittle bit i grounds on there you can about their finger and rested up with a little bit of water andyour good to go that's really all you
need to do because the actual cylinder itself hasbeen cleaned by the plunging motion up the aeropress so you can click here to buy your own i air press on amazondot com for less than thirty dollars i highly recommend it it's worth every penny have been usingit everyday for more than two years now almost every day from more than twoyears and i really do love it get the air press along with the hand melberg
grinder and you'll be all set to makecopy no matter where you are in the
so yeah help i hope this video helps any questions don't hesitate to ask inthe comments section below don't forget to like this video and subscribe for future updates thankyou