roasting coffee beans in oven

on behalf of, my name isdean forrest with sedona coffee roasters. i am here to tell you about roasting as you can see we've come a long way with coffee. back in the original days, they roastedit over fires, over open pens, they've gone to boiling, baking and finally roasting. thecool thing about roasting about our society today is every coffee shop can have its ownstyle, its own flavor, its own particular

roasting coffee beans in oven, blend of coffee. in some cities, you are goingto see a different coffee shop on every corner. most of those folks don't roast their owncoffee. i am going to recommend to you that you find a coffee shop in your neighborhood,in your town that actually roasts their own coffee. it is guaranteed to be a lot fresher,a lot more specific to that area, that neighborhood.

you get to join in part of actually a culturein the neighborhood that you are not going to see every where else. so each coffee shopor especially or specifically, a roaster will have custom blends, will have their own littlerecipes, their own way of roasting. in some areas of the neighborhood, the area will wantcoffee roasted a little darker and some areas they want their coffee roasted a little lighter.for instance here in sedona, most of my clients, customers here like a nice dark roast. whilei carry something like 40-48 kinds of beans,

roasting coffee beans in oven

they are all roasted toward the darker sideof the spectrum. other areas of the country they may be more lighter. but here we takeour special recipes, our special roasting profiles and they are unique to our area.they are unique to this particular coffee


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