on behalf of expertvillage.com, my name isdean forrest with sedona coffee roasters. i am here to tell you about roasting coffee.okay i am here to talk to you about coffee roasting. let me start and talk a little bitabout the history of coffee. coffee roasting is something a lot of people want to be doingnow. more and more people are doing it at home. you see specialty coffee shops all overthe place. so it is obviously something people
roasting coffee in popcorn maker, have an interest in. it started centuriesago. there are different lines or different stories about how it got started, where itgot started or how it grew to be where it is today. for the most part, people generallybelieve it started in ethiopia and again it is a pretty cool history. you might want tolook at it on line and check out the history
of coffee and some really interesting stories.coffee beans; we roast them today but that wasn't the way it always was. back when theywere first found, one of the stories is a shepherd boy saw his sheep eating some cherriesor some berry looking things. it turned out they were eating these little beans. whatthe shepherd boy noticed was that the sheep after eating them were jumping all over theplace and obviously affected some by the caffeine so the little boy started doing it. thesebeans are very hard. it would have been difficult for the kid to have enjoyed them. what theystarted doing was playing with them, learning how we get the best out of the coffee andthey learned to roast them. they ended up starting to look like this which if you ateone of those beans, they actually taste okay.
this is what they started doing and startedmaking coffee and different kinds of drinks with them. today we roast coffee commerciallywith big roasting machines. people in their home roast with smaller roasting machinesand some people roast with popcorn machines. there are a lot of different ways of doingit. it has come a long way since then. initially
they roasted in pans and in water and overfire. it went through a baking phase where people were baking coffee. essentially thoughwhat we found was the best way to get the best flavors out of coffee is to roast it,grind it, brew it in one of many different forms but that is how you get the best flavorsout of the coffee.