ro: hey guys, it’s ro! today i’m herewith my friend justine! justine: hi guys! ro: i love her, she is amazing,i’m gonna put all her links down ro: below, i missed you so much! justine:i know! ro: i had to make a really good excuse ro: for her to come and hang out and have some fun. and, i got so many requests from you guys to do ro: the starbucks challenge, and i said, ican’t do it without her!
starbucks espresso roast coffee tasting, justine: this is great! i’m so excited! ro: she loves the starbucks, i love the starbucks!but, i’ve only ordered like ro: 2 things off of their menu i’m not sure if i’m going to be ro: able to guess other flavors.
justine: my go-to starbucks is usually a blackcoffee, or a non-fat grande chai justine: tea latte, oprah chai with a littleextra oprah and a shot of espresso. ro: oooooh! justine: does that makesense? ro: i just do a vanilla soy latte with 1 pumpof sugar free vanill-y, ro: you guys, the starbucks challenge is supersimple, both of us will be blindfolded ro: with these cute little blindfolds. thenwe are gonna taste 10 different flavors ro: of starbucks drinks, while we’re blindfoldedand try to guess the flavors. ro: if we guess it right, we get a point!and the most points win. ro: to the best… starbucks… justine: drinker…ro: flavor… justine: picker…
ro: taster… picker… justine: challenger…ro: challenger… ro: alright, it’s time for our first drink,let’s get into it! ro: we got our straw here. justine: alright… oh gosh! ro: i’m likejustine, come over, i’m gonna blindfold you, ro: and you’re gonna have to unwrap strawsblindfolded! ro: oooooh! it’s cold! justine: ooh it iscold. ro: it’s cold, i can feel it’s cold. justine:so we both have the same drink right? ro: yes, we both have the same drink. justine:should we do it? ro: yeah, ready? justine: ok.
justine: this is a… ro: fruit! justine:oooh! ro: or something sweet! justine: strawberry vanilla bean frappuccino! ro: … how do you know that? ro: on 3, ready? you just say that again.justine: oh wait i just… ok! ro: you just say it again, i’m gonna, ohow! ro: ow! ro: 1, 2, 3… justine: strawberry vanilla bean frappuccino!ro: strawberry iced latte! ro: you guys! this was on their secret menu!this was cotton candy!
justine: it’s… ro: what is it? justine:so its a vanilla bean frappuccino justine: but it has like raspberry syrup in it! ro: mmmhmm. justine: oh my god it’s amazing! ro: it’s so good! justine: i’ve actually never even had this before! ro: i’ve never had this either, it tastesamazing! ro: i was totally off, but look they’relike pink, they like match us! justine: it’s so pretty! justine: alright, number 2! i hope this isas good as that last 1! justine: because that was amazing! ro: oooooh! ro: this is warm, so it can either be a warmlatte, a warm cappuccino.
ro: it has a little stopper, ha! i caughtthat! didn’t swallow this! justine: i’m doing the smell test, i thinki know what it is already! justine: oh, like… ro: wait, is this like,a winter classic? justine: this is so easy! justine: um, nope, it’s a basic. both: hot chocolate! justine: ok, well i guess maybe it is a winterclassic, but it’s like a basic justine: menu item. justine: yay! ro: yes! justine: the winterclassic, i’m like, nope! ro: hot chocolate! justine: i was thinkingyou were thinking it was off just their
justine: winter menu. the holiday. ro: oh! justine: but no, this is a basic, they’vegot it all year round! ro: so that is a point for both of us, nextdrink! justine: weeee! ro: ooop! i feel a straw again. justine: oooh,it’s a cold 1! ro: it has a dome again. justine: i gave itthe smell test, i can’t smell anything. ro: me neither, oh! justine: ooooh! ro: i’ve baked with this i think! ro: matcha frappuccino! justine: green teamatcha frappuccino!
ro: oh green tea! justine: green tea! ro:oh that’s what it probably is. justine: is it? ro: yeah! justine: i think i have mascara all over myface. ro: green tea. justine: do i? ro: let me see. no! it’s actually really good! justine:oh really? it feels like it! ok, great! ro: you guys, that is a point for justinebecause that is a green tea frappuccino! justine: but i think you should get at least a 1/2point because i think it’s the, it’s justine: definitely the matcha frappuccinoalso. ro: yeah there’s matcha in it! justine: yeah, there’s something! ro: thank you, i’ll take it! justine: giverher a 1/2 point! 1/2 point!
ro: i’ll take 1/2 a point! i’ll take 1/2a point! justine: this is the best challenge i’veever done! ro: let me just, um…. mmmm! me too! justine: ok! onto the next 1! ro: i thinkwe are flying through these! ro: it might be because of the caffeine, orthis is maybe just 1 of my favorite challenges. justine: it could be, this is amazing! ro: oooh! justine: oh! ro: icy! justine: you know what that means! ro: this is something iced! justine: yes! ro: expert taster over here! ro: ok.
justine: yep! i know this 1! ro: oh jeez! i’m thinking, is it a or b? justine: wait, what is a and b? ro: ok, so first i was thinking it was a refresher.justine: it is! ro: i’m feeling like it’s just lemonade!justine: oooh it could be! justine: oh no! maybe it is! ro: see, thisis tripping me up, is this…. justine: so, i think it’s the lime refresher. ro: let’s taste it 1 more time. justine:ok. ro: ok. ro: we’re gonna have to cast our vote rightnow, are you ready?
justine: i want to say it’s also lemonade,since our discussion. ro: we can do that! justine: do you think?ok. ro: yeah, if you have an open discussion,it’s free, it’s fair game? justine: it’s… alright. it is fair yeah. justine: shoot, but is it, maybe it is thelime refresher. ro: refresher! justine: let’s take 1 more. justine: ok. ro: ok, 1, 2, 3… both: lemonade! ro: it is, a-ha! justine: oh gosh, what adiscussion!
ro: ha-ha! justine: cheers! ro: it is lemonade! ro: i didn’t know they had that. 1 more! justine:alright, cool! ro: 5! 5! i’m feeling alive! i may be on a sugar high! ro: i’m excited! justine: ooooh! ro: wegot another straw! justine: it’s another cold one! ro: oh my gosh, did you used to do this whenyou were a kid? justine: i don’t know what you’re doing. ro: huh! it’s cold! justine: ok! ro: ok!
ro: so maybe a frappuccino? justine: ooooooh! justine: this has a weird taste to it. ro:what does it taste like? justine: it tastes like a strawberry javachip frappuccino to me! ro: i’m tasting a berry! justine: yeah! justine: strawberry… it could be the raspberry since we got tricked earlier. justine: but it’s definitely java chip! ro: i’m not gonna say huckleberry… justine:it could be huckleberry. ro: because, everyone tells me, ro, nobodymakes anything with huckleberry. justine: they do, it’s now on the menu…i’m just kidding!
ro: is it? justine: ha-ha, no it’s not!ro: i got so excited! ro: there’s 2 flavors i’m tasting, soi’m just gonna yell ‘em… justine: mmmhmmm. ro: because i have no clue. justine: ok! ro: 1, justine: strawwwww…. ooops! ro: ohwait! wait, wait! justine: ok, ok! ro: chocolate blueberry frappuccino. justine:strawberry java chip frappuccino! justine: red velvet! justine: sorry, i yelled! ro: so this is, red velvet cake creme frappuccino!justine: huh! ro: and, it’s really interesting, becausei tasted chocolate and a lot of people
ro: don’t know that red velvet cakes, oneof the ingredients is cocoa! justine: i actually did know that! ro: oh,she knows, she’s been baking! justine: oh yeah well… ro: it’s not even red! justine: so we get, do we get a 1/2 a point?ro: yeah, sure. justine: i, yeah, yeah! ro: 1/2 a point, 1/2a point! 1/2 a point, 1/2 a point! ro: we’ll take it! we’ll take it! justine:mmmhmm, i’ll take it! ro: also, um, these aren’t red! justine: we are now on drink number 6.
ro: and i am feeling very hyper! like….justine: this is a hot drink though! ro: it is? justine: yeah. ro: oooooh! justine:are you ready for this one? ro: yes, yes! justine: ooooh! this might be 1 of my favorites!i think this is a holiday favorite! justine: shall we try it? ro: oh yeah, yeah! ro: you can already tell from smelling that?justine: mmmm! oh yeah! justine: this is, this is like my every morningduring like, the holidays. ro: this tastes delicious! i’ve never hadit and i now am like kicking myself, why ro: have i never tried this drink?
justine: it’s life changing! ro: i was gonna guess a peppermint hot milk.but, er… what do we say a ro: chocolate milk? a peppermint hot choc…oh jeez! ro: a choc… a hot… uhhhhhh…. justine: well since it’s not the holidaysit probably is just a hot chocolate justine: with peppermint. ro: ok, i’m gonna go for the non-coffee,you can go for the coffee? justine: ok! ro: or should… do whatever… you do youok? justine: ok! you do you! ro: ok, ok! i, a hot… a hot… ok! mmmm!justine: mmmm!
ro: 1, 2, 3… ro: spearmint hot cocoa! justine: peppermintmocha latte! justine: yay! ro: justine got it right, pointfor her! justine: i love the holidays! ro: go justine!go justine! justine: ugh, this is my favorite drink! ro:i have never had 1 of these! justine: it’s so good! justine: alright, so we’ve got another drinkhere. oooh it’s another cold 1! ro: ooooh! frappuccino! and it’s got a dome!justine: it does! justine: i usually go with the no whip!
ro: i know, i do too! i feel like it’s mybirthday today! ro: because like, on special days, my birthdayor new years, i’ll be like, ro: yeah, i’ll do the whipped cream! justine:we’ll do it! justine: ok. ro: ooops! ro: here we go! justine: oooooh! i smelledit! ro: mmmmm! justine: oh god this is just delicious! justine: my goodness! this is really sweet!ro: is this a secret menu item do you think? ro: or is this like a holiday frappuccino?
justine: this is definitely a holiday frappuccino.yeah. ro: huuuuhhh! ok we gotta guess it! we gottaguess it! justine: this is great! ok! ro: i’m too excited! justine: ooh yay! ro:i’m too excited! ok, uh, uh… both: gingerbread frappuccino! ro: give me gingerbread! justine: oh what?!?! justine: cinnamon roll liar! ro: cinnamonroll frappuccino?!?! justine: i’ve had so much sugar! ro: metoo! ro: can i just say in our defense, tasteslike a gingerbread cookie. justine: it does!
ro: i mean i’m just saying. justine: butdoesn’t gingerbread, do they have justine: cinnamon in them? ro: mmmhmmm. justine:so… ro: 1/2 a point. justine: this is a yeah. justine: we get 1/2 point. justine: we’re giving ourselves 1/2 you know what, you know what this is? ro: yeah, 1/2 a point! 1/2 a point! ro: ding-ding! 1/2 a point! ro: drink number 8, here we go, ooooh! it’snice and cold, ice. justine: oooooh! justine: hmmm, i bet this is 1 of the refreshers.because when i put the straw in, justine: i feel like i hit something, whichwas probably the fruit.
ro: oh my gosh! justine: i’m not sure! ro: you’re like,really good! ro: ok wait, wait for me, don’t say anything,don’t say anything! ro: wait for me, wait for me! i’m so behind! both: cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha! ro: where are you? justine: oh this is mylittle prince! ro: hello? oh there you are! justine: matty,mommy’s blindfolded. ro: there you are! ro: he’s licking the condensation of myfing-ies! there you go! justine: so what do you think this is?
ro: i think it’s a refresher! justine: i think it might be the lime 1 yes, it’s lime! ro: it is a lime refresher! justine: it is,it definitely is! ro: yes! both: lime refresher! ro: give me lime… yes! justine: yes! i hitthe lime i knew it! ro: you knew it! justine: i knew i hit thatfruit! ro: she’s good! she knew it! ro: onto the next drink. justine: i am likefreaking out! i have, this is a lot of sugar! ro: it is! it is!
justine: huhhh! ro: alright, this is drinknumber 9 and it is nice and warm! justine: number 9. ro: i’m liking that,maybe it’s a latte! justine: oh this is… agh, i know what thisis. ro: is it a latte, is it a cappuccino? ro: what are you? ro: right? ok, here we go! ro: oh yeah, that’s a black coffee. justine:yeah. ro: that’s just, ok. justine: this is… ro: 1, 2, 3… both: black coffee! justine: pike roast, it’snot even the blonde! justine: the blonde is my favorite! ro: youknow what roast it is?
justine: the blonde roast is a little bitlighter, which actually has less caffeine than justine: the medium roast. ro: you are incredible! justine: i, oh god! ro: i love that you cansense which roast it is! ro: you are like, blowing my little coffeebrain right now! ro: alright, now onto the last 1! uh, the caffeineand sugar is really kicking in now, ro: so i apologize if i’m talking too fastor too slow. justine: yep, yep. ro: i don’t really know, my gauge is a littlebit off right now i feel like. justine: mine too! ro: i’m just like…you guys like coffee?!?! justine: next one! ro: next one please!
justine: alright, so the score is 7 to 5-1/2,correct? ro: mmmhmmm. justine: and this is our last drink. ro: yep,and i definitely cannot win or catch ro: up, but i’m a good sport, and i lovestarbucks! so… justine: i think if you get this right, youcan have however many points so that it justine: will equal… ro: huh! justine: andwe’ll both tie. ro: whoa! are you saying, what is it called?a sudden d… sudden death? justine: yes, you gotta get it right. ro:it’s like, all or nothing? justine: you gotta get it right! ro: on thisdrink? justine: this is it! justine: this is the last 1! ro: oh i reallyhope hot drinks are my thing,
ro: because this is warm, so… justine: mmmmm,i think you’re gonna know justine: what this 1 is! ro: let’s see! justine: you have to get this 1! ro: this is my drink! justine: yeah! ro: thisis the drink that i drink everytime ro: i go to starbucks. this, i know what thisis! ro: ok, all my senses are really like, reallyweird right now. ro: so like, is it a vanilla soy latte with1 pump of sugar free vanilla? ro: or is it just a latte? justine: it doesn’t taste sugar free tome. ro: oh shoot!
justine: but i mean, i’m not sure, i don’tever drink sugar free, so… justine: i’m gonna go with a non-fat, regularvanilla latte. ro: ok, and my vote is going to be the non-fatvanilla soy latte! justine: alright. ro: i’m gonna go for’re going for regular? justine: yeah! ro: ok, that’s it. both: 1, 2, 3… ro: sugar free vanilla latte! justine: non-fatvanilla latte! justine: what!?!?! what?!?!? ro: what!?!?! justine: i’m outta here!ro: what!?!?! what!?!?! what!?!?! what!?!?!
justine: i’m gone!ro: what!?!?! what!?!?! no! justine: no! ro: justine! justine: this is a lie!!!! ro:this is not! justine: this is a lie! ro: a caramel mmm…. what is it? justine:it is… caramel macchiato! what!?!? ro: this is a caramel macchiato? ro: no! justine: yep! ro: wait, if this was sudden death and weboth got it wrong. justine: we both lose! ro: we both lose! justine: we both lost!ro: tie game! 0 to 0! ro: so i, i can do, we’ll do a losing trumpetthis time! ro: bbbb-bbb-bbb, bbbb-bbbb-bbb-bbbb-bbbbbb!
ro: congratulations to us! justine: yes! ro:for tie gaming! ro: technically justine got more points upuntil now so. justine: it’s ok! ro: you’re like the secret winner. justine:that’s ok, yeah. ro: like if there was a secret menu, you’relike the secret menu, you’re the winner! justine: this was so much fun! ro: peopleknow you’re the winner! ro: a big thank you to justine for comingand playing this game with me, ro: the starbucks challenge! it was, crazy! justine: thanks for having me! this was incredible!this was actually really, justine: really fun! do you have a favoritedrink that we had today?
ro: ooooh, a favorite drink? ro: i did like the black coffee, because i’mboring. justine: yeah! justine: yeah, i mean that’s my usual go-to,but i think out of all of them, the justine: cotton candy one was really good!that first 1 was great! ro: yes! ro: my favorite, like, secret menu drink wasthe cotton candy 1, the pink 1. justine: that was really good! ro: but thenmy favorite go-to was the coffee! justine: the, yeah, the black coffee! ro:we’re twinsies, oh my gosh! justine: it’s so good! ro: oh my gosh! ro: and if you guys want to see any of theother previous challenge videos,

ro: you can click up here. ro: and then you can say, or up here. a-do,do this, and then go “or up here!†justine: or up here! ro: yes! ro: alright, thanks again you guys! bye-bye!justine: bye!