>> welcome to new hampshire's business. i'm fred kocher. in a minute we'll talk about the newest start-up.
starting a coffee roasting company, look at the national group saying that business start-up activity in the u.s. rose the first time in five years during
2015 with the largest year over year increase in the past two decades. that's amazing. here in new hampshire, the sba in concord, the small business administration office in concord says their retired executives, the sco chapter, helped about
257 businesses, startups in new hampshire last year and private investors helped about 198 businesses over the last three years. so we have a lot of start-up activity in new hampshire. here is the newest one in new hampshire.
take a look, they're a roasting company, they makeâ coffvee, c-o-f-f-v-e-e. it has the wine minus alcohol and it's told out and they're producing more. mark from the innovation center, welcome. >> thank you.
>> and glenn miller founder of the vera roasting company on the east coast and professor of chemist chemistry. where did you get this idea? wine into coffee. >> as you mentioned resveratrol, there's been a lot of research
linking red wine t the health, and the french have a low incidence of heart disease despite the fact tha they have a diet of high fat. and there are studies about red wine and seem to point the finger to resveratrol. we're going to drink this in a
minute and how you put this together. but mark, glenn is in your innovation center in portsmouth. what do you do to help glenn get this started because you've done this for a number of businesses. >> we try to help the new hampshire economy going.
i met glenn at the new hampshire commercialization when i started with unh back in 2010 on a prior company we worked on together. >> right. >> when he came up with this idea he showed up at our doorstep and collaborated with the team at our center.
>> and you provide expertise to a new company, plus funding, right? >> yeah, not so much fund being, we help get it when it's necessary. we basically fill in the gaps in the start-up teamments ok, now, glenn, let's walk through this.
here we have grapes, we have coffee beans in my hand and we have the finished product in this thermos and in 0 your cups. lets he a talk about how this comes together. >> so grapes are found naturally in several places. >> there they are.
but one of them-- i said grapes, i'm sorry, resveratrol is found naturally in several places, one the skin of red grapes. so the resveratrol can be extracted from the skin of red grapes and we've found a way to infuse it into the coffee
beanies. >> these coffee beans here and you roast them? >> roasted first and then the infusion process. >> oh, afterwards. >> yes. >> and you arrive at the final product, coffvee,
c-o-f-f-v-e-e-v for vera. >> t v for ver and resveratrol. >> you've had production lines and where are you selling it? we're selling it at vera. >> i'm going to taste an and tell the audience how good it is.
>> that's delicious. >> and that's the mild-- >> that's the medium roast. >> the medium roast, but you also have french roast, right? >> we have a dark french roast as well. our medium roast beat the leading medium roast 5-1 and the
dark french roast beat by 7-1. >> that's the potential market in ten seconds. >> coffee is a $4 billion industry. >> ok, that says it all. ok. glenn miller, who is the founder of vera roasting company on the
seacoast and mark galvi, and good luck with this, you'll be selling at christmas time. >> we want to let now if orders are in by monday at 2:30 in the afternoon, it will be delivered in time for christmas. >> a vera roasting.com.

>> yes, sir.
>> thank you very much. if you want to see this interview again and watch us sip