one of the first questions when you want tostart baking is, which oven is best for me, should i buy a convection microwave, an otgor go in for a built-in oven? which is the best oven for a beginner? so in this videoa few things you would need to know and a few things to consider before you start youraffair with your oven for a lifetime! broadly speaking, you could go in for thecounter-top ovens, the kind which sit on the
things to cook in a toaster oven, counter of your kitchen, or you could alsogo in for the built-in ovens, the kind which are built into the wall of your kitchen. againin the counter top ovens, you could go in for a convection microwave or go in for anoven toaster griller which is commonly called as an otg. built in ovens again could be eitherconvection microwaves or gas operated ovens
or electric ovens. so when you plan to buy an oven here are afew things to know and consider. the capacity of the oven, which decides and determineshow much by way of quantity you could bake at a time, your level of interest in baking,the space you have to accommodate your oven, your budget and the after-sale services availablein your city for the brand. so let’s take a look at the convection microwavehere. a convection microwave can cook, re-heat, grill food and bake your food as well. sothis is one compact gadget which does it all. and it’s really simple to use, bakes yourfood evenly all the time. microwaves normally come with digital controls and display, afeature i love and appreciate. but then microwaves
can be quite heavy, so you can’t reallyshift or move them around, so you need to have enough space on your kitchen counterreserved for this oven. the maximum capacity of a microwave could be around 32 liters,and if you go in for a microwave of this capacity, you could easily bake for a family of 4. sodo not buy a microwave which is less than 32 liters in capacity. a convection microwavecan cost upwards of rs.15, 000 depending on the brand, capacity and the model you arebuying and of course whether you are buying it online or major drawback about the convection microwave is that it is limited by capacity. you canbake on only one rack and one level at a time. meaning you can bake one cake or one sheetof cookies at a time. you can’t use some
standard size large baking tins in a convectionmicrowave, especially the rectangular ones, because the tin will keep hitting the wallsof the microwave as the turntable rotates. so if you entertain very often or if you aspireto bake commercially, the limited capacity of a microwave may prove to be a serious be sure to go to the store, and take a look at the various models available, andalso read reviews about the model you plan to check the after sale services available in your city for the brand.and coming to an oven –toaster griller or what is commonly called as an otg here inindia, you can grill toast and bake your food and even keep it warm. but you can’t reallyuse it for cooking or re-heating your food.
which means that if you have an otg, you wouldstill need to have a microwave to cook and re-heat your food. which means additionalcounter space in your kitchen to house both the gadgets.i started baking with my morphy richards 14 liter otg, and it still works well for me.otgs are quite lighter in weight, which means that you can move it around, and you couldalso shift it as and when you need it. if you are really constrained for counter-spacein your kitchen, you could keep it under your dining table or may be even in your garage,and then use it when you need it. otgs normally come with manual controls. this will costyou anywhere rs.9,000 upwards depending on the brand, capacity and the model you wouldbe buying. and again, as usual, online and
offline prices may vary.this is my otg and this is 40 liters in capacity and the capacity of otgs normally goes upto 60 liters, which means that you could bake more at a time, you could bake 2 cakes oryou know 2 sheets of cookies and even bake on 2 levels at a time. so, do not buy an oventoo small as then you would not be able to fit in most standard sized trays and tins,even the 8’’ or 9 ‘’ round or square tins, will not fit in a very small oven. sothe minimum size i would suggest if you are going to buy an otg would be about 40 liters.and go in for even bigger ones if you aspire to bake commercially. bigger otgs come with different modes forbaking as well, so be prepared to spend some
time in figuring out what works best for youand how your oven works. again, do visit the store and read reviews for various modelsbefore you decide to buy. and definitely do check the after-sale services available forthe brand in you city. coming up soon is my video comparing a convectionmicrowave and an otg side by side, do watch out.then coming to the built-in ovens, there are microwaves, there are electric ovens and thengas ovens which come as part of the cooking range. so these are a different deal altogetheras they are built into the wall of your kitchen as the name suggests. and these are reallyelegant, and stylish, and also come with a bigger price-tag. this could cost you anywherebetween rs.25,000 – rs.40,000 – rs.1,00,000
upward for premium brands. and these builtin ovens i think you could consider at a later point of time, the point of no-return to beprecise. but if you happen to live in smaller towns, i would suggest you be especially carefulwith the after-sale services if you are going to be going in for built in ovens. so thereisn’t one perfect choice of an oven, as it would vary according to different parametersand your individual requirement. my suggestion would be to start with an otgor a convection microwave when you start and then upgrade to the built-in ones later dependingon your level of interest in baking. i am

a very happy user of my lg convection microwave,and i have been using it since almost 4 years, and if you have decided to go in for a convectionmicrowave, you can watch my video on how to
use a convection microwave. please do sharethis video if you find it useful, please do leave your comments for me, i would love tohear from you!