hey, what's up? hi. you are pretty cute. want to hangout sometime? uh, no i don't think so.
what is a blonde roast coffee, i mean... i'm just new here so i wanna see, you know if we can chill, hang out or something? i have a boyfriend. you do? sorry.
i mean, we can just be friends, ya know. it doesn't have to go. uh, it's kind of serious. i don't think it's a good idea. i think... i don't give my number out to people i don't know. sorry. you sure? yeah. alright well. thanks. we got a million dollar deal going on on thursday. we can't screw this up. trust me.
yeah i know. it's simple. how about $48 million we're looking at? alright. let me call you back. alright, bye. hi, how's it going? hi. good. are you um. are you sitting here alone? yeah i am. mind if i join you? yeah go ahead.
you don't happen to have a boyfriend by any chance do you? no. what do you got going on later on tonight? i'm not doing anything. what are you up to? um, nothing. it's my, i don't have any plans tonight. i was wondering if maybe you wanted to get a drink? yeah, that sounds like fun. awesome. um, yeah why don't we. oh! actually i'm here meeting up with my boss. oh, ok. yeah. i'm here to give him his car.
you washed me car? here good boss. i washed your car. got my jacket? i got your jacket in the car. grab my jacket! alright. would you like me to clean this too? oh! ok. why?
i don't know. it's creepy. why, why does that matter? oh it doesn't matter. so you still want to grab a drink or? i thought you had a boyfriend. wait, so do you have a boyfriend or you don't? nah, it's not that serious. i guess we could hang out like maybe, 10, 15 minutes ago?

yeah, you wanna?
but, i hate liars. and f*****g gold diggers. where'd she go though? she left? yeah she went over there.