. you have to try this today. there is more to copy than getting your caffeine fix your -- caffeine fix. a chocolate fish coffee in
what is espresso roast coffee, sacramento and what makes it stand out here reporter: -- standout. i thought for the longest
time, they would just grind it and make the coffee. that's not the case. they do class is over here and we have one going on. this is cupping and this is what we due to find out the flavors in the coffee naturally.
so after a new coffee, he will at an profile at a few different ways and taste it you're looking for sweetness, fruit acidity, a real nut -- a really nice body. so yes, it's kind of a roll way to get that out of it. and once we decide what we like,
we make a pour over because that is however customers are really going to drag it. a are not going to do it this way so jason is doing that for us now. there's a lot of work that goes into it. the growers put so much into
the coffee and andy has to come up with a great way to roasted and even preparing it. we just want to make sure the great flavors are in the coffee. how did you get so passionate about coffee? i don't know. i just love coffee and the more
i learn, the more i love it and it is still in its infancy. the farmers are trying all these different ways to grow coffee, trying to grow different varieties at different elevations and it is helping us to get better tasting coffee so it's a great
time to be in coffee. it is a great time when you consider coming out to take classes and learn all about the taste. this is the big roaster. it's amazing what goes into this. andy, you have a computer system set up and a lot goes
into that. it does. we can repeat roast -- grows every day -- roast every day. reporter: how are we looking right now? we have probably another minute and a half. reporter: when you look at this, what is going on?
what is this process like? basically, this is a steel drum inside and that is where the coffee sets. this moves it all around and we have a heat source underneath. so what we're doing is turning green coffee which is a cultural product to something
we can drink. and by doing that, we are roasting and removing moisture and we're going to turn it brown and the reason coffee goes browned is that there is a lot of sugar -- goes brown, we have a lot of sugar in it and it compromises.
we can taste the coffee and drop it to the right temperature and it is ready to go work reporter: what is the secret to a perfect cup of coffee? the secret? every coffee has its own set of flavor characteristics.
so the secret to the perfect cup of coffee is highlighting the top -- the coffee as it is. and as it should taste so everything has intrinsic flavors. we want to bring those out whether it be a natural process . that has a lot of strawberry
and blueberry. that there are inherent flavors like that so the secret is making it taste the way it should work that is awesome. do we have time to do this? let's dump this bad boy. reporter: okay.
we will toss it back to and a second. reporter: this is what happens. 40 seconds. roasting along. yeah!

that smells good. chocolate fish coffee. a lot of good stuff here that
you will have to check out.