i honestly think that, you know, the reputation here is that binghamton has become the silent killer. people are saying, "wow, you know i've never heard of this school before." ah, you know, "look at the talent that is really coming out of upstate new york." my name is daniel gross - manager of town operations and recruitment for digitaslbi, north america. my name is armand khatri. i work at tumblr as a brand strategist, in new york. i'm laurie galasso and i work at digitaslbi as an account executive.

i'm a binghamton alumni from the class of 2009. lauren galasso: i graduated from binghamton university's school of management in 2012. and, binghamton really helped me land my first job out of college in this awesome company. i'm a 2011 grad and binghamton is my foundation for success. it's up here. it's an amazing school.
i mean, it’s the public ivy. so, you know, you’re getting an education on caliber with some of the greatest schools in the country. i looked at the value proposition for the school of management, specifically. i knew coming to binghamton, versus a lot of the private schools i was looking at, i could land the exact same job . . . and, come out with very little college debt and still end up pretty much with the exact same opportunities. shelly dionne: what i have been really pleased to see now, are students that chose binghamton university as their first choice, over ivy. and, i think that’s really exciting and i think that that may be even one of the greatest transformations since i have been here. we compete with the best. and our objective is to be the top 25 in the country. students see that and they see the fact that we always strive to be better. it’s the relentless pursuit that we have. the hunger to be better.
[transition: music] zach loeb: i think that the school of management guides you in the right direction, but there’s also so much flexibility . . . i was able to start my own organization, something that i don’t think you can be doing at so many other schools. getting involved in the student organizations and just taking leadership roles were really helpful. ah, because now i had the opportunity to kind of test out management skills, test out leadership skills . . . so, going out and learning how to do this before i get into the real world is really reassuring to me. it's because of the school of management that i was able to get a really prestigious internship, this past summer and a fellowship program . . . and, be the national finalist at a case competition. i was completely blown away by the students, when i first started teaching here at binghamton.
they are super sharp, but perhaps more importantly, they're highly motivated and hard-working. they have become more curious, more ambitious. they want to go into the best companies. they want the best jobs and they are willing to work hard for it. the typical som student is involved to the point that they are in way over their head. they’re in probably five different clubs, working two different jobs, getting straight a’s, being a ta for another class. but they actually have a handle on it, even though no one really seems to know how. the students here in our school are very competitive, no doubt about it. they will have to be in order to survive in a world of business. but there is also camaraderie. i know students help each other and the fact that we make them work in teams . . . they have to modify the competitiveness with that sense of teamwork.
we really feel the desire to give back and help others succeed and get the opportunities that we had. transition: [music] being close to new york city, it’s the financial center and the financial capital of the u.s. so, having that close by definitely helps. they do new york city visits in the summer and the winter; two different internship fairs. there are firms here interviewing like every single week. we have over 100 firms – employers from major brand name banks and accounting firms who come to recruit our students every year. they regularly tell us that after they hire a binghamton student, the student is just as intelligent as those from other fine schools of business. but the binghamton student, tends to outwork the others.
just being able to network outside, i eventually got a hold of a binghamton alum, who worked at jp morgan, and he was able to secure me an interview . . . help me out throughout the process, and i got into the interview and ended up landing the job strictly because of that. we have alumni out there that are so receptive to our students, it’s fantastic! som is single-handedly, the most important aspect of where i am in my career. the school has gone above and beyond to really just kind of broaden their horizons and you know . . . enable their students to really be successful and you know, do what it is that they want to do. i’m very happy that i decided to come to binghamton. i actually came to binghamton with the thought of transferring after my freshman year, but once i was here, i couldn’t leave. i’m really proud to work at a school that has such an amazing reputation. but i give a lot of credit to the students who go out and show their stuff against the ivies and i think they are one of the reasons that our name is getting on the map and we’re growing!
25 random acts of kindness,
but i give a lot of credit to the students who go out and show their stuff against the ivies and i think that they're one of the reasons that our name is getting on the map and we’re growing! everyday we come in here to be better; to be better researchers, to be better teachers. and it's the journey of getting there that’s exciting and we love to be a part of that journey. [music]