-mmm, oh, this is so meaty. mmm... -shut up! -we were asked to make a music video for wilshire farms little smokies. when the video was shown, we were immediately fired
best way to cook hillshire farm smoked sausage, and they vowed to never work with us ever again. but we're releasing it anyway, 'cause we're a--holes. [video game playing] -dude, we're out of nachos. you got anything else?
-well... i could put the meat in your mouth. -what? [house music begins] -you're playing games and need something to chew you're super hungry so what do i do i put that meat in your mouth, i put that meat in your mouth you know you love it when
i put that meat in your mouth uhh! you're out on a date macking on some stew your girl's super picky so what do you do you put that meat in her mouth, you put that meat in her mouth first dates are always great when you put that meat in her mouth
ohh! her mom got mad 'cause you were out too late said "be back by midnight" now she's really irate put that meat in her mouth, put that meat in her mouth moms always love getting that meat in their mouths yeah!
you're chilling with the dudes and the game's almost through the pizza never came you put that meat in their mouths, you put that meat in their mouths dudes love other dudes putting meat in their mouths yeah, you know i love it. when you're home all alone and want to try something new
you look down at your meat what do you do you put that meat in your mouth, you put that meat in your mouth [tone] -the rest of this video was damaged when wilshire farms threw the video out the window. -to see behind-the-scenes footage and bloopers, click the link in the description below! then get the song on itunes!

-puttin' meat in people's mouths. -click the subscribe button to get some meat in your mouth! [pouting]: i wish i could get meat in my mouth. [cries] captioned by spongesebastian