cheap meals to cook for family

("dio e zinargo" by lamunicipale balcania) - hi, i'm jerry james stone, and you're watching cooking stoned. in today's episode, i'm gonna show you how to make ice cream using ingredients

cheap meals to cook for family, you probably already have at home. it only takes five minutes,not a whole lot of stuff, and it's really super easy,and you get homemade ice cream. how great is that? so let's start.

the first thing you need is milk. i suggest using whole milk. you can use 1% or 2%, but you'llget a lot of ice crystals, so it's really, i mean, ifyou're gonna be eating ice cream, you just eat the fat, right? the next thing you want is cream 'cause, like i said, you want the fat. ice cream. it's in the name, cream, right? we're gonna do vanilla.

and a half cup of sugar. and just take everythingand mix it together. you want the sugar tobe completely dissolved. so the next thing we'regonna do is transfer our ice cream mixture to a plastic bag. now, i recommend using a bowl, and i recommend usinga bag that has a zipper because the zipper... well, this bag is gonnago inside another bag,

and you really don't want it to spill. so using the bowl, just pour mixture into this bag. and now we're just gonna seal that up. permit some of the air. so next we're gonna createour ice cream machine, which is pretty much thisplastic bag filled with ice. so just go ahead and add in a few ice cubes to get it started.

then we're gonna add ahalf cup of rock salt. now, you don't need rock salt. you can actually justuse any kind of salt, but the salt is important, so you wanna make sure you have it. this is what's gonna helpbring the temperature down. so go ahead and take the smaller bag and put it inside your ice cream maker, which is just another plastic bag.

and from there, we're gonnaadd in the remaining ice. trying to cover it on both sides. i recommend wrapping this in a towel because it gets cold 'cause ice cream. so take the bag. wrap it up, and then we'regonna shake the heck out of it for about five minutes or so. you can do it less if youwant it to be more like soft serve, or you can do it more.

it's up to you. (ice cubes rattle) okay, so we shook that for five minutes. and now we're gonna removeour bag of ice cream. as you can see, it's a lot firmer than itwas when i put it in there. inside we have our makeshift ice cream, which i'm then gonna scoop out. the great thing about this is you can make

any ice cream you want. you can make strawberry icecream, chocolate ice cream.

cheap meals to cook for family

it's all at your fingertipsany time you want it. or you can just put yourfavorite toppings on. there you go. (hip hop instrumental music)

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