in this video i will show you a bunch of coolideas and the activities that you can do when you're bored. i filmed this video during myvacation in barcelona, but you can do all of these wherever you are in the world. wejust landed in barcelona, i can't wait to explore it for a week and you guys are comingwith me! come on! go to the park!this is our first day in barcelona, we got
cooking classes in fort worth tx, our tour guides and the first stop is parkguell. we got in! an awesome thing that you can do when bored is going to the park. spendinga few hours outside will refresh your mind and body. take with you a friend or go alone.sit on the bench with a good book, spend time
strolling around, taking pictures, listeningto birds and admiring the world around you. this famous park consists of gardens and amazingarchitectural elements, designed by antoni gaudi, a renowned architect and a face ofcatalan modernism. but your park doesn't have to be word famous like this one! sometimesthe peaceful, hidden places can give us much more life and energy.visit an amusement park! we got our tickets guys, let's go to portaventura. i love visiting amusement parks when i have the opportunity. to me it feelslike stepping into a fantasy world for a day and makes me forget all the real life take a fun day in your nearest amusement
park with your friends and family! enjoy therides, the food and just be wild and free. i am not a big fan of the super scary rides,but that's ok because every park has so many attractions to chose from so you can definitelyfind something for your taste. get ready guys! i loved our day in the port aventura park – the weather was perfect, it wasn't too crowded and the rides were epic! and now we're going to takeyou guys here. are you guys ready for the scariest roller coaster in europe? shamballais the fastest, highest and longest coaster here. i didn't dare to go on it, but my boyfrienddid and he also filmed the experience. so enjoy the ride!
sightseeing! i like discovering and learning about newplaces, but you don't have to travel to another country or city to do some sightseeing. sometimeswe live on one place for years and decades and we are so drawn in our every day routinethat we forget to appreciate all the amazing things our home town has to offer. it's ourthird day in barcelona and now we are in the placa espanya and i'm going to show you somesights here. so be tourist for a day in your own city. explore the parts, that you don'tgo to every day or visit the local museum to learn about the roots of your town. it'sfunny how we all want to visit the cool popular places around the world, when sometimes thebiggest treasures are right in front of us.
relax on the beach! we are going to the beach,come on. here we are at the barcelona beach and there is a dead rat. that's why we arenot going to go swimming. i can sit by the sea for hours just staringat the ocean, listening to the waves and the seagulls. i don't know what is it but i findit extremely relaxing and fulfilling. if you don't live by the sea, go for a walk to thenearest lake or river. invite a friend, a boyfriend or just have some alone time surroundedby the beautiful nature. fun fact about me - i'm a huge snacky person. we came here onthe beach for one hour and look what i got with me. some apples, donuts - i've alreadyeaten one and some multi grain biscuits. i'm going to eat it all. yum, yum. boyfriend is a snackyperson too, but not as much as me. - i wasn't
until i met sara. i wasn't swimming that dayin barcelona, not only because of the rat, but also because it was quite chilly and windy.still, i loved spending a few hours with feet in the sand, relaxing after the long walkinghours from the previous days. shopping!most of us girls love shopping, right? well barcelona has a lot to offer shopping wise.especially the local spanish fashion brands are worth checking out. i feel that even thoughthese brands are globally present the selection and the prices were way better in spain. anyway,more than buying a lot of stuff and spending a ton of money i enjoy the experience of walkingfrom a store to the store whilst chatting with friends, mum or my boyfriend. insteadof going to the shopping mall where all you
have around you is a ton of shops, i recommendshopping in the city centres, or on the shopping streets. when walking from a store to a storeyou can also admire the buildings, the architecture and the city life. barcelona is definitelya star in that sense. while walking the streets you suddenly notice the amazing architecturalcreations like la pedrera, which is a modernist building, designed by gaudi. the house hasa unique rouned stone facade and twisting iron balconies. another one of his masterpiecesis house batllo, where he used pieces of the ceramic tiles to decorate the facade. we alsowalked past the world famous sagrada familia. the construction of this majestic church commencedin 1882 and is estimated to be finished around 2026. hmm... a real quick and easy diy, don'tyou think?!
do sports!when you're bored and feeling low in energy try to do some sports. activity is not justsuper healthy for your body and mind, but it will also make you feel fantastic.visit the local farmers market! today we decided to walk the famous ramblastreet and we are starting here at the placa catalunya.rambla is a central 1.2 kilometre long street full of souvenir shops, cafes, restaurantsand street artists. the thing that i was the most excited about though it's the marketla bouqueria. there you can find an amazing selection of chocolates, sweets, gummy candy,ice creams but also juices, meat, sea food and tons of delicious fresh fruit cups. thoselooked so yummy, i had to grab one even though
i wanted to grab at least 10. no joke! ifyou are bored, go check out your local farmers market and try out some of their yummy products.there's always so much going on on such markets, i really like to just stroll around and observethe food and people around me. while walking the rambla street i found a cute bakery shopand picked up some macaroons. we continuedour way towards the sea and spotted a cool columbus tower at the end of the street. these are our rambla purchases and i can't wait to try the macaroons because, i've never tried them before. i want to take a picture... i have a feeling that this one will be the best one. sugar, jam and a little bit of biscuitin it. i'm going to start with the pineapple. here you go! after more sightseeing we becamehungry so we decided to try out something
different. we had the spanish paella severaltimes in barcelona so that day we chose macedonian cuisine. here is the pita bread and i gotthe greek salad. but you don't have to go to the restaurant to try something new. iactually love trying out new recipes when i have time, from mexican, indian to italianand french. you can learn so much about different cultures through the food. so i dare you guys,try to cook something completely new. visit a zoo or aquarium!for all the animal lovers out there a great thing to do when bored is visiting a zoo oran aquarium! first we spent a few minutes in the barcelona aquarium shop, where theysell a lot of sea stuffed animals, toys and souvenirs. but we couldn't wait to see somereal sea animals, including sharks, so let's
dive into the ocean. the 35 aquariums in thebuilding are home to 11 thousand animals, representing 450 species. the facility isdivided in several sections, like mediterranean, ocean and tropical, where we also found nemoand dori. by the way, are you guys excited about the finding dori film coming soon? iliterally can't wait. finding nemo is one of my favorite animated films and dori wassuch an awesome character so i bet finding dori will be spectacular. look at the invisiblefish guys. here is one big bowl of seahorses and here is another one. one of the best partsof the aquarium was definitely the shark tunnel, where we could see sharks swimming all aroundand above us. i thought it was quite scary,
but very cool at the same time. sara are youstill afraid of sharks? yes, but this was really epic. look it's a unicorn - sea unicorn.penguin! penguin... thank you for being with me on this trip, now it's time to travel back home, but we are just in time for some last minute airport shopping. bye! after a week of barcelona adventures it wastime to travel back north. i will definitely

remember this fantastic city by the uniquearchitecture, delicious food and vibrant street style. hope you enjoyed travelling with meand got some inspiration on what to do when you are bored! monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday,saturday, sunday.