waitress: hello. rick: hi there. waitress: how are you? rick: i've made up my mind. i think i'll havepage one. one of our favorite mid-life tips is to talkto the locals and find
fresh roasted coffee llc coupon, out where they eat in port saint lucie, florida,they eat at berry fresh cafe. female 1: i come in here practically everyday after i go to the gym. female 2: food is good. it's reasonably priced.
sandi: how can you finish an order of thosepancakes is what i want to know? female 3: i didn't. sandi: i've never seen anywhere with pancakesas big as your head. male 1: i have the same thing every day. jimtimoteo: homemade pimento cheese in this sandwich, homemade pickle. female 1: well, i find that they put a differenttwist on the food. femail 2: service is fantastic.
jim: well we make everything fresh. everything'sauthentic here, you know, from omelet's to eggs benedict to salads,homemade soups, homemade biscuit. sandi: a southern bagel. jim: see how we make them right here on thepremises? pot roast at night, we jazz up some of our comfort food. we haveour own meatloaf, people die for our meatloaf. we even have a lot of signatureitems. male 1: two eggs, bacon, and a english muffin. female 1: they have a honey mustard, blackberrydressing, which is just incredible.
jim: shrimp and grits, you know. we have southernpeople coming in here that are real southerners and they can't getover how good our shrimp and grits are. rick: frank is going to show me how to makesome incredible shrimp and grits, one of their signature items. whatdo we do? frank: peel, de-end, de-vein shrimp, tri-colorpeppers which is going to be green peppers, suntanned peppers. thoseare grape tomatoes, fresh bacon. put it right on top of a nice bed ofgrits made with heavy cream. that is the key point to this. shrimp is good,peppers, onions are good.
bacon is good. grits with cream and cheddar,most of the places you go they make it with water and salt. everything weget it in, mix it together. you got the heavy cream, reduce it a little bitto make it a little bit more thick. rick: that's always good. frank: get the finally, the final presentationright here. just a whole bunch of southern goodness right therewith some fresh shrimp and vegetables. frank: shrimp and grits, saint lucie weststyle.
sandi: my first ever shrimp and grits. jim: ooh, luci. so sweet. sandi: oh my god, this passes the mid-lifemoaning test. we have a saying, we take the moaning out of the bedroomand put it in the kitchen where it belongs. rick: i'm a southern boy and shrimp and gritsis one of my favorite things. jim: this is a big test. rick: this is a big test. jim: it's all in there.
rick: mom, i hate to say this but this isbetter than yours. jim: uh-oh. sandi: this is perfect. rick: i'm not going to save any of this forsandy. i think i'm going to sneeze on it or something so she won't wantit. jim: they're tired of chain restaurants andthey want a restaurant where the food is fresh and healthy. rick: food to go. sandi: that was good. sometimes you go somewhereand things are so
terrific you don't want to leave anythingbehind. rick: what's on your bucket list? female 3: my bucket list is to do a cruiseto the panama canal, and i definitely want to skydive. male 2: it's to get a winnebago and do thecountry. female 1: i like to travel the world, andof course i like to taste good around the world.

male 3: my bucket list, i want to marry you. jim: i'd like to hike the appalachian trail.
female 2: going to the keys, haven't beenthere yet. male 3: it's a deal. and we'll stop at berryfresh.