10 amazing egg tricks / hacksnew style fried eggs: take an egg, now take a knife, now cut thategg, now just crack it open and move the egg yolk from side to side until you separatefrom the egg whites. there we go, now i’m going to reserve thisegg yolk for later. here i’m going to herbs to my egg whites,chives in this case and some mozzarella.
good things to cook for breakfast, now you can add any herbs or any cheese oranything for that matter to your egg whites, it’s just your preference but this is apretty good combination. now i’m going to add this to an oiled panand add my egg yolk and cook it like i would a normal sunny side up egg but it’s anythingfrom that.
once it’s done just put it on your toastand this is just a beautiful, beautiful combination of mozzarella, chives and eggs that just worksso great. i urge you to give this a try at home. it’s just something very special. you can do any combination you want but thisone is pretty damn good. i would suggest you try this one. eggs devaux aka airy eggs:here i’m going to show you how to make eggs devaux aka airy eggs. for this you need one egg white and then youjust want to beat it with a whisk until it
becomes nice and fluffy and airy like this. now you want to take a ring and place it ina pan and then just lubricate it with a little bit of oil or butter, whatever you want, andthen you place half your egg whites into it and after that you add your yolk and thenyou add the other half on top. you can mix your egg whites with herbs, cheeseor anything you like, bacon bits to make it a little bit more interesting. once you’ve cooked one side which will takeabout three to four minutes then you flip it over and you cook the other side for anotherthree to four minutes. once it’s cooked then you just want to separatethe sides by running your knife around, all
the way around until it’s loose from thering. then you just want to flip it over and dothe exact same thing to the other side. just again run your knife around to make surethat it’s loose from that side as well. now to serve it up, what i suggest you dois you take a piece of bread and then add some smoked salmon on top like this, thenyou place your airy egg on top and just life the ring up. now i’m going to add a little bit of hollandaisesauce just like you would with eggs benedict and then a little bit of cayenne pepper. there we go, we’ve got a much fluffier versionof an eggs benedict, and i hope you enjoy
this recipe and give this a go at home. it’s super delicious. bacon egg basket:this next trick is called a bacon egg basket; it’s a great way to make your breakfast. start off by taking some bacon strips andjust place them into a pan like this. cook them up but you don’t want to cookthem until they’re crispy rather you want to cook it until it’s medium done, stilla little bit soft and pliable, just like this. once they’re done you just want to takethem out of the pan and let them cool down and after they’ve cooled down properly thenyou want to place them into a muffin tray,
just line them around the edges like thisand then cut a little piece off for the bottom just like that. now you want to fill them up with eggs, sojust crack the egg straight into them like this, as many as you need, and here you canadd some cheese or some herbs. you can use any kind of cheese you want, anykind of filling. place them into the oven at 190Ⱐcelsiusthat’s 374Ⱐfahrenheit, and you want to leave them in there for about 12 minutes tocook to a nice runny core. otherwise if you want it a bit more hard cookedthen just leave them in there a little bit longer, just always keep an eye on them.
there we go, beautiful little egg baskets. now take a knife and run it around the edgesto separate it and then carefully scoop them out with the knife and just lift them outlike this. now you can add some chives, some salt, anythingyou want and then just enjoy your beautifully delicious egg bacon baskets. radioactive egg:i call this next egg the radioactive egg. start off by taking one chicken egg and thenmultiple quail eggs. you just want to cut these open with a knifeon the top like this and then just plop them in.
i usually use about one main chicken egg tofive small quail eggs and this just makes for a very interesting way of looking at it. i’m going to put a pan on the fire hereand oil it up. then i want to take my multi egg yolk eggand place it in just like this, and cook it like you would a normal fried egg. it looks a little more different and whackythan a normal fried egg. there we go, the radioactive egg, it lookslike a chicken that survived some nuclear tests. it’s just great for kids and just anyonewho likes lots of egg yolks.
awesome! the egg heart:beetroot, for this next part you’re going to need some beetroot juice, so place it intoa juicer and make some beetroot juice. awesome, now put that to the side for later. now i’m going to take an egg and just crackit open into the bowl and take a spoon and separate out the egg yolk. now you want to take a teaspoon of that beetrootjuice and place it into the egg whites followed by a little pinch of salt, and then you wantto take half a teaspoon of vinegar and place it in, or you can use half a teaspoon of lemonjuice.
what happens is the acidity makes the beetrootjuice a bright red. this will make a pink egg, if you don’tuse it you end up with a purplish egg. now mix it and then you just want to removeany of the air bubbles you created by mixing into a different bowl because you want a bubble-lessmixture of egg whites. now you want to take an egg heart mold andplace it into a pan, and just spray it down with some oil. now you want to place your egg whites mixtureinto that, and then you add your egg yolk back in. you want to cook this at a very, very lowtemperature otherwise it will end up burning
a little bit brownish. once it’s cooked enough then you can tostart separating the sides from the mold, then you want to cook it a little bit moreso it’s just finished cooking. there we go; a beautiful pink heart egg andit wouldn’t be complete without heart shaped toast, awesome. this is great for any time you want to impressa loved one or valentine’s day or anniversaries, or anything for that matter. enjoy! the best poached eggs:alright, so now i’m going to show you an
amazing new way to make poached eggs evenbetter. start off by taking an egg and separatingit, like this. now you want to take some basil or albahacain spanish and just finely chop it up. cut like this and chop it up like that. now you can use any other herb you’d likebut the combination i’ll show you is pretty good. take your basil and add it to your egg whites,just like this, and then add a little bit of mozzarella cheese, but you can add anyother cheese you like or any other ingredients for that matter.
you could put little bits of mushroom or littlebacon bits, whatever you like with eggs. once it’s mixed up take another bowl, takesome cling film, dent it into the bowl then spray it with oil so that you can un-stickit later. place half your mixture into the bowl likethis. now place your egg yolk and cover it up withthe rest of the mixture, just like so. now to close it up, you just bring up thesides and you can either tie this into a knot or use a little piece of string and tie aknot around it, or you can use one of these simple cheap little clamps and just clampit shut. you can get this anywhere so there’s nopoint mentioning it.
now to cook it, i’m going to place it insome simmering water for five minutes to get a nice runny egg yolk, but you can cook ita little bit longer if you want to have a more hard egg yolk. once it’s done you just take it out andthen you just unclamp it and i’m going to place it here on some bread. it’s delicious like this but you can alsoadd it in an eggs benedict recipe or some salad, just anywhere you want to use a poachedegg this is just way better and more tasty. egg toast:this next trick is called the egg toast. for this you take a slice of bread and cutout the center with a glass just like that
until you’ve got a nice little hole likethis. now you want to place a little bit of butterin a pan or oil, whatever you want, and then place your bread into it just like this, followedby cracking an egg into the center, just like that. this has a great advantage of cooking yourtoast and egg at the same time. once one side is done you just want to flipit over and cook the other side until the point you like your eggs. once it’s done just take it out, put iton a plate and enjoy your egg toast which is a great and innovative way to just makeyour breakfast a little bit different and
exciting. red cabbage eggs:time to play with some red cabbage; this is for those that don’t have a juicer. you just place your cabbage into a food processor;chop it up into fine, fine, fine little bits just like this. now you want to take these fine little bitsand place them into a sieve or cheesecloth and then you just want to press them to extractthe juice. now luckily we don’t need much red cabbagejuice, just that much will probably do. now you want to take an egg and just separatethe egg yolk from the egg white.
you want to take a little teaspoon of thatcabbage juice and place it there and then mix it together. that will turn a beautiful blue, bright blueturquoise color. now you can play around with this mixture,add a little bit of lemon juice. the acidity will change the color to a pinkish,look at that go, awesome. now you take a frying pan and add your originalmix on one side and then your lemon juice reactive mix on the other side, and then youput your egg yolks back. here we go, one egg yolk on this side andone egg yolk on the other side and then just cook it up like you would your normal friedegg.
look at that, isn’t that awesome. there you go, you’ve got a very funky interestingdifferent kind of egg that just looks a bit different and interesting. i hope you enjoy this one as much as i did. eggs and vegetables:it’s important in life to do things a little bit different once in a while so you don’tget bored. here i’m going to show you how to marryeggs and vegetables together in a great way. first start by cutting an onion to get a ringout of it, not this one that’s the outside one but this one right here, look at thatperfect ring and now do the same to the bell
peppers, just cut some rings just like that. now you want to take some time to remove theinner connecting tissues so they’re not in the way. just cut these little things out just likethis and then you want to place all these rings into a pan that’s been oiled. then you just want to crack your eggs straightinto it, just like that. do that for all three and then cook it tothe point you like your eggs, whatever that may be. you can serve this up on some toast or justas is, they are great either way.
delicious little packets filled with egg,look at that. just awesome! black egg:this next trick is called the black egg and for this you’re just going to crack an egginto a bowl and then separate out the yolk. the simplest way to do this is just with aspoon, just scoop it out like this and just pop it in the other bowl. now i’m going to add some black cuttlefishink, but if you don’t like the savory fishy taste this has you can always just use blackfood coloring, and just mix it together like this.
once you’ve mixed it together then you’regoing to want to fry it. here i’m going to put some oil on a panand i’m going to plop it in. one thing that happens is when you beat eggwhites they become a bit more runny so they will spread out a lot more than you want. if that happens just simply push the sidesin like this just to keep it in an egg sort of shape. now you’re going to want to add your eggyolk back in, so just add it on like this and put it into position where you want itto be. once it’s done cooking there you go, it’ssimple, done.

just cook it like you would a normal sunnyside up fried egg. this is just a very simple way to make somethingmundane look very, very different and interesting. i hope you enjoy it. end