hi, everyone. it's been a week already. this is second episodefor real minarid. many fans post comments. i told you how to takegood selfies.
how to cook vienna sausage in microwave, many fans left comments on my sns. they say they are not cute. i tried to upload picturesthat you sent. i didn't as you may not like it.but you guys looked cute.
please enjoy my selfie tips. in the second episode. what's waiting for us? it's a live show.now it's 11 pm. you may have a thought about this. i like this very much. you may like this very much. the things we think aboutaround this time. it's the best recipeswith convenient store foods.
late night snacks, good. at night, i feel hungry andlike to eat something. i feel too lazy toorder food or go out. so, i will tell you easy but tasty recipes. there are many good foods. what do you like amongconvenience store foods? post comments. fried chicken.
many said fried chicken. i like it very much. i like it.but at convenience stores, they don't sell my favoritetype of fried chicken. jokbal. ddeokbokki. gimbap. gimbap or rice food seemstoo heavy for late night snack. it's rice, anyway. ramen, sweet chicken, pizza. sounds delicious.
dumplings. you may wish to add some tastes to all of these. i will make great recipesby mixing foods. i guess it's popular.some are on the internet. i will validate how it tastes. i will mix foods. first one is. aussie cheese fries.i've never tried before.
you may know about this. ta-da. you know what it is. i liked this when i was young. the potato snack. if you put cheese and warm it up,it becomes cheese fries. this is the first recipe. first, the bag of snacks. open it from the top.
you can see snacks in it. to here. i will put severaltypes of cheese. you know this? this is powder cheese. we have this type. and this is a string cheese. good to have with wine. it's good for children's growth.
popular cheese. take a slice of this cheese. open it up. use your hands to put cheese on. then stick. how do i peel off? today. i invited a guest. he's my manager.
his name is seung-woo. seung-woo. help me. is it peeled off? oh, it is. this stick. tear it down. and put in. just a bit asi can gain weight.
this is done. now you can warm it up. i will ask him to do. please. let me introduce seung-woo. can you see? hi. - your name?- ft island manager, lee seung-woo. nice to meet you.
- make it warm.- see you around. look forward to him on the show. tasting manager. i invited another one. i am on a diet. i cannot eat all of these. i invited a guest who will eatinstead of me. say hi. hi!
what's your name? this is myeong bum-sik. video team crew at the company. for today, he will eat deliciously.he's in charge of ft island videos. thank you. it takes some time to cook. we need to wait. you may be hungry now.around this time.
i always think what to eat. like jokbal or chicken. what do you want to eat? these days, weather is perfect. it would be great to havefried chicken and beer. while we're waiting, i willintroduce another recipe. next recipe is. it will cause weight gain. seems containing a lot of additives.
you may know about this. right? with a big lid. plus kimchi. prepare an instant ramen with korea's representative kimchi. the name of this food is budae jjigae. this is kimchi ramen. we need to add some ham.
you guys know this? foreign fans may not. this is popular in korea. ft island members bring this during overseas tours. easy to eat and delicious. let's open the can. i'll use a spoon instead of a knife.
take it out. on noodles. it's correct, huh? put them on the ramen. right. it's spam. many fans like budae jjigae. this is my favorite, too. korean foods that i wantto introduce to overseas fans. vienna sausage.
many eat it with liquor. a sort of ham. - min-hwan.- it's done. - enjoy your food.- thanks. it looks great. i'll take a bite. i may put on weight. cheese. melted cheese.
what's the taste? please taste this. explain to me how it tastes. how is that? just taste of snacks. the potato snacks. i heard this is really popular,especially among the internet users. many people say they enjoy it. do you think it's worth making orshould i just buy it at the store?
just eat the cookie alone... so it's not so tasty, huh? i think you need towarm it up. right.i should warm it up more. but in my opinion... i think women would like this. it's... you know? - women tend to like...- fattening food.
do women like getting fat? women like things like bread... so when they eat somethinglike this... min-hyuk! do you have timeto be on the show? - is it a live show?- it is a live show. - are you filming now?- he is the drummer from cn blue. - a real live show?- min-hyuk was passing by. - hello!- hey, there!
i was just... - i did a live show yesterday.- really? - i did one yesterday.- hey, try this. - what is it?- convenience store food mix! - oh yeah?- yes, something like that. how do you like it? - it's good.- is it good? it's really sweet. so darn sweet.
i don't think this is my cup of tea. for me... - don't you like this kind of food?- i would be done with two bites. because... - it's too sweet.- it really is. i have four different dishes.do you want to try them all? i don't think i can. - you are on a diet, huh?- you prepared that many? i preparedfour different kinds.
so unless you are on a diet... cn blue is coming back soon. so, i am on a diet. - so, please support them!- we started exercising and dieting. getting ourselves forthe new album. i wish you the best luck! - wow, just looking at this...- it's budae jjigae. it is?!it is just a bowl of pure fat! that's why i couldn'teat it myself.
instead, i broughtsomeone who would eat it for me. he has enough fatof his own! should have broughtsomeone skinny! - someone who needs to get fat!- i wanted someone that eat well. - should have brought skinny person.- then, why don't you...? i am not trying to get fat,but building muscles. working out to build muscles? in the comment,someone said the drummers of fncare gathered.
- that's true.- we don't get together a lot, huh? we don't. we only see each otherat fnc kindom meetings. - right.- so this is a special occasion. hey, i like this camera effect.what kind of filter is it? - it's called 'baby face'.- baby face! i got it. i am using baby face,starting tomorrow. not tomorrow,next time.
- i used 'normal' for the last show.- they say we look alike. - i actually heard that a lot.- is it our monolid eyes? i think so. or our eyes are aboutthe same sizes. really? my eyes are really small. - we have similar hair colors, too.- that's true. darn drummers we are... we really don't get tosee each other like this.
- it's a rare occasion.- true. - and...- you were practicing upstairs, huh? did you see me? i heard you. you were banging on the drum. i've been having some hard timeplaying drums these days.. that's why i've also beenwatching out. i am serious!i was so desperate that i even got somelessons from a professional.
- you did try hard.- i took lessons, man... 'min-hwan's are bigger!' - they say your eyes are bigger.- ah, my eyes! it's because i am smiling! my eyes are biggerwhen i am not smiling! were you sleeping until now? no, i just got a hair cut. - in the comments,- 'two of you gave me heart attack.' - heart attack for the two.- thank you so much!
did you just start cooking? - yeah, i just finished one.- just one. - i have a lot more left.- you did prepare a lot. but none of themseem edible. they are all fattening, too. you better work outafter the show. i don't plan to eat them. why don't you try one? which one looksthe most delicious?
from what you seeon the table? i didn't tell the viewersabout the food yet. seriously? first of all, i've never triedthat spicy thing over there. - this?- yeah. - this is so popular!- i never tried it. you have never tried it? i am not so interested. - i don't even want to hear about it.- whenever i eat it,
i always get diarrhea. i love spicy food, but i just heardtoo much about this. these two togethertaste really good. they taste good together? i personally eat black noodleless than once a year. why? i don't like black noodle so much. do you like champon?
i'd choose champonover black noodle. - champon...- and this thing... - just looks so salty and...- right. - it does look unhealthy.- among them, that's my favorite. if i have to choose. - if i really have to choose...- this! ta-da! but to foreigners,this tastes too bland, i heard. - seriously?- they say so.
- well, i like bland over salty.- same here. but this is quite salty... - to my taste, it is salty.- yes, if the water is not enough. even so, this is my favoriteamong these three. but today, we are cookingall three of them together. there is no point ineating them alone. to tell you the truth, if i was not about to go home now, i would like tosee you cooking them.
you should! because that's something i wouldnever cook in my entire life! if i stay here, i will get a biteout of curiosity. i am quite curiousabout how it will turn out. i am realizing thatwe are really different! we both play drums, but we do havedifferent styles. totally different. - you and i.- how about our personalities? i think we havedifferent personalities.
my performance style isnot so powerful one. you tend to be a powerful drummerwith fast rhythms, but i am... - i am rather a...- rhythmical and slow? - yeah, i like slow songs.- medium tempo. i like that, too. are you prepping forthe next dish already? this is... - budae jjigae? - yes. but i have a good feeling forthis one because you can buy ham.
right. using instant ramen only would notgive you the same taste. on the presentation side,it looks perfect. - perfectly like the soup.- and my manager will try this. chef of the day! i was planning to justcook these for the show, but having min-hyuk reallyvitalizes the entire show! i thought about it yesterday,but when you are on the show alone, you don't really knowwhat to do.
- because it's your first time.- right. - so it feels...- it was my first try yesterday. so it was really awkward. but having two people isa lot easier and more fun! i am currently doing'fall in mr.kang' show. - falling in to you, huh?- yup. what's the themeof the show? just sharing my daily life with the fans.
- just sharing your life?- yesterday, for example, i showed them what i doafter i come home. my house was so messyafter shooting a reality show. but it was time for this live showwhile i was still cleaning. - so, i showed that slice of life.- the cleaning scene! also showed them how i wash my face,brush teeth, getting ready for bed. - changing into pajama...- isn't yong-hwa's show similar? he does bangsongyong.what i do is one of many episodes. ah, so you choose one themefor each episode.
yeah, and i shared my daily routinewith the fans. last time, i rememberselfies changing with clothes. - did you watch that?- i did! - i was like...- i am so embarrassed! that was so fun! - seriously?- to tell you the truth, your show is my favorite amongmany v app shows. - really?- yes! thank you so much.
i was worried about it because i am not so eloquent. no, i am really excited for you. in fact, i even wantthis show for myself! i want to do this show! - what a compliment!- want to swich for one day? shall we trade for one day? 'fall in mr.min'?! we both have min, huh?
anyways, this is one of themost exciting shows. and your show hasreally cool title! - real minarid!- real minarid! because i am a fan ofreal madrid soccer team. - me too!- i am a madrid fan. so when i first heard the title, i suddenly felt so attractedto the show. - feeling of intimacy, you know?- yup, the intimate feeling. anyways,
it is time for me to leave you alone. i wish the best,min-hyuk! - can i just stay for the soup?- of course! stay and take a bite of it! - all i want is just one sip.- you would never eat it elsewhere! - try it today!- one sip wouldn't ruin my work out! it's just one spoonful. that was the second dish.
so you are making food with instantitems from convenience stores! - to figure out what's good?- yup. ta-da!what do you think this is? dumpling soup? it is. dumpling soup withinstant beef stock! it is a simple match,you know? - but it looks good!- it does! unless someone tries, you don'tthink about combining them!
- this alone is just beef soup.- right. but if you buy dumplingsand add them, - and make dumpling soup.- that's how you make it. that's a good idea. but the best way iseat at a restaurant. many people are hungryat 11 at night. - don't want to order in.- don't want to go out either. i'll tell you how to eat itat a convenience store. there are many convenience storesout there.
convenience stores are everywhere. when you see working people when you see people working at fnc they eat food from convenience storeinstead of going to have lunch. this is convenient lunchfor working people. that's right. how to eat delicious food. you work 5 days a week,and don't want to eat the same thing. you don't want to eat the same foodeveryday.
so you can change the menuand try new ones. someone commented she's hungryafter private institute's class. go find a convenience store. - find this.- you can eat this. they said the potatoes we ate beforewasn't really good. it's too sweet. but if youlike sweet food, you'll like it. don't yield to temptation. i'll only have one bite. but only little bit
you can enjoy those thingssometimes. right, you want tohave a balanced diet. it's fun as long asyou don't eat too much. now your channel, - my channel.- it opened. it opened at the same time. we can watch it together. next food. this looks good.
- this looks real budae jjigae.- this looks good. - this looks real budae jjigae.- ta-da. why don't you try first? i'll try first. you should eat with ham. look at that ramen. my face will becomeswollen tomorrow. - are you shooting tomorrow?- yes. - one bite will be ok.- one bite will be ok.
- one bite will be ok.- eat this and drink milk. this smells awesome. how is it? it's like real budae jjigae with ham.i can eat it with rice. with rice? - with rice?- i can eat it with rice. it's real budae jjigae. if you have a bowl of rice here. - that will be perfect.- so delicious.
it's been a while since i ate ramen. you can't eat it. i will. - i'll protect you.- don't, please. i will eat all of this for you. this is so good with ham.try this. let's go to brush our teeth. we did together yesterday. - we did together yesterday.- do we have to that again?
that's good too. now we do things together. let's do something else together now. these days, it rained and is getting cooler, the weather is good to go out. i want to go out with someone. - this is your...- my girlfriend. as if that's my girlfriend.
as if you're talking to heron the phone. nice. - not talking on the phone.- then what? this is my girlfriend. - it is?- it's with me. - hold my hands.- what do we do? you're good at this. better than i thought. - really.- i can't do it alone at home.
- i can't do it alone at home.- yeah? - won't you be better?- no, because i'm shy alone. if you hold your cell phone like thisalone, isn't it strange to do so? if someone holds it for you orif you have a tripod - this help you do it.- that's good. it was hard to hold it for myself,so next time i'll have a tripod. just like we do here right now. hello, there.
let's do this together sometime. it's fun. is your show on mondays? mondays and tuesdays. tuesdays? - good.- tuesdays? tuesdays at 11. he keeps eating it. - this is good.- is it delicious?
- it is delicious.- how about the previous one? it wasn't my type. it's like a real budae jjigae. - it's like a real budae jjigae.- if you have a bowl of rice. this makes me eat a bowl of rice. because it has sausages. i bet it's high calorie food. i'll make you more delicious foodnext time. because i'm on diet now.
i'll make you more delicious food. he's talking strange things. - why?- seriously. i'm saying i'll make youdelicious food. he's talking strange thingsto his cell phone. it's not my cell phone. - it's your girlfriend.- this is my love. your love. those who love me.
those who love you. those who will love me. those who like me. they are my love. there are men too. - lots of love.- lots of love. i hope you can sharelots of love. since you're with us today, the original theme isnot important now.
i'm enjoying the time with you, that's meaningful to me. fans like it too. look here. what octopus’ arms? you have octopus’ arms. there is someone beyond this phone, i can see only one person. who do you see?
i can see only camera. no, it's like somebody's eyes. - it's like eyes.- the camera lenses. - you're making eye contact.- it's like somebody's eyes. good. octopus’ arms. they say octopus’ arms. do we eat octopus’ arms? sorry.
shall we move to the next food.but that's really good. i wanted to eat all of these. i can't eat hot and spicy food well. so i mixed and ate them. - then...- how do you mix that? you just have to mix these together. - mix the sauce too?- yes. that's tasty. we're eating a lot today.
we can't eat all of thesebecause time is limited. can we? we can. - go ahead.- why don't you eat this? - i'll go home.- you've never eat this before. i'll go home with this. - it has to go home.- does it? - it has to be at home by 12.- we've got time. it takes time to get home.
i'll take it to home,and go home by myself. goodbye, girlfriend. we just started tosee each other now. take care of it. i hope you enjoy watching the show. i'll see you on "fall in mr.kang".goodbye. way to go. thanks. goodbye. have fun.
let's go. he really left. strange. he usually doesn't talk much, buthe's doing better than i expected. then let's talk about food now. the budae jjigae was delicious. - was it delicious?- yes. it was delicious. this is my favorite recipe.
here. this is. pyeonyuk. if you eat these together,it tastes better. firstly, you don't mix those saucetogether yet. you have to cook the noodles first. - first the noodles?- yes. this is
my assistant and my manager. - do we cook the noodles?- yes, please. i think many viewers arehungry at this hour. i do always, at this hour. you're satisfied by watchingmeokbang, i can't eat myself. many comments say"i'm hungry". oppa, did he really leave? he did leavewith his girlfriend.
he left with his girlfriend. to take his girlfriendat home. where did the dumpling soup go? i opened it and didn't start it. let's make this too.i already put the sauce in it. i have to heat it in the microwave. right? i just have to heat it. let me... - that dumplings too.- heat this in the microwave.
- okay.- please. and pour some water in it. when the noodles are ready. - okay.- perfect. thank you for doing this for me. when will you come to russia? fans in our country, primadonna will understand this. fans abroad often ask meabout korean food.
i felt sorry to show youonly instant foods. gamjatang is good. dakbokkeumtang is also good. they are delicious. samgyetang is famous,and everybody love bulgogi. samgyeopsal. there are many foods out there. i've got more than a million hearts. i didn't get a million heartslast week.
but today, i've got a lot. thank you. many people love foods. act charming? show my charms. i already did a lot last week. my mom scolded me for that, she said i should actlike my age. and i've never changedsince i made debut. so i want to prove myself todayas a cool guy who enjoys
cooking and eating. you laugh,don't lose your weight, oppa. i've been on diet for two weeks. i've rode on my bike everyday, 20 to 30km a day, i felt so good. if i didn't care about weight,i could've eaten all foods today. and i could've shown you mukbang,which you'd like to watch. but i'm on a diet. i'm on it with bum-sikwho's next to me.
i dreamt of fried chicken. i dreamt of a ghost.i dreamt of fried chicken. min-hyeong's gone. i can do the boyfriend concept only if i want to, but, the concept is too hard to do,it felt like... hong-ki hatesthat kind of things. i often thought the boyfreindconcept would be fun to do, but i'm worried aboutthe member's reactions,
so, i couldn't do it. hong-ki may hit me.he always said don't do that. he blamed me for what i postedon sns before, i was drunk and about to sleepwhen i posted it. aren't you hungry now? i don't have a girlfriend now. you put on something on your lips? ah, min-hyuk said this before. there's a filter corrects tonesin v-app.
maybe the effect makes my lipslook like this. i'lll try different filters. ta-da! i look different. there're many filters. i think a tone-correction filterwould be the best. ah, it's done like this. noodles're all cooked. this one's contained with noodles. some people put this with noddlesand boil them together,
but it's just dried laver powder.you don't have to put it early. and this is that famousspicy chicken noodle sauce. my mouth is wateringeven with just a glimpse. especially spicy food loverswould love this. put on the sauce, and this one, this is black soybean noodle. there's black soybean powder,and i need some water. i prepared some water.put the powder sauce in, and then,
add some water to make themmixed well. and then, with chopsticks, mix them all. looks yummy, huh? i was supposed to add this too, but i can't use it becauseit would add more calories. you can gain weight from it.you're a father. do you like meat?
i was supposed to heat it. cold one is better actually, but i prefer warm one. this is so good, i can't stop. in here, put these noodles in. because each noodle has different texture. you know what i mean? try this.
- me?- yes, you. i can't eat. too high calories. it would be salty to put twosauces in one. no, it's not salty. - really?- maybe a little bit. if it's too salty, put more noodles. - this is delicious.- right? seriously, so good. - so delicious.- so yummy. not spicy at all.
it matches really well withblack soybean sauce. but a little bit salty. - put more noodles in.- just a little bit. - a little bit salty?- no, it's just salty. it's delicious, but salty. you're so cute now. - this is really good.- it is. put the half of this in here and heat them together.it is so good.
- heat them?- this one is a bit greasy. so it makes the sauce less spicy. and that is the point. it should be warmed, but anyway, looks so yummy. - so yummy.- right? here comes the next food. look at this. this one really tastes likedumpling soup.
so great. it would be not that greateating this after that? this is so great. but this one is, try the soup. this is just ramen with dumplings. it's now like dumpling soup. it's just like ramen, huh? it's like ramen with dumplings.
- but i like this one.- right. if you don't care of the calory, this one would be great. my manger hyeong also... how's it like? - yummy- so yummy. - delicious, huh?- yeah. - this one,- and black soybean sauce, - so great.- i'll make it even more delicious.
so great with pyeonyuk. wrap the pyeonyuk on it. min-hwan told me to try this. - this is so great.- we're tortuing viewers. - it's great.- this boiled meat! how's it? delicious, huh? you're tortured now. if you watch somebodyeating at time like this...
no,no. seriously, i can't. i endure it really well. i have to lose my weight. you really enjoy this. - really, really good.- yeah, but, - pyeonyuk.- it's perfectly with this. this one is so awesome. i've always eaten this to relieve a hangover.
with this? sometimes i really wantto eat this. i'm always care of my weight. so when i'm drunk,i want to eat this. you should havewhat you want, sometimes. anyway, this is so delicious. no, i'm not eating. enjoy your foods. the recipe byconvenient store foods,
i've shown many good recipes, to the end, manager hyeong, until now, you ate four foods. - which one is the best?- this one, now. - this one- yes. what's the second favorite? budae jjigae. the potatoe one would be the last.
- yes, for me.- the potatoe is the last. - me, either.- the potatoe. it was just so so. is there any problem withseung-woo's cooking? it should be cooked a bit longer. you should've put it longeron the microwave. i did my best. anyway, we cooked the best recipewith the conveniet store foods, and he's still eating.are you hungry, huh?
this is too late to eat,so wait more, and during tomorrow's lunchtime, if you eat during the noon,it would be even more yummy. please, don't be polite. you said treat me likea girlfriend, but i'm not that good at it. i'm sorry. i should wrap-up at this pointfor today. time is so fast.
it was like yesterday i told youhow to take selfies. but it's been a week. i'll prepare evenfunnier contents next week. and come back to meet you. i hope you come back next tuesday,at 11:00 p.m. live tv. please share us great ideasas comments in here. and give us hearts,press the buttons. thank you, everyone. good night.
say goodbye. bye.

it is delicious, seriously. eat it tomorrow. bye, good night. bbong!