- hey guys. today's recipe is dedicated to all you college students out there that are always asking me for inexpensive recipes for entertaining,
how to cook turkey breakfast sausage, and i've got a great one for ya. it's my italian sausage with peppers. sausage as a meat is really expensive, and combined with thepeppers and the onions,
it's also a really filling meal. so, with this recipe, you canserve five people well for under just about $15. so the first step isto saute your sausage. now, i really love theitalian sweet pork sausage, but this recipe iscompletely interchangeable if you wanted to use chickensausage or turkey sausage. that would be fine, too. you want to brown it on all sides
just until it's nice and golden brown. then, i like to finishthe cooking in the oven. that then allows you the time to cook the peppers and the onions. you're gonna start with onewhite onion and one red onion. i like the combination becauseit adds a nice great flavor and it also looks pretty, too. saute the onions justuntil they're nice and soft and then you can seasonwith some salt and pepper.
at this point, you now wantto add your green peppers. i love to use green peppers, especially when i'm on a budget, because they're a lot cheaper than the red or yellow peppers. in fact, sometimes the colored peppers can be three times as much, so if you want to savea little bit of money, go with the green peppers.
cook the peppers just untilthey start to become soft. at this point, you're goingto add your seasoning. now, normally for something like this, i would like to add some dried oregano, some dried basil, maybea little bit of fennel, but if i was to go out and buy all of those spices individually, i could be looking at $20 worth of spices, so the better thing to do is just buy
the italian seasoning spice. just one jar, that's all you need, because it has most of thoseflavors already inside, and it's a great wayto save a little money. so to serve, i'm a bigfan of family style, as you probably know by now, so i like to add all ofmy peppers and onions onto a big platter and thenplace all of the sausage on top. that way, guests can digin and help themselves to
a little bit of sausage and alittle bit of peppers as well. so there you have it, one of my favorite budget-friendlyrecipes for entertaining. so go ahead, have those fivefriends over and treat them to a delicious meal thatwon't break the bank.

and i'll see you guys back here next week, where i'm gonna show you oneof my favorite appetizers for christmas dinner, my [inaudible]. (upbeat music)