how long does roasted coffee last

[pen writing] [pokemon game sound] i like the shirt. thank you. i went to targetyesterday 'cos, you know, it's very, very closeand i was walking over.

how long does roasted coffee last, "okay, let's just- i shouldn't do this, but i'mgoing to go to the men's section and see if there's anypokemon shirts." [tim laughs.]

and, yeah, here we are with,i don't know, the 40th shirtthat i don't need. it's cool. and i just started playingpokemon go in the cafe. really? yes. i didn't play it before.well, i did, i tried it out, but i didn't have, you know,enough data and all of that. and then somebodywas telling me, "how many pokemonhave you caught?"

and i go, "well, i haven'tplayed it." and she's like, "well..." and i thought about,wait, i have unlimited data. "oh, there's wifi in there." and now i just spent the last 15minutes catching all the- so there's pokemon in the cafe? yeah. okay. hey! naturally, birds on the food.

i'll have to check it out. and i'm just like, "sure, i will take that pidgeyoff of your sandwich." [tim laughs.] that's great. so, tell me about the appleproducts that you're using. okay, so, mostly i usethe macbook. naturally.i'm always on a laptop. everything i do is alwaysonline. and the ipad, iphone,

and then i started usingthe apple watch again. 'cos i started going to the gym,so... watches are my worst habitof not wearing. so now i'm getting back into it,though. yeah. my watch helped me lose30 pounds. i try not to gettoo focused on statistics or the technical stuff. the calories in, calories out. but, you know,sometimes i'm curious

just about how mucham i burning at the gym, because i've actually startedincorporating- instead of just doing cardio, now i'm doingmore weight training. so i'm just, like,i'm kind of curious now., what's your passion? a lot of advocacy towardsdeaf stuff, mostly closed captioning because i did start off as amakeup vlogger on youtube,

but after a couple years ofdoing that, i was just like, "okay, i like it,but it's not really something that i really want totalk about anymore." that's already overdoneon youtube. i was thinking, "well, what am igonna do on youtube now?" because i couldn't think ofanything else. i've been doing thisfor so many years, you know? and then i was like,wait a minute, i've tried to watch videos,but then, you know,

i don't always get everything because there isn't too muchcaptioning on there. it's improved now,but way back when, not really all that much. so i started talking about deafstuff and closed captioning. are you using clips at all? i have been testing it out. when it first came out,i was kind of testing it out. yeah, it was pretty accurate.

for me, because ofmy deaf accent, not so much, which is understandable. but i've seenother people use it, and i'm like okay,i can get into this. yeah, yeah.i really love it. i think it's a great productand a really fun one to use. it's really good if you make small clips on twitteror something, like announcement things.

philip defranco wastesting it out and i was like, "holy smokes! oh. okay." so, yeah, i really appreciate,you know, like, there is a section on theaccessibility thing that says, hey, you can automaticallyturn on captions. so i can go on facebookor something and i don't have tofiddle with facebook to try to find the captions,it just shows up. and then i heard that, uhm,

that movies and stuff on ituneshave captioning on them, too. they do. i haven't tested that out yet,but my friends have, so i'm like, "okay, that's good.i like that." do you use apple tv? i actually don't. check it out. check it out. i will, i will. we just have a regular tv,

and i'm too attached tomy little macbook. it's so portable. i love macbook.i love macbook. i got mine two years ago, and i'm just like,yeah, i'm not going back. i'm good. i'll keep it. once you get used to -- i mean, the weight itselfis unbelievable, that you can packso much technology

in that kind of form factor. yeah, it's really cool. and it's beautiful. my viewers will havethis kind of question and i and theywill want to know, why does apple care aboutaccessibility? what is that main thing, i guess, if thatmakes any sense? that's a great question.

apple was founded on givingpeople power to create things, to do things that they couldn'tdo without those tools. and we've always viewedaccessibility as a human right. and so just like human rightsare for everyone, we want our products to beaccessible for everyone. it's a basic core valueof apple. we don't make products fora particular group of people. we make products for everybody. and we feel very stronglythat everyone deserves

an equal opportunityand equal access. so we don't look at this thing from a return on investmentpoint of view. i've been asked that before. the answer is no,i've never looked at that. we don't care about that. it's like, this is foreverybody- [fumbles] sorry. it's like we make products foreverybody, but oh, by the way, here's another groupof regular normal people,

but here is some stuffto help you out. that's awesome. exactly. exactly. a lot of these accessibilityfeatures, everyone can use. like, uh, with homekit,i use homekit every day and control my housewith my voice. and there are so many ofthese things. that's cool. yeah, it's really cool,and uh...

so that's how we look at it. yeah. i like that.i like that. thank you for sitting downwith us and having a littleone-on-one chat. it's so great to have youat apple. please stay in touch.

how long does roasted coffee last

i want to know what you're doingwith the watch. yes, i will. thank you.

yay. [tim: thank you.]

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