how long to cook turkey sausage on grill

what to do. i'm lawrence holmes and i'm herein front of my rib shack, 'big papi's' in beautiful north hollywood, ca. and on behalfof expert villiage, i'm going to teach you how to prepare, smoke, and barbecue you somesausages. now, it's time to show you something about smoking. many people talk about smokersand what they got to do and how to get the job done. but i'm going to tell you reallyget the job done. first of all it comes down

how long to cook turkey sausage on grill, to equipment. it really doesn't matter onyour equipment, its all about your technique in getting the job done. you got to realize,when this was all done in the slave quarters, they was smoking out of the ground, with leavesand everything. that was the first original smokers in america and a lot of people didn'tknow it. i once saw my daddy with his louisana

style smoke out of an old refrigerator. nowtoday, i'm going to be working with the old school barrel. ya'll know about this, youcan only get these in the dirty, dirty south, back east or as we know in these parts southcentral. so this is a sweet dirty original. i'm smoking here, right here you can see i'msmoking on some chicken and i'm smoking on some ribs. now see, what people got to realizeis it's all about heat and heat variation, suction, and also about moisture. so to getmy thing started with moist, what i like to do is you want to start also with some wood.i'm using some oak right here. sometimes i use different kinds cocktails of wood, cherrydepends on your liking. everybody got a different taste and different liking to wood or anytype of things. people like different favors

and stuff. sometimes i've used the oak woodright here. see also, what you'd like to do is variate, see in our business its kind oflike at home. you're going to want to get your food up quick sometimes. so i seperatemy coals and we may bring some coals to this

how long to cook turkey sausage on grill

side over here, so it's like an oven of threefifty on this side but on this side where i just got my smoke wood working is abouttwo fifty. and it's just smoking on these nice little beef ribs. look at that littlered smoke. you can open it open in here and you can see that little smoke ring off thebone. that's what we're talking about smoking.

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