[amy: creator] hi everyone! i'm amy and today i'm makingcrock pot cabbage and sausage. [background music] this recipe combines cabbage, potatoes, onions and your favorite polish sausage. so let's get started.
how to cook red beans and rice in crock pot, in a large crock pot, add one small head of cabbage cut into chunks. one large onion chopped. two to three cups of potatoes cut into chunks.
one pound of fully cooked polish sausage cut into slices. and 4 cups of chicken broth. now, just put on the lid and cook this on low for about six hours or until the potatoes are tender. after it is cooked, add salt and pepper to taste. and here it is, crock pot cabbage and sausage. this recipe is really easy to throw together and it makes a great comfort food. for this recipe and many more check out my website
at amylynnskitchen.com. you can also findme on instagram, twitter and facebook. [bloopers] and here it is... oh no, i know, i keep leavingout the word crock pot. i'm making cabbage. and here it is... cabbage.... it's cabbage. and it makes a really great comfort meal.for... no... we don't want to say meal and it makes a great comfort meal. food! notcomfort meal! food! what is it? food!

and it makes a great comfort meal. [laughing]food! oh no! what is it? comfort food? [laughing]
i keep saying meal [laughing]. easy to throw togetherand it makes [laughing] i knew i was gonna mess up when i started laughing.