introducing the zippy snack maker, the fun and easy way to make yourfavorite popcorn recipes and gourmet snacks in just minutes. the zippy is easy to use. place your zippy on the stove at medium heat. be sure not to set the stove too high,
roasting coffee beans with popcorn popper, or your popcorn will scorch. when yourzippy begins to get hot add your oil. we recommend using coconut oil or canola oils due to their high smoke point. adding afew test popcorn kernels lets you know when the zippy is ready to go.
this method gets you the fluffiest popcorn.when the test kernels pop you're ready to add the rest of yourpopcorn. one-third to one-half cup of kernels is perfect for five quarts of popcorn. whether you're making popcorn, or yourrecipe calls for nuts, cereals, or pretzels, make sure the ingredients reach the topbaffles. this helps the tumbling action, so yoursnack is evenly coated with the seasonings. with nut and snack mixes you want toturn the crank every 10 to 20 seconds to be sure your ingredients are evenly roasted. for recipes with lots of honey, marshmallows, and other thickingredients, do not
fill to full, or it could becomedifficult to mix the ingredients. when the popping up the popcorn startsto slow down, it's time to take the zippy off the heat. the popcorn will finish popping of the burner. now this is where the magic begins. open the flavor port and add yourfavorite ingredients and seasonings. for this simple recipe, we'll be makingchocolate popcorn using butter, a dash of salt, and a chocolate bar. asyou turn the crank you'll see your ingredients mixing intothe popcorn. the popcorn tumbles over the baffles
as the chocolate melts and coats the popcorn with a nice even mix every time, and you've zipped up a delicious snack in just minutes. for a spicy treat, pop your popcornwith chili infused olive oil, then add a squeeze of limejuice and some fresh lime zest. or if you really want to impress, ourviva italia recipe is a favorite with basil, garlic, parmesan cheese, andsun-dried tomatoes. after your ingredients are mixed, pour yourpopcorn treat into a bowl and put the zippy right intothe dishwasher. why settle for microwave popcorn when you can have a gourmet treat
that's healthier and cost's less. the zippy is perfect for birthday parties, tailgate parties and movie night. zip upyour own gourmet treat tonight. you can find more recipes online at
to purchase your zippy snack maker visit your favorite kitchen store, oronline at for a list of stores that carry the zippy. zippy snack perfection