i'm monique evans with your latest healthnews. a cup of java is a cup of java. when it comes to caffeine content, that could beanother matter entirely. data indicates caffeine content per ounce of coffee can vary widely.according to an article in the huffington post, coffee from mcdonald's could have aslittle as 9.1 milligrams per fluid ounce. deathwish brand coffee, however, contains54.2 milligrams per ounce. caffeine content
which coffee has the most caffeine light or dark roast, matters for several reasons. first, caffeineis a nervous system stimulant. too much can lead to a racing pulse, elevated blood pressure,jittery feeling and insomnia. caffeine can also cause gastrointestinal issues and largeamounts has been linked to thinning bones, increased risk of miscarriage and lumpy, painfulbreasts. on the other hand, coffee has been

shown to have health benefits. people whodrank three to five cups of coffee a day had the lowest risk of heart disease comparedto those who drank more or none. as with many things, the issue is probably quantity.speakto your doctor for more information on the risks and benefits of caffeine. for dailyrx,i'm monique evans.