- hey guys! today, i'mgoing to share with you one of my favorite recipesfor this time of year, my nutty, chocolaty banana bread. you guys have been askingme for a banana bread recipe for some time, and let metell you, this one is it.
which coffee is stronger light or dark roast, i love this recipe becauseit's really foolproof. it comes together so quickly and easily, and it is the perfect treatfor any chilly fall morning. before we get started,i also should point out
a new feature here on youtube. do you guys see this little ithat's up there in the corner? it's a new feature that, whenyou roll over it and click on it, you'll see suggested videos. i point this out becausethis recipe is very close to my pumpkin bread recipe,which is another recipe that's great for the fall. so after this is done, ifyou wanted to learn how to make the pumpkin bread,just click that little i
and you'll see the pumpkin bread video. the first thing we'regoing to do is prepare a 9 by 13 loaf pan. you can just give it a nicedusting with some baking spray and set it aside. in a large bowl, we'regoing to mix together our dry ingredients. you're going to take 2 1/2cups of flour, 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt, andtwo teaspoons of baking soda.
you can go ahead and just whisk that up here is the secret togetting a really fantastic banana bread is you want tomake sure that those bananas are really ripe, because as bananas ripen, their sugar becomesmore and more pronounced and the banana flavor becomesmore and more pronounced. so if you use a bananathat isn't really ripe, you're not going to get much sweetness and you're not going toget much banana flavor,
so it really pays to make surethat they're nice and brown and almost mushy-looking. then we need to mash up these bananas, and i find the best way to dothat is with a potato masher. but if you don't have a potato masher, you could also use a fork,that does the trick as well. just make sure thatthey're nice and mashed, and then you are going to add three eggs, a 1/2 cup of sugar.
i'm not going to add a lotof sugar to this recipe for the simple reasonthat very ripe bananas actually provide a lot ofsweetness, and i also always find that if you add more vanillathan sugar, you'll get flavor and sweetness than just sweetness. so we're also going to beadding a tablespoon of vanilla. then we're going to add3/4 cup of canola oil or vegetable oil. if you don't want to use theoil you could also use butter,
but i find that the oil, becauseit's a pure fat, it's going to create a more moist banana bread. and 1/4 cup of water. you're going to just whiskthat all up until it's nice and combined, and then youcan add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients. you want to stir it gently,you don't want to overstir or you'll end up with a toughbread, and that's not going to be any good.
the final step is to add1/2 cup of chopped pecans. you could also use walnuts, iknow that's very traditional for banana bread, but i findthat the pecans give it a richer, almost nuttier flavor, so i like to use them instead. we're also going to add,this is where we get naughty, a 1/2 cup of chopped chocolate. i really think that thecombination of chocolate and banana is such awinner, so i like to add
about 1/2 cup of chopped,bittersweet chocolate. then you're just going to stir that up, and your batter is ready. we're going to transferit into our loaf pan, smooth it out with a spatula,and then we are going to bake at 350 degreesfor at least 55 minutes. that's the thing whenyou're baking in loaf pans. because they are so deep,they take a long time to make sure that they'rebaked all the way through.
you'll know that they'redone by taking a nice skewer and inserting it into the center. if you get some batter on that skewer, the banana bread is notdone, but what can happen is sometimes your bread is getting too brown but it's not baked in all the way through. a way to solve for that isjust to place a little bit of tinfoil on top of yourbread for the last 10 minutes of the baking time.
that way, you'll make surethat your bread is totally baked through, but itwon't get overly browned. once your bread is cool enoughto handle, you can go in with a knife and just freethe bread from the sides of the pan, invert it,place it on a cooling rack, and once it's ready to beserved, what i like to do is actually take the bread,place it on a cutting board, cut four or five generous slices, and then let my guests helpthemselves over and over again.
this banana bread is reallyone winner, i'm telling you, you guys will go nutswhen you taste this bread. it's moist, it's delicious, it has the crunch coming from the pecans and that decadent sweetnesscoming from the chocolate. it is so addictive, you'lleither love me or hate me for this one (chuckling). i hope you guys give ita try and let me know what you think, and formore quick and easy recipes,
be sure to subscribe. always makes me happywhen you guys subscribe. i will see you back here next week for a really decadent treat for halloween. i'll see you then. bye. ♫ gimme that spin, gimme that spin, ♫ gimme, gimme, gimme,gimme, gimme that spin, ♫ my heart has given you love ♫ try not to need you so much
♫ say what you say or do what you do

♫ won't you be my lover ♫ (inaudible) oughta make you pay ♫ boy, you better run for cover (swing music)